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vampiredelavega - - 17 comments @ The Thing 2 RPG

Finished my first playthroughs of the game from prequel, side stories, original, and Story mode. And i gonna say this game is easily 10/10. Put 60 hours into it so far and it's damn worth it and i didn't even try survival mode yet. Love reading all the details in Blake's notebook.

Spoilers below

Jose's story is done and it looks like he's the happiest man alive after getting his 1 billion euros lol. Very curious about this new mysterious group/company that Jose gave the Source to. Are they a rival company of Gen Inc or a hidden group or classified at the moment? And hell yeah hope you would eventually make a Thing 3. Cause this game is one of the best games i ever played, it managed to beat a lot of good AAA games out there. Also very curious about the Gen Inc board themselves, did they went bankrupt after the truth was exposed or are they still out there? Or is this classified info lol. Love finally killing Erika, that evil *****. And i like how she was ****** that i destroyed most of her creatures. That was for Natalie and all the others who died on the ship.

I got the bad ending for Quinten, he got shot and the whole base was overrun by military troops. I guess maybe because i didn't decode the military message before i started that mission. And i'm missing 2 gen inc cards. I also couldn't find Blair, Mac, that badass looking Gen inc Mech, the alien pilot, and subject 21. All this will be corrected and done right in my normal playthrough cause i'm going to replay this 100%. I got the canon ending at least, the one where i exposed the truth. I was actually considering about listening to Carruther but then i remember how much suffering the military did, especially when they wipe out the quinten outpost. The military is just as evil as gen inc.

The thing from another world, haven't seen that movie but i know how it looks like and it was pretty cool that it was in this game as a secret boss in the frozen ruin facility.

Also was Gen Inc trying to eventually create a ultimate controllable bio weapon similar to the Tyrants/Nemesis/Ustank in Resident evil or like Frank Horrigan in Fallout 2?

Overall a very amazing game, one of the best out there. And you guys have so much talent, you should consider making a new series with your creativity and skills and release it on steam so your work can be experiences by a lot more people and you can also earn money that way too.

Good karma+3 votes
vampiredelavega - - 17 comments @ The Thing 2 RPG

I am on easy lol. I suck but even i started to realize it was getting a little too easy as my character box started becoming too crowded. I will play on normal for my next playthrough. Swedish mode might be too much for me, i was never a hard difficulty person in any game. I have tried hard mode many times in different games and i failed to get good enough to beat them. In many games like shooters, rts, horror etc.

I will probably give Swedish mode a try after i beat normal and see if i can handle it. I might also give realistic mode a try when i start normal or swedish so it could be closer to the movie with fire being the true threat to the things.

Good karma+1 vote
vampiredelavega - - 17 comments @ The Thing 2 RPG

Gonna say story mode is extremely well done. I really like the way you did it. With the quests telling you to revisit certain places, meeting mercs,finding someone, killing something etc. It makes the world feels alive. It's like a open world rpg of the Thing or in a sense like Fallout/Elder Scrolls. The locations actually have meaning and it gives a awesome immersion feeling. I saved Dr. Black, the japanese girls, did a bunch of side quests and stil more to go. I decided to spare Redfield, hopefully i won't regret that later lol.

Gonna try to finish up the current remaining side missions before continuing further. I have a mini army now lol. Really like all the monster designs, especially the bosses. And lol Blake is a smooth talker with the nerdy girl. And i have encounter merc groups harassing the shop keeper and then later i met some guy in the pub section named Blade. I will try to make sure Jose stays alive, given him survival rank 3 and decent armor. Got almost 90 rep points now.

And man it seems antarctica is a land of many interests, attracting many factions and groups here. Military, mercs, survivors, japanese, french, british, gen inc, russian mercs, things, etc. All the better, loving the lore and expanded universe of the thing. My base got attacked by mercs and then Gen Inc. Nobody messes with my field base and lives. I will show them all that my huge group can take on entire armies.

Good karma+1 vote
vampiredelavega - - 17 comments @ The Thing 2 RPG

Damn 5 minute edit rule.

Spoiler below

Holy smoke it's Jose!!!
Damn 75 supply fee but it was worth it for a badass like him. I wonder what happen to his plans, thought he was gonna make 1 billion euros with the source but i guess things didn't go as planned.

Good karma+1 vote
vampiredelavega - - 17 comments @ The Thing 2 RPG

Story mode is amazing so far, loving the dlc parts too, just went into the mercenary trading post. Shady business there lol. Hail Hydra lmaooo Cobra agents, winter soldier, jagged alliance lmaooo. Blake's notebook was a interesting read.

Good karma+1 vote
vampiredelavega - - 17 comments @ US Jeep Sub-Boss

Love fighting this boss. The minor details like blood splatter on the car and window as you kill the troops on it makes it all the much better. When i saw this thing at the airstrip, i knew i had to destroy it.

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vampiredelavega - - 17 comments @ Subject #21

Still at the beginning of story mode but i'll get to this guy eventually. I will not let it get it's revenge on Blake!

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vampiredelavega - - 17 comments @ Virulent Walker

Gross in a badass way! Loving all the artwork of the things here and in the game. The way they look fits the lore very well.

Good karma+1 vote
vampiredelavega - - 17 comments @ The Thing 2 RPG

Really loving the story mode so far, just took over the field base. Haven't found Blake yet. And you said story mode would sink most of my time, even better! I'm already at over 33 hours total after beating the Prequel, Avery, 21, and Original mode since i like to take my time with things. I chose marathron mode because most of guys survived. A question i heard from somewhere but just wanted to confirm. Is it bad to put some of my high level characters from original mode into my team in story mode in the beginning? Would it be better if i just use all low rank characters in my team first? I heard more dangerous enemy appears if i put high level characters into my low level team, is this true?

Spoiler below
Whiteley's form in this looks way more badass then his lame sunflower form in the ps2 game lol.

Really loving the extra skins that i could choose from when i started story mode. The reward skins surprised me. They are all very nice and from different horror types that i like. Silent hill, resident evil, shaun lol, dead space, and even ash housewares!!! The only one never saw was fatal frame, heard of it tho.

Felt really bad for the pilot lol he was screaming *cut me loose* poor guy. Wonder when i'll meet black, she was hot in that picture back in the prequel lol. And this general Molkov guy means business.

Good karma+1 vote
vampiredelavega - - 17 comments @ The Thing 2 RPG

I think im more then halfway through Blake's story. So far it's very good/ Can't wait till i get to Whiteley. I ended up doing Avery and 21's story first before starting Blake's story and Avery is a badass for being the lone survivor. Blake's gonna watch out cause 21 is out for revenge lol. Gonna start Pierce's story after Blake since he is from Blakle's squad.

Question about Whiteley, at the point when he shot Faraday. Was Whiteley a thing fully by this point or is his mind a mix of human and the thing with the thing being the more dominate one? 21's story seems to hint Whiteley is fully a thing but then Whiteley shot Faraday instead of taking him over. But than again a thing would probably use a gun to kill if it suits their needs. Or maybe each thing has a unique personality depending on who they take over? So maybe the Whiteley thing felt too mighty and didn't feel the need to mutate and infect a weak enemy like faraday?

Can't wait till i get to meet Jose again but that's in captain's story so it'll be a long way from now. But i guess i shouldn't be mad at Jose since he wasn't my enemy, just someone that looks after himself.

Good karma+2 votes
vampiredelavega - - 17 comments @ The Thing 2 RPG

*Looks like i'm gonna need another goddamn key!*

I also gave the Death Machine to Avery out of respect since the original user was from his squad and Avery is a badass himself.

Good karma+2 votes
vampiredelavega - - 17 comments @ The Thing 2 RPG

Which character did you voiced if you don't mind me asking lol.

Good karma+1 vote
vampiredelavega - - 17 comments @ The Thing 2 RPG

Yes, i went down to the b5 levels to talk to Jose and he escapes in the ending (that sneaky fellow). Natalie is my favorite but i like all the other main characters too even some of the non main ones. I rescued everyone on the ship i think. And there was a way for Jose to not escape? Didn't know that i guess maybe if i never went down to the b5 area to talk to him?
I was wondering about the part where you have to choose between picking diaz or the other guy that was following him(forgot his name). It was hard to choose but i decided to pick diaz and the other guy turned out to be human but when i did the blood test, diaz was also human. This part was meant to be about two paranoid humans who thought the other was the thing when in reality neither of them were right?

One of captain's soldiers acts way too chill during the whole event lol. I really thought she was infected but then i remember she was already like that when she first arrived from the chopper. Turns out she was human when i did the blood test so i guess nothing could make her lose her cool or whatever that attitude was lol.

A lot of the side quests were interesting too, it adds to the immersion and feel of the overall grim nature of the situation. I ended up reloading a save before the fight and chose the ambush one and even tho it was very sad and heart breaking but at least they die with a bang, killing those gen inc clean up crew with them. Gonna try to choose the get infected ending or just don't plan the bomb on my new game plus, good thing i got the arc weilder on my first playthrough, works good with a medic for the double attack.

Another question, if decide to play avery, the thing, and pierce's story first before playing the ogrinal and story mode. Would this ruin some aspects of the ogrinal mode?

Good karma+1 vote
vampiredelavega - - 17 comments @ The Thing 2 RPG

Just beated the sequel and it's honestly one of the best horror games i have ever played! Love the backtracking and non linear style that most modern horror games failed to do. Everything was just done perfectly, the horror, the story, the characters, the immersion. It made me care about the characters and curious to see what happens to them. Gonna replay on the new game plus.

Spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler below don't read if you haven't beat it.

The ending i got was emotional since at that point i really cured about those characters. Damn those gen inc devils to hell. The things may be monsters but i consider those gen inc bastards the true threat. I do kinda wonder if Natalie and the others managed to survive in the going out to the snow ending. At least gen inc couldn't get the data on the ship.

Good karma+3 votes
vampiredelavega - - 17 comments @ The US boys are back in town!

Are the army and gen inc working together? Also how many troops did the army send into antarctica? And how many troops does Gen inc got, lorewise of course.

Good karma+2 votes
vampiredelavega - - 17 comments @ He's Waiting...

This Thing is still alive?!

Good karma+2 votes
vampiredelavega - - 17 comments @ US Special Units

Love fighting the army. I always loved having human enemies in monster/horror games, it gives that 3 way war feeling. I also like the new party spray attack they have in the newest version.

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