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Dark Storm: VR Missions is a single-player stealth/action title developed by Fenrir Studios and inspired by classic games such as Metal Gear Solid and Deus Ex.

Add job Report Weapons/Character Max Animator at Fenrir Studios at Fenrir Studios

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Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Fenrir Studios on

Fenrir Studios is developing a 3D Stealth Action game, called Dark Storm in the Unreal 4 Engine. You will be paid by a Royalty Contract.

Dark Storm:
Dark Storm is setup in the near future, which breaks away from our own potential history. Located on Earth in Alaska, you play as Amber, an ex special forces soldier who is security at a top secret research base which comes under attack by unknown assailants.

The game-play is influenced by games such as Metal Gear, and Deus Ex. Where sneaking, and subterfuge can be an option rather than just straight out gun fights.

To apply, you must:

The Dark storm team is currently looking for quality Animators, experienced in 3DMax currently looking for 2 animators.


An animation reel, or previous modding experience in 3D animation
The Ability to create,and alter rigs accordingly

Working knowledge of Max

While the plan is to release on Steam and other venues via digital distribution, payment will be based off a percent of monthly sales after the game is released everyone on the team that helped will receive an amount calculated off the amount of work they did that is in the final game.

To Apply

Email: recruitment@fenrirstudios.com
Skype : Dark583