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I am Matthijs de Rijk! An Historical Reconstruction Artist from the Netherlands. I've always been driven by the urge to create and to bring to life. Build worlds of other times, lives that no one has ever experienced. It sparked my believe that creation, besides love, is one of the highest callings of humanity. This virtue, together with my passion for history, sparked my career in history reconstruction. I started rebuilding places that had long gone, reanimated people that had long turned back to dust. I wanted people to experience what had been. Not only to show, but also to teach something about themselves. This became my mission! I started in 2007 with blender, so with over 10 years of experience, I think I call my self fairly advanced with the program. Other programs like Substance Painter, Photoshop and Krita became part of my workflow through the years. And currently working a lot with Unreal Engine for to create amazing VR experiences. Check out my homepage for more!

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A Seasoned Modder

MrEmjeR Blog

A Modder by Heart

A long time ago, there was a game that gripped my heart. The game would take me on a journey of exploration, creativity and imagination. I would learn to build my own worlds, bring my own characters to live. The name of that game was Age of Mythology.

It was an older game, but for it's time quite advanced in the 3D technology. Many 3D soldiers could walk on screen and giant cities could be build. Because this game was from a 'simpler' time, it was very possible to reverse engineer the systems that made it. Together with many others we started building tools to bend the systems to our will.

I still think back to that time with nostalgia, not because modding isn't a thing today anymore. It was because I got older and learned that I needed to make money and do things that other people wanted me to do. Yet always hiding inside me is this itchy feeling. And I think I will never loose that.