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Ladies and Gentlemen! May I present you a mysterious and great man of very curious talent. From grand crown city of Tyan comes a lowly guardsman who has risen above the rank and file. Taller than the mightiest tower, stronger than the greatest dragon and smarter than your average pheasant. I present you, The Amazing Paulsonothon, axe thrower ordinare! Take the axe throwing world by surprise! Contains: * Three locations filled with barrels, lanterns and balloons. * Infinite supply of axes. * Birds (quite pricy ones too!) * Little bit of nuts. * Huge pile of hats, beards, accessories and leg wear!

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Amazing Paulsonothon Released on Desura

Amazing Paulsonothon Released on Desura


From grand crown city of Tyan comes a lowly guardsman who has risen above the rank and file.

Amazing "Amazing Paulsonothon" impressions video by Nick Reineke

Amazing "Amazing Paulsonothon" impressions video by Nick Reineke


Nick Reineke aka Rock Lee Smile takes an Indie Impressions look at Amazing Paulsonothon. Amazing! Remember to watch his other videos too, he provides...