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Comment History
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Sub-Humanity

... Challenge accepted.

Good karma+4 votes
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas

It looks like a good mod, but I really can't get into it. The servers I tried playing on seemed to difficult to get started on. Had no idea what to do, or where to go, and nobody seemed too eager to help newcomers. Also, I had assumed there would be NPC pedestrians roaming, or cars to hijack freely, but it doesn't seem there is. I think I expected too much.

Good karma+1 vote
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Black Mesa v1.0 released

The fact that you actually thought a modern Duke Nukem game was ever a good idea amazes me.
I always thought they'd abandoned it. Then, when it was confirmed, I lost hope that they'd finally let a good series of games expire on a good note.

Good karma+1 vote
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Black Mesa v1.0 released

Sounds like somebody never played HL1. More colorful? Seriously?
It should be law to play the first game before you bother with the HL2 BS. Then you can pass your judgments.

Good karma+11 votes
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Half-Life: Sunken world

Well, your profile also says "The first half life game I got was on the ps2 so when I saw the PC version it wasn't as good." You also think, according to your profile, that Case Closed is one of the worst mods out there. I'm afraid I can't take you too seriously, good sir.

Good karma+3 votes
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Castle Disposed

Got around to finishing it.
For being a collection of unfinished maps, it's alright. It's not all that lengthy, and in my opinion not challenging at all; the puzzles and jumping challenges were novice, and there's really not all that much gunplay involved. In fact, the first few maps are completely devoid of it.
This mod is exactly what the description indicates so don't expect too much.

Good karma+2 votes
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Castle Disposed

I'll give it a shot, and maybe post my two cents later.

Good karma+1 vote
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Cry of Fear - 1.4 is released!

No reason for it to be. I personally prefer Goldsource to Source.

Good karma+2 votes
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Female Assassin

This is only half-truth. Vance lost his leg to a bullsquid; it's cited in Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar. Also:
"In the folder "sound/temp/eli" from the playable Half-Life 2 Beta files, Eli Maxwell seems to be telling Gordon about an entity called the "Storm". In that speech, Eli warns Freeman to run when he sees a "flicker of green light" while being "out there", as it managed to tear off one of his legs when he made "the mistake to study it" (while the final version uses a Bullsquid instead). The "Storm" was therefore to emit a green light, somehow recalling the portals' and the Resonance Cascade's green color seen in Half-Life and its expansions."
-- This is taken from the HL Wikia article concerning the cut "Particle Storm" enemy.

Thus, since it never made it into the game, it's not really canon. The bullsquid scenario's the only one that works.

Good karma+2 votes
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Open Source JailBreak

The thing I remember most about this mod was the knock-off song that was in one of the maps, it was a parody of Chumbawumba's "I Get Knocked Down." Had to do with bombing Saddam.
I guess it was map-specific, anyway. Could've been server content.

Good karma+1 vote
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Desert Crisis

I used to play this back in high school. There still a player base for this mod?

Good karma+5 votes
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Destination Black Mesa

The config.cfg for the mod is probably incomplete or something. Try replacing the config.cfg file that's in the mod directory with the one that is in your Half-Life directory. I had the same problem with Survive in Catacombs, and that's how I fixed it.

Good karma+1 vote
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Media Release - Inner Sphere Uziel

One of my favorite strategies in Mech4 was stripping out all other weapons except the PPCs, packing that thing full of heat sinks, and keeping them at range as much as possible. Until I got the MekTek version of Mercs and started using LBX-20s in the Hunchback II.

Good karma+1 vote
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ SA Mirage

Or a Marauder II.

Good karma+1 vote
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ MechWarrior: Living Legends 0.5.4 Teaser Images

I like the config that's just got a Gauss in each arm. Dunno if that variant's in this game though, I've never played. I'm just a Battletech fan.

Good karma+1 vote
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Inner Sphere Fafnir

Gauss rifle on legs.

Good karma+1 vote
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Cry of Fear

Amen to that, brother. Having a rum and Coke and playing Happy Wheels in the meantime.

Good karma+2 votes
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Cry of Fear

It's going to be slow, there's way too many people trying to download at once.

Good karma+1 vote
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Cry of Fear

Okay, on a serious note.
They must have known this was going to happen if they released an unprotected link only to donators. Of course somebody's going to leak it. It's shortsighted to expect everyone's going to be honest and trustworthy when it comes to as big a release as this, and therefore it would not be correct to postpone the release further.
Really, the donators are already getting perks that the rest of the community will miss out on. Would it not have been feasible to release the download to everyone, at the same time, on multiple mirrors, to avert such an incident as we've had? Surely you can afford more webspace to upload to with all that donation money.
This is just my opinion and, as such, likely smells like ****.
Ultimately though, I don't think you should all be getting up in arms about this. I don't care how long you've waited. I've waited long as well, but I like to live outside of moddb.

Good karma+5 votes
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Cry of Fear

If this was a social experiment, it was well-planned on the part of ruMpel. You guys have seriously turned into twitchers.

Good karma0 votes
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Cry of Fear


Good karma+1 vote
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Cry of Fear

I've been listening to the trololo song the entire time. It's so appropriate it hurts.

Good karma+1 vote
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Cry of Fear

So the energy was harvested (not created) by the fission of molecules... across what sort of membrane? A lipid bilayer? How exactly does that work?

Good karma+1 vote
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Battletech: The Capellan Solution

Being a die-hard fan of the Battletech novels, I was excited to see this mod in existence. I was even more so disappointed to see it's dead now.

Good karma+2 votes
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Cry of Fear

Well played, sir. The combine harvester level is classy.

Good karma+1 vote
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Blue Shift extreme

I ****** myself laughing when I saw this. But just a little bit.

Good karma+1 vote
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Scientist Hunt

This mod has been out for YEARS. I definitely played it when I was in eighth grade. I'm now a college senior. I distinctly remember a mode in which the scientists ran around injecting each other (and the player) with a virus. Perhaps I'll get it again, for the sake of nostalgia... that is, if it's now Steam-compatible. My WON HL disc is lost.

Good karma+2 votes
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ The Nameless Mod

TNM is certainly the player to beat, as far as making the next SP adventure of epic proportions goes. Never seen a mod that exceeds its parent game in virtually every respect. Indeed, I'm hoping it does spur developers to go the extra mile and start cranking out unusually finely-crafted mods to compete with TNM. Great job to Trestkon, Jonas, and all those others I've "gotten to know" vicariously by reading through the old PDX forums/"new" OTP forums, and of course via the game itself. You've seriously breathed new life into an old favorite of mine and introduced me to a facet of the DX community I'd never explored.

Good karma+2 votes
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ Unreal Demolition

Hit the caps lock key once.

Good karma+6 votes
Zornikage - - 30 comments @ AWP Fudge Pack Version

Wow heino. That was an absurdly impressive display of ignorance and lack of intelligence. I knew uneducated fuckheads like yourself know how to operate computers, but damn. Don't.
I don't understand why you bitch about FileFront when I download from there at 400kb/s on a BAD day. I think the problem is, judging by your lackluster intellect, you can't quite afford a decent provider.

Good karma+3 votes