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It's the story of a young girl who don't know who she is. she lost memory while a battle and have forget anything. while she travel to a new town,she discover that this town have a tournament between fighter of the country of Etesia. But more far ! she will know what is her destiny. a good story with colorfuls sceneries. it's free so let play this okay ? ^-^ you won't be deceived.

Add job Report Picture Artist at Galoxyum

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located South korea (no travel needed).

Posted by Galoxyum on

hello we need some people to work on pictures things for us,

so you will work as creating a character under our description(drawing/manga)
and if you are good,you will also have to do some set of texturing.
it could also be commercial digital flyer and well many possible things about pictures.

this is a volunteer job,so no salary (even as us so)
no need to come here in Korea,you can work at your home,at your own pace
you should talk English or French (even if you have mainly e-mail and facebook contact with us)

you will have responsabilities and trust,
don't waste it soldier !!!

send us a letter to share about you/us whatever !!!
we need to know you better.
you will have a volunteer contract (which is well see after others companies)

you can look to our website to have a little look about everything at this adress : www.galoxyum.ga,we are a small but honest company.

if you join us,prepare yourself,we have strong personalities xD
apply at our mail adress : galoxyum@europe.com

you will have a tutor and like that it will help you a lot i think,
your tutor will not come from our studio because we are reallllyyyy busied,it will be someone of our Editor,Heloxy Aerapix (which is working for us,it's the same so)

Have a nice day

To Apply

let us see who you are : galoxyum@europe.com

precise that it's for the picture artist job !!!