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zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

The main programmer of the 12TH team had a child, he can not devote much time modding. He released an unofficial patch on the Chinese forum, but it's better to wait for the official patch from him. When they are assigned to the development and completion of those functions that are not included in the final version, and now access to them is closed. until they report it.

Good karma+7 votes
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

According to another hypothesis, the nickname Piast derives from the Lithuanian-Latvian word pestija - "infantry". Therefore, it is possible that the ancestor of the owner of the surname Piast was a soldier-infantryman.

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

I play the Russian version, in the Russian translation 12TH everything is fine!

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

Please contact the official developer site - you can be helped there.

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

It's very easy, at the start choose the legend of your character with the choice of the faction for which you plan to play. Further, when this faction is declared to be at war with someone, approach any military general, ask about assignments, and one of them will definitely let you join the royal army as a mercenary. Begin to fight and help in the war of this faction. Having collected 1000 points of help to the state (you can see in the reports, at the top of the screen), approach the emperor / king / khan / emir, your hero will already be accepted as a full vassal in this kingdom.

Good karma0 votes
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

I fought for a very long time, from the very beginning, I joined a mercenary to Mongolia, reached the support of +50, it's already 7th rank, then I acted on the guide of the Russian player. You can see it in Russian, but if you insert the text into the translator, I think the general principle of how to act to you will be clear.
(For rank 6 you need to have support +20; 7 rank +40; and for 8 already +60)

Points of help are given for wins over enemies, the more wins, the more points.

Good karma+2 votes
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

Hello Alma666!
In stores little is being sold for valuable. The best equipment in the legendary trophies for difficult battles, you can take even more interesting equipment from the battlefield, if in the detachment you have two NPCs, which have a high trophy collection skill.
Well, even, the lords' armor can be obtained only on service in the kingdom. Starting with 5 or 6 ranks, gifts from the king / emperor / emir / khan will already be issued kits of lords.
I rose to 8th rank in Mongolia, Khabul Khan gave me his entire kit from his shoulder.
Horses on the screenshots of the legendary trophies. She does not become crippled already.

Good karma+2 votes
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

For me, too, this is the No.1 mod.

I do not know all the plans for version 1.1.
That's what was not included in version 1.0 due to lack of time for full-scale tests for the 12TH team: the kingdom management system for players, a new system of military orders, diplomatic relations for the player. Full access promised to open in version 1.1. Added to the team 12TН new programmers in China.
We will wait and follow the news!

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

The system of government and diplomacy is blocked for the players.
The developers say that now players can use part of this system, full access will be opened in version 1.1

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

You probably included it accidentally.
Using the keys ALT + CTRL (*right)

Good karma+3 votes
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ 12TH MOD V1.0 with high quality textures

Probably server MODDB does not give fast this mod

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

There was an interview for the Russian-speaking community in May of this year with the developers

That's what they said:
9)Will you add new factions to the Eastern Europe territory?
Turkmen nomads is a potential faction choice, to connect The Kiev Ross and the Khwarezmia.

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

There was an interview for the Russian-speaking community in May of this year with the developers

That's what they said:
9)Will you add new factions to the Eastern Europe territory?
Turkmen nomads is a potential faction choice, to connect The Kiev Ross and the Khwarezmia.

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

This was in version 0.1 in 2014, then the developers cut this function out of the game.

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

Mod is heavy for a computer, almost any can be a sagging FPS.

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

All players have an error who wants to edit mod 12TH with this program.

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

I do not know

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

In version 0.1, it was in 2014, then the developers cut it out.

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ 12TH MOD V1.0 with high quality textures

Open the REPORTS tab from the global map. You will see all the important information at the top.
Where Merit: you need to score 1000 points for combat feats. Charged for any victory over the enemy of your faction. It can be any hostile to your faction minors, for different kingdoms.
Well, respectively, the enemies of the state, with whom at the moment there are wars. If your hostile state has a military alliance with another kingdom, your party's points of help for defeating such allies of the enemy are also credited.
After the start, when military operations begin, approach any general of your faction, he will say that mercenaries are needed to help your state according to the birth legend, immediately after that, the count of aid points begins, as soon as you reach 1000 points, immediately look for the ruler, he will tell you, That you have achieved success and helped the kingdom, and he is ready to accept you into the kingdom as a full vassal, will give possession. Continue to count the points for military exploits, when you reach 2000 - this is the first official rank in the kingdom, look for the king again, in a conversation with him will appear a line that I would like to receive a winning award in the service, he will give you the original set of military equipment. Also weekly, you will begin to receive a salary from the treasury of the kingdom, each rank of the salary will grow. Then the limit level of aid points for the transition to the next rank will increase, only 8 military grades in each kingdom. Starting from Rank 6, there will already be two conditions for getting a reward, in addition to the help points, you need to have Support at the level of 20 points (7th rank-support 40, 8th rank support 60). Support is the arithmetic mean of your relationship with the generals of your kingdom, where you serve. Therefore, starting with the start, start not forget to conduct conversations with both the ruler and the generals. For a joint successful assault on enemy property, talk with each participant, the relationship with everyone will go +1; For any victory over the enemy general, as soon as you speak with the ruler, the relationship will increase +1; For the assistance rendered in the battle to the general from your kingdom, when not an equal battle of relations will go to +7, when you storm the enemy's possession, and there were your generals in prison, just as for the recovery from captivity the relationship will improve +7; When captivating the enemy general, release him, for your kindness, rumors will reach all the generals around the world who approve of such acts, accordingly the level of the parameter Support will rise, only harmful generals will remain in character (information on them is in the report on F2), with Which subsequently need to raise relations; When there is a distribution in the state of the seized possession or the commander-in-chief, it is possible either by F1, F2 to look across an important matter: what the ruler is busy, approach any general and ask who you think should get the seized allotment, he will tell you his opinion, decide who to support , His or his friend / relative, then the relationship will also go into a plus. When you reach +40 with the general, who can exchange special warriors for the kingdom, you can see when you point the mouse at the general, in addition to his character, it will be signed in brackets like this - (Special Warriors), in the dialogue with him there will be a new line that you would like to exchange specialist. Warriors of the state for the war, he will tell you what conditions for the exchange of specialists.
When you reach rank 8, get the last branded outfit, you can rebel against the ruler, attitudes to that time with many generals will already be high, both your former and your enemy's camp, if you let go, the +5 relationship goes with the enemies until Service will be, with many countries the faction will be neighboring to fight. You can go to a free flight earlier, but without relationships, there is no special reason, because nobody will simply come to you, the war will be with all the surrounding kingdoms in you. When you completely destroy the kingdom where the rebels were, part of the generals will choose your side, part of it will be swept into other kingdoms, then begin to seize power on the global. If the relationship is excellent, usually +100, then you can offer to join the enemy on your side, if conviction is pumped, can take the side of the player. When you create a state, you can appoint your companions as satellites, preferably those who will have specials in their squad. Warriors, if during the game they raise the skill of a coach, leadership, then your former companions will be a reliable support in the fight against all, since alone it is rather difficult to fight, especially when the war is fought on three fronts.

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

Quest for the bow hero Wang Shuncheng, which gives the player Bai Hui
Conditions :
Reputation is more than 1000 and the honor is 20.
When you reach these indicators, go to the land of the Song Dynasty. There you will find the Jingjiang Prefecture
Prefecture belongs to: Liu Qi
Enter the throne room of the lord. If you immediately catch Liu Qi and his daughter, very good. Daughter's Name: White Lotus
Start talking, and get acquainted with his daughter.
After talking with her, go to the next room, where you will see an elderly woman.
This is Bai Hui, she will ask what you think is a good archer.
If you say YES that you masterfully shoot with archery, she will tell you an interesting story of the hero from the Song Dynasty who participated in the war with Xi Xia ...

She will give you the task of killing 80 Tangut Steel Serpents from Xi Xia. :shock:
The task is rather complicated, these are very strong warriors, although they do not belong to special soldiers, but they are very powerful.
Kill must be personally to the players, a counter will appear during the battles on the field or sieges, after each killing of the Steel Snake, in the lower right corner of the screen.

Also, a daughter White Lotus can be found on holidays in the Song Dynasty.

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

Quite possibly, I have Windows 7

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

Mod works very stable, maybe you have computer failures that are not related to the game.

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

Legendary trophies are issued differently, as a sign of encouraging players for difficult battles, there are altogether 24 items with a description, among them: horse, mask-helmet, spear, maces, swords, Jurchen ax Xuan flower, crossbow, assassin dagger, long Dadao Yeluyi Dashi, the silver lance Liao.
What trophy will the player reward? It's hard to say, but the fact that in the course of the game a lot of interesting weapons of the legendary, which can equip all NPCs - it really is so.

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

All 25 NPC
Some of them can be found in taverns.
The remaining NPCs in the streets of cities, one NPC in the castle, one NPC in the village.
Yanjing Prefecture
One NPC Near the seller armor.
The second NPC in this city appears only when the first NPC players were taken to their squad. He will appear in the temple, since he is a monk.
Kaifeng Prefecture
In the center of the city stands, on a horse he will be. In front of the palace entrance.
Lin'an Prefecture
Stands near the arms dealer, at the beginning of the city.
It is worth, near the seller armor
Near the seller armor
One NPC - riding a horse at the gate to the city
The second NPC - on horseback at the inner city gate, that in front of the entrance to the castle of the city
On horseback near an armourer
Huining Prefecture
Outside the city, in haystacks left (if you stand facing the gate) from the city gate
Sits in a cage in the courtyard of the fortress
Ulungur River or Kizil
Inside the Mongolian settlement, stands near the yurt.

Good karma+3 votes
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

Xue Gang
Lin'an, accompanies the guildmaster of the city, gives the quest for "Commander's armor" under two conditions:
1 - The player must "be born" (when generating a character) in the Song Dynasty;
2 - The player starts a conversation with Xiu Gang with a health score below 100% (<100%). If the player's health is 100%, Xue Gan will say that he does not want to have any business with the player, will turn away and will say abusive words to the player's address.
Joined the team after completing the quest. The cost is 3000 dinars.
In no event, before the appointed time, to get the "Commander's Armor", which Xue Gang will say, do not talk to him, otherwise he will not like it, and he will make armor for almost a month. It is advisable to come to him one day later, in order to know exactly what the appointed time has been.

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

To play the English version, you need to install an additional patch, there is English in the Languages folder.

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ 12TH MOD V1.0 U20170625 patch release!

For version 1.0

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

After reaching the 5th rank in the service in the kingdom, to advance to the next rank, you will already need to improve relations with the lords in this kingdom, there is such a level as support, it too can be seen in the reports. 6th rank support 20, 7th rank support 40, 8th rank (last) support 60. Support is the average arithmetic mean of the player's relationship with the lords in the kingdom where he serves. Increase relativity can be as with the help of quests, help in the battles, after each battle talk to the lords, the relationship will improve, by holding holidays in their cities.

This is the best free mod, many functions that are applied are promised only in Bannerlord - factional strategy, immediate assistance besieged in cities and castles, territorial independence of countries, conquests go strictly along the border of kingdoms, deep into the territory enemies do not go to capture feuds until they capture Feud on the border.

Good karma+1 vote
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

Published an interesting interview with the 12TH team on the Commando website.

Interview in three languages (Chinese, English, Russian).
You can read this link:

I express my gratitude to the administration of the Commando website in facilitating the collection of questions from the players of the Russian-speaking MiB community!
Naturally, special thanks for help in translating all the questions!
Players who participated!
Well, the team 12TH, which kindly agreed to answer questions of the Russian-speaking audience 12TH.

Good karma+5 votes
zironka76 - - 42 comments @ -12TH-

I know only Russian, I use an interpreter to answer in English, so I will not be able to create a video tutorial.
I can advise the guide to version 0.39 (2014), in English, which was compiled first for Russian-speaking players, and then was translated into English.

In version 1.0, there were changes, but the principle of the game in 12TH remained the same.

P.S. When you created the character, go to the service in any kingdom, the quests are not standard at all for the game, which are present since Warband.
Help the factions fight, and points for combat services will be awarded to you, you will gradually rise to a higher rank in military posts.

Good karma+1 vote