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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 89)
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Hotline 666

The current public build is super old now, and probably full of bugs I never found originally. I assume what you've encountered is one of them.

The code was rewritten a while back, but I haven't had a lot of time to devote to the mod lately.

Good karma+2 votes
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Hotline 666

If you want to make a first-person Hotline Miami-inspired Doom mod, go right ahead! No need to ask me for permission or credit me, unless you use resources from my mod in your project.

Good karma+2 votes
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Hotline 666

The current public build's pretty old. The aiming has changed ever so slightly since that build. It's now an actual 2D graphic on the screen rather than an object in the level, which does make it feel a little less awkward to use.

I'm currently in the process of rewriting the mod under ZScript, and once that's done I may post a newer build, we'll see.

Good karma+2 votes
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Hotline 666

Fear not, I simply don't have a lot of time to work on the mod right now, I have my final exams coming up in two days, so I've been preparing for those

The mod will be back in action soon after I'm done with exams

Good karma+3 votes
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Hotline 666

Sure do! Hit me up via PM and we can talk

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_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Hotline 666

That's because there isn't anything else yet, the public alpha is nothing more than a tech demo of sorts

Good karma+3 votes
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Hotline 666

It depends on which version you use. Either way, it is not recommended that you use Zandronum for this mod (there isn't really any point either, there's no multiplayer yet)

You'll need to get a development build of GZDoom from Devbuilds.drdteam.org to play

Good karma+2 votes
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Hotline 666

The current version available to the public is extremely old, if you wanna join the team, hit me up via PM and I'll send the current build over

Good karma+2 votes
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Hotline 666

The current public alpha is EXTREMELY old, but if possible, I'd still like to know as many details about the crash as possible. Do you know which GZDoom version you were using?

Good karma+2 votes
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ DOOM (2016)

There are no (official) modding tools at all, unfortunately.
idTech 4.5 and beyond abandoned the external game library system used by idTech 4 (Doom 3) and its ancestors (it's also a system used by GoldSrc and the Source engine), therefore no serious modding can be done, even with fan-made tools.
There isn't even a real map editor, and snapmap is ridiculously limited.

Our best bet is to wait for them to (hopefully) externalise the game code and release some tools. Fingers crossed.

Good karma+7 votes
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ DooM Resources Explorer v0.3

Think you could add .iqm export instead of .fbx? It's a much friendlier format to work with (and I can't open the .fbx models exported by the current version of DoomResEx in any program I've tried)

Additionally, the released game has some models that can't be read (plenty of them in generated->basemodel->md6->characters->humans->male->base->assets->mesh), and one that crashes the tool (generated->basemodel->md6->characters->monsters->cacodemon->base->assets->mesh->cacodemon.bmd6model)

Good karma+1 vote
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Hotline 666

Send a PM my way and we can chat about what you could do

Good karma+2 votes
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Picking up/throwing weapons

I know, stunning just wasn't implemented at the time this video was recorded.

There's a new video going up in a few minutes, and it does show off stunning. However I don't have the sprites yet, so enemies currently appear dead when stunned.

Good karma+1 vote
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Hotline 666

Hit me up via PM

Good karma+2 votes
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ DooM Resources Explorer

It's unable to read the .resources file from the leaked alpha, and after using DOOMExtract to add all the alpha resources to the beta .resources file, it seems to just ignore everything.

Shame, the alpha contains the models for all the demons, including yet-unseen ones like the Spider Mastermind

Good karma+1 vote
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Hotline 666

Sounds great, I'd recommend you check out GZDoom Builder as it's an enhanced version of Doom Builder 2 specifically designed for GZDoom modding.

I'll hit you up via PM when the mod's back in development, it's currently on hold due to things such as school and other projects

Good karma+2 votes
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Hotline 666

The previous build was never uploaded on ModDB in the first place, it was originally available in the mod's ZDoom forum thread, I made the ModDB page after the second alpha was done

Good karma+2 votes
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Hotline 666

I'm unable to reproduce this bug, are you sure you're using the latest version of GZDoom? I don't think it works with 1.8.10, you'll need a 2.1 build, this is the one I tested with: Devbuilds.drdteam.org

Good karma+2 votes
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Fixed wall blood splats, camera tilt

That's the plan, I'm just using Hotline Miami sprites at the moment because I don't have any Doom themed ones yet.

Good karma+1 vote
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Hotline 666

Cheers, I try :p

Good karma+2 votes
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Hotline 666


Good karma+2 votes
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Hotline 666

I would if I had the artistic ability

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_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Hotline 666

I dunno, depends how development goes. I'd definitely like to have multiple characters

Good karma+2 votes
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Hotline 666

Gee, thanks for the super helpful comment. I now know exactly why it didn't work!

On a more serious note, you likely need to update your version of GZDoom. The mod does not work with Zandronum (yet) or regular ZDoom

Good karma+3 votes
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Hotline 666


Good karma+2 votes
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Hotline 666

You need to get a development build of GZDoom. You can get one here: Devbuilds.drdteam.org

Good karma+2 votes
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Pre-built Version

This is a REALLY late reply, but I'm pretty sure the Android port of Max Payne doesn't support mods.

Good karma+1 vote
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Half-Life: The Portal Device

It's been dead for a while.
I never really got into Half-Life modding enough to complete it.

Good karma+2 votes
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ First Person Payne

Download the pre-built version, and then load it like any other Max Payne mod. As far as I know, it won't work with pre-existing savegames though.

Good karma+1 vote
_TheZombieKiller_ - - 89 comments @ Farewell

Actually, I did :p

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