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Check out David's latest Overgrowth alpha video, featuring improved weapon throwing, weapon flinching animations, and the ability to sheath weapons.

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Here is the latest in our new weekly Overgrowth alpha format! David himself took some time to illustrate the traditional changelog in video form.

Don't forget that you can help support us, try out our weekly alphas (such as the one in the video), and chat with other preorderers in the Secret Preorder Forum by preordering Overgrowth.

Be sure to watch it in HD!

The features highlighted in the above video are as follows (among some extra ones thrown in for good measure):

- Added sheathing and unsheathing for knives and small swords
- Changed "pick up" to "q" and "sheathe/unsheathe" to "e"
- More detailed damage model for thrown weapons
- Can dodge knife attacks by tapping a direction
- Added pain flinch animation layer when cut
- Added initial wounded poses when cut
- Fixed enemy knife attack voice problem
- Collapsing from knife wounds is less limp
- Local multiplayer players have auto-camera by default
- Improved bounce from non-sticking weapon impacts
- Fixed bug that allowed throat cutting while unarmed
- You can no longer hurt yourself with your own dropped or thrown weapon
- Improved performance impact of inactive weapons

Thanks as always for all the support! See you guys in IRC and the forums.

Also, feel free to support us by preordering Overgrowth!

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newbie2356 - - 140 comments

awesome... I always love these updates.

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Serygala - - 548 comments

I love how your combat system is already more advanced than in ANY major studio game! :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+18 votes
LivingDeAd - - 107 comments

now we need dismemberment

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Darthlex - - 1,050 comments

I used to agree .. Now I'm not quite so sure anymore. I'm already kinda starting to flinch at that model clutching his chest when he gets stabbed.. If they act as life-like in a dismemberment scenario.. Brrrrr.

But eh, to each his own, I guess.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Orac| - - 896 comments

I'm not sure what the obsession with increasing blood and gore is - it seems unnecessary to me.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Lulloser - - 160 comments

should be moddable!...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Hell_Diguner - - 3,645 comments

We don't *need dismemberment. It would be a lot of work for them, and it wouldn't be a critical game mechanic like it is for say... dead space. It would be a purely cosmetic mechanic that only a handful of games today have.

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JelloSnark - - 46 comments

I however wouldn't mind chopping a few fingers off here and there so they can't hold weapons.

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Serygala - - 548 comments

I agree...it IS amazing work but I do find the fantasy rabbit and blood/gore combination with all the violence a bit out of place aswell.

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xhunterko - - 41 comments

Is anybody else having trouble with the youtube player?

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Atlasfield - - 1,125 comments

All is amazing, the fights are... wow, no words.

I have a question, could add Bows? It will be interesting try to evade arrows and those things, and indeed it will be a nice addition, since the game is 80% melee and 20% drop weapons.

Or drop stones, for distract or knockout enemies for stealth missions or something like.

Or... what about kill your enemies like in Lugaru, after they are down, but dead, finish they with the knife... >:3

Whatever the game is working very cool, very fast, and like I said in another vids, congrats for your advances, keep working and keep upgrading, the bunnies must conquest the world. o3o

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Ravebot - - 97 comments

Fall of the bronies...
Rise of the Brunnies!


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macacos2 - - 525 comments

This is a prime example of game developing done right. Best of luck.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
BluishGreenPro - - 534 comments

Fantastic updates all around. It really looks right to see enemies flinching as they are hit!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
KEEP_IT_UP! - - 1,444 comments

so good. again and again and again. don'T stop! :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
IdentityCrisis - - 53 comments

That's what she said!

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Ravebot - - 97 comments


Wow did you have to?

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mr_mister - - 107 comments

yeah add bows please! ^^

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Ravebot - - 97 comments

Bows are awesome! Pincushioning enemies never gets old.

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ChromeAngel - - 708 comments

So can you agro/pacify NPCs by unsheathing/sheathing your weapon now?

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Dnst - - 366 comments

I am watching this mod since it was a naked rabbit called "rabbod" running on green plains and I am really on the verge of buying this game

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WarHedd - - 227 comments

nice.. diggin that. cant wait until the game is complete.

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TRL - - 148 comments

Man these combat sequences get more intense with each update. I think David's level of skill in the fighting system has something to do with it too, but still fights like these are possible. Sweet!

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Jordy☢Boii - - 278 comments


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Otreum - - 767 comments

This is awesome, I am loving the combat, it's probably more fun to watch the fights than to play :)

I am not sure If I would like to see any dismemberment, maybe only with major strikes from big weapons.

I think I would prefer to see enemies get broken limbs and body parts, for example, if they get a broken arm, they won't attack as much and will more so just use their legs, or if they get a broken ribcage, they will start backing off and not attack you so much, they will just go on the defensive, and obviously a broken leg would kind of ruin it, but maybe a severely hurt leg, like a fractured leg, they might start limping, and just try to defend one spot with their arms only, rather than try to move or attack.
The alternative is that severely injured enemies try to retreat back to other groups of enemies to warn them and get to safety, so you would have to make sure to stop them.

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JelloSnark - - 46 comments

I always got the knives taken away from me in Lugaroo. Staves on the other hand were my thing.

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SPTX - - 324 comments

I really wonder, on a technical standpoint, what that guy could achieve about dismemberment. I mean, For now, we have the best blood mechanic seen in any video game ever and every new feature he shows us has something quite impressive that we don't usually see anywhere else.
So now, I do like gore indeed since I grown on Doom, Unreal and Quake. I don't think I need it for that game. But I definitely would see what wolfire is capable of on that domain.

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