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Add job Report 2D pixelart/retro RPG - Menu design [Rev Share] at Tama Games

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Tama Games on

Hi there,

We are looking for someone to design the menus, buttons, layouts, for a small pixel art RPG-like game with a medieval setting. We already have a pixel artist but he struggles a bit with menus, which is why we wanted to get him some help here - he's available for any kind of consultation, review, modifications, feedback, etc.

Basically what we need are all containers and elements we will need in the different non-game related screens, which would include:
- Start screen (with buttons for new game, continue, options..)
- Equipment select screen (your list of equipped items, inventory list, weapon flavour text, weapon stats..)
- Shop screen (same as equipment select, with items to purchase; also options to level up weapons)
- Character stats screen (your usual stats, HP, VIT, STR, etc., and elements to level character up)

Here is a quick snapshot of the game so that you can get an idea of what it looks like

Please let me know if interested!


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