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Supreme EXU Legionnaire

Comment History
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ Total Chaos

Any tips on dealing with the... uh, invisible wailing things that kill you instantly if you try to go through certain areas? The hallways with flashing particles. They're optional, but I really wanna know what's down them!

I'm just getting to Chapter 4, so if there's something ingame that explains it later on that's cool. Just think I've run into a few of these areas now and haven't yet figured out what the logic is to getting through them alive.

Also, I haven't actually had an audible "oh ****!" reaction to a horror game since Amnesia: The Dark Descent, so major kudos for producing such an incredibly unsettling atmosphere. Really gets under your skin. I like the combat too, and wish there were more enemies! I'm also the type who'd love to have the occasional respawning enemy here and there to keep the tension up, even in safe areas.

If you work on weapon balance and get the indestructibles to the point where they're fun to use, having unpredictable enemy respawns would be a wonderful addition, especially if some of them drop health items (this effectively creates a sustainable item ecosystem). But I realize that's probably a lot of extra work, so just a thought!

Good karma+2 votes
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ Multiplayer Saves

Awwww yisss

Good karma+2 votes
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ Updates a'comin'

Really? I've released new EXU content almost every single year for the past decade or so (shrug)

Sometimes it takes a while, but it gets done

Good karma+1 vote
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ Old Good STALKER Evolution

Well congrats folks, you've made the first mod I actually go well out of my way to check up on frequently in the hopes of seeing a release! Eagerly awaiting, as even .2 was a phenomenal first STALKER experience.

One question, though - is food / water going to become more important in the next version? Right now, it's really easy to get all the food and water you need (you don't actually even NEED water, haha) without even trying. I ended up making some tweaks of my own to make food less effective and a lot more scarce, and that makes survival a lot more tense when you're not near a place to buy stuff. Also hoping it's less easy to make money. Otherwise, all great stuff, and the best part is you can modify those things after the fact too.

Good karma+3 votes
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ Air base

Thank you! The final version is going to look even better!

Good karma+2 votes
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ Excessive Unreal 2

OH **** I have the perfect idea to solve this once and for all! Not till next patch of course, but it will be pretty cool! And interactive!

Good karma+3 votes
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ Excessive Unreal 2

Follow the banners. Difficulty 1 (Easy) = only one glyph on the banner, Difficulty 2 (Medium) = two glyphs, etc!

Failing that, explicit hints here: Unrealsp.org

For the next patch I'm probably gonna have a wee bit more text identifying each banner, though, right at the start, so it's less difficult to figure out which leads to which. And stuff. Things. My apologies!

Good karma+2 votes
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ Excessive Unreal 2

OK, downloads are live! Yay!

Good karma+2 votes
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ Excessive Unreal 2

I uploaded the released v5.02 files to ModDB, though they are pending authorization right now. In the mean time, go ahead and get them from the EXU2 Forums download links!

Also went ahead and marked this mod as released when Open Beta first launched, even though it's not complete. It is close enough to done that while the campaign has a lot of work left to do, the gameplay itself is quite polished. When the FINAL release hits, though, I will change the date!

Good karma+2 votes
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ Excessive Unreal 2

EXU2 is going into Open Beta mode on Thursday, October 11th! There will be a big release and stuff! More details at the UnrealSP.org forum thread if you want 'em.

Too lazy to submit an official news post at the moment. I've sure got my work cut out for me cleaning up this page once Open Beta launches!

Good karma+2 votes
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ New Vision

Holy crap these textures look INCREDIBLE. Excellent job, downloading now!

Good karma+2 votes
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ Excessive Unreal 2

Hoauagh, I haven't been keeping up with this ModDB profile as well as I should because I've been INCREDIBLY BUSY working on the actual mod! This is a good thing, of course, but I apologize for letting the media here get so outdated. I'll clean things up sooner or later.

The most recent development news can always be found here at this thread: Unrealsp.org

It's much easier for me to post small updates there, so be sure to check that if this page starts getting crusty. Mmmm. Crust.

Good karma+3 votes
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ Excessive Unreal 2

Yes, among other things!

Good karma+2 votes
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ Excessive Unreal 2

FYI, I had to update Map 10 in its own mini-patch, which brings us to v2.1 instead of v2. Be sure to download the fixed Map 10!

Good karma+2 votes
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ Excessive Unreal 2

There is a link in the description and the latest news post

Good karma+2 votes
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ Excessive Unreal 2

Demo 4 is out nawgs! News post forthcoming

Good karma+2 votes
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ Velociraptor Job Interview Simulator Pro

This looks totally awesome on every level.

Good karma+3 votes
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ Unreal can't die!

I like UT3, but nothing can beat the original for me. UT2k4... uh, no thanks

Good karma+2 votes
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ EXU2: Batshit Insane - Demo 3 FULL v4

Yeah, I'm slow. :p And since there's like 45 maps to complete, I'd rather release the first 15 than wait for the other 30!

Good karma+1 vote
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ EXU2: Batshit Insane - Demo 3 FULL v4

Thanks to whoever uploaded this! Saved me some time on my crappy 768k upload :>

Good karma+2 votes
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ Excessive Unreal 2

Shoot me an email with more details and I can probably help you get it running.

Good karma+3 votes
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ Excessive Unreal 2

Hah, yeah, I guess I might as well link to the thread full of downloads since it's taking so long to finish polishing off the final v5 patch for Demo 3. I was originally planning to wait and release the mod on here and elsewhere once I had completed that, but for now, v4 is more or less just as complete and fairly bug-free. You can get it here:


Good karma+2 votes
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ Excessive Unreal 2

Yep, the Big Bertha is what this thing is based on! Your own handheld long-range plasma cannon. It's pretty much the best thing

Good karma+2 votes
Waffnuffly - - 25 comments @ Nuclear Races

This sounds totally hilarious and awesome. Keep up the good work!

Good karma+2 votes