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Sand Slag (present working title) is a game set some time in the distant future. The human race has ventured through space for some time now, but never gone to far. A need for new land to house the massive population has called the forces in power to make a decision to expand well beyond the few solar systems presently inhabited and colonize new systems deep within the galaxy. A massive fleet is constructed. An array of varied ships for their varied purposes are created to create a self-sustaining environment for the inevitable long voyage through the galaxy. Many years pass as the voyage is underway, everything was fine until this first fleet neared the inner ring of the galaxy. Mankind knew they weren't alone, they ran into many alien races before this, even far superior races, but nothing prepared them for what was to come.

RSS News
A huge life changing event.

A huge life changing event.


Well at least it is for me! The preview picture is of myself with Kevin J Anderson and Brian Herbert, the writers who are continuing the Dune series after...

Game update

Game update


The game universe is being expanded, art-work is back on track after illness and community submissions are being reviewed and worked on.

Making progress

Making progress


I'm working on making a giant space ship which will be a regular location for the beginning of the story. Working on making assets to insert into Unity...