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Welcome to BASHED.os! The Operating System that is purposely used for holding private information without using any type of data-transferring to past by! No connection to the Wi-Fi will never EVER work. At least properly

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Bashed.OS Is Out To The Public - Have fun!

Bashed.OS Is Out To The Public - Have fun!


And it comes to release, a game I spent a good year on as a young developer, let's get this going!

Bashed.OS - Update Progress!

Bashed.OS - Update Progress!


Hiya, as a 16 of age developer, this is fun to do. Of course, here is some progress.

BASHED.os - Official Trailer + Development process

BASHED.os - Official Trailer + Development process


Trailer is here, and I'm happy to release it! First ever, and happy with it!

Little update for development.

Little update for development.


For people who don't know, I'm a single developer. 16 of age, but age won't stop me from swinging along ideas.