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the_vm - - 124 comments @ Phobos - Episode 3 v.3.0

On that note, maybe devs should include autoexec cfg file with recommended settings?

Good karma+2 votes
the_vm - - 124 comments @ Phobos - Episode 3 v.3.0

Can confirm, had crashes with EAX on during the initial scene with the brain scan thingy. Also yeah get rid of other mods and play like a man without 800hp, EMBRACE THE PAIN MORTAL!!!

Good karma+2 votes
the_vm - - 124 comments @ Doom 3: Phobos

Try Ashes 2063. Not exactly the same, but very high quality nonetheless, and also Doom.

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ Baron of Hell

Love the soypog

Good karma+2 votes
the_vm - - 124 comments @ Phobos - Episode 3 v.3.0

What's the update?

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ Doom 3: Phobos

Oh I see, I could've sworn there was an encounter with her at some point. Cheers then!

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ Doom 3: Phobos

I forgot what the Easter Egg was with the basketball and just started carrying it with me like the gnome from HL2: EP2. I was really impressed when the ball persisted in the elevator ride through the map transition, but then I got cockblocked by the invisible wall on the way to the exit on the following map lol

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ NashGore NEXT (v1.0)

Turns out NashGore NEXT doesn't work for some reason with DoomRPG-Rebalance (https://github.com/WNC12k/DoomRPG-Rebalance), whereas NashGore Vengeance does work. Whether bludtype.txt is included or not is seemingly irrelevant. It's wholly bizarre, you can check the research on this issue here for details: Github.com

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ NashGore NEXT (v1.0)

That's good to know, can you please give me a pointer as to what setting a gibbable weapon should have?

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ Universal Ambience 1.7 - (Dynamic map sounds)

Excellent stuff, most certainly must have! Works with DoomRPG out of the box, too.

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ NashGore NEXT (v1.0)

Is it possible to add a toggle for making weapons like SSG gib enemies? Literally the only thing that's missing for me :(

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ Increased Monsters v2 (add-on for PD3)

Indeed it's jank, out of 10 spawns maybe only one will work, I guess that's why that setting was tucked away. As an alternative, there's a mod that was released fairly recently that adds random encounters in specific spots per each map - the spots were chosen manually, so enemies spawn properly this time: Indiedb.com

However, it's not compatible with PD out of the box, you will need to use something like WinMerge to apply all the differences into modded files, because the above mod edits pretty important stuff (doom_main.script where all the loaded scripts are listed).

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ teaser1


Good karma+4 votes
the_vm - - 124 comments @ UAC Awards 2006

If these two were the best that 2006 had to offer, then that year must have been quite a drought, huh?

Lost Facility honestly feels like a worse version of "Once upon a time...", with practically the same idea but weaker execution. I appreciate the lack of surprise spawns from behind, but overall the map was very easy and simple, with only the spider gang being a little annoying (and only because they're much more aggressive and faster in my version), and the final boss having adds that can get in the way. Still, that doesn't mean this map is bad, it just doesn't quite pull its weight. 6/10
Another map by the same author (BJA Genetic) was much more unique and cooler imo, clearly inspired by the intense shootouts of F.E.A.R., although that map is quite dark. You should also check it out if you liked the map in this pack.

Now Teh Base is quite a beast, oh boy. I was already warned by the fact that it was listed in a hardcore category on a Russian map-sharing site, and for good reason. This map kicks butt, it offers a lot of challenge, and it took me several tries per each combat encounter, all in the good spirit of the original Doom experience under D3's flavor. The map itself is pretty bland though, at best it's just a backdrop for the action. The Cyberdemon boss is a joke, but what follows is incredibly cancerous, though I have to admit it was unique and so rage-inducing that it paid off after I finally defeated it. Hats off to anyone who can play this on Veteran with faster monsters without dying. The map also seems to have some kind of weird script mechanic with the terminal that I couldn't figure out. 7/10

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ Doom 3: Phobos

Hi, just asking (and a reminder, I guess), but did you include missing gib models for Trite and Vagary in part 3?

Edit: I saw the files for Trite, great! But no Vagary, big spider mama will continue to evaporate into black cubes if she's hit too hard :(

Good karma+2 votes
the_vm - - 124 comments @ Weapons of Mars Destruction 1.9.2

Also speaking of brass, I found something to address in this mod - the brass is always of the same size for every firearm, and eject the same! But then, by chance I came across this mod compilation, and I found something interesting: Moddb.com

Not only it contained better brass models (models/weapons/shell1), but you could also distinguish them by sizes too! And even attach their own sounds and particles. debris_ext.def contains all of them, and then you can just set the new brass type for the weapon. However, the brass behavior differs wildly in vanilla dll and denton dll, the later which is required for randomized brass ejection, which is not only realistic, but also more visually appealing. But I can understand if you don't want to bundle custom dlls into an already big mod. The coolest thing though - you can actually assign brass type to the plasma gun, and it will eject the spent cell after the reload! Amazing, I've always wanted this. You can also do the same with BFG, though it seems unfinished (I couldn't find any decent spent cell models).

I've made my own tweaks to debris_ext that work somewhat decently right now with the denton dll, but I'm not sure how I can send it over to you.

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ UAC Awards 2005

This is definitely a must for any Doom 3 fan, lots of great maps here.

T-Lab Complex - This was apparently the developer's first map for D3, and it shows. It features a lot of backtracking, low level monster attacks, and is a bit boring imo. It also tries to do too many things at once, so it's very long. Still, by D3 standards, it's pretty good, especially for a first attempt, and the map doesn't fall into the amateur category of not giving you enough supplies. This guy clearly has talent. This map was also used as a finisher in one of the Russian bootleg mods, ffs lmao. 6/10
Refueling Station - The first map from this pack I played because of the menu structure, even though it's the second. Overall it's got a very balanced length, great combat encounters, events, secrets, and honestly it's got quite a bit going for it. One of the secrets, which is the hardest to find, even has an email from the developer himself, which was pretty cute. However, this map loves to put imps behind doors, and some fights try too hard to lean into guaranteed damage territory. Also, there's no real boss fight, but it segues nicely into the next map. This map is actually so good that I could consider it part of the original campaign, somewhere around the Refinery. 7/10
Sigma Quadrant - Clearly an improvement in many ways, but it also has some drawbacks. This map loops nicely and is very interconnected without feeling very long, and it still feels like you've explored the entire facility. It even features brand new monsters that are just toughened up and cloaked old ones with replaced sounds, but that's okay. The plasma gun Sabaoth was quite a surprise though. I ended up missing the plasma gun itself, which is a shame, then the map ends with a very obvious lead to an arena with some good old gauntlet before facing the... Cyberdemon. Oh boy.
The original fight was already a lame gimmick, but this one is downright jank. I appreciate a change of pace, and the idea is actually decent, but there are a few problems with it - first, it's not clear what you're supposed to do, at first I thought you just had to wait out his invincibility period, but that wasn't it. Second, the terminals you have to press have a very precise and tiny button placement, and under stress you're guaranteed to miss it while dodging rockets. Third, the unpredictability of Cyberdemon's attacks makes it difficult to time the use of the terminals - he can shoot once, twice, or three times. He can also decide not to go into the laser, or the laser can go through him but not trigger the event, or he can just shoot at your feet and instakill you. Oh, and any of his melee attacks will knock you off the platform. Oh well, maybe it's just my skill issue. Overall it's a high 6/10.
These are supposedly 3 of the 8 maps from Kaiser's pack, but unfortunately he never finished the rest. RIP

Once Upon A Time ... - this one is just a masterpiece. The map is set up like a deathmatch map, it has very good pacing, fun fights, fun events, and interesting challenges, as you slowly progress through it and unlock every area. Too bad it doesn't end with a proper boss fight, and then there's a lure for a sequel that was never made. The author included all his contact info, so he was clearly proud of it, which can be cringeworthy in many cases, but this map deserves it. I hope he got hired somewhere. 9/10

Evacuation Protocol - Tense and hard, this map wants you to experience the survival horror side of D3. The monsters keep coming, the ammo is very scarce, some fights are pretty tough, and that Mancubus sandwich actually got me once. Just keep pushing and never give up. Don't worry about the ending though, everyone lived happily ever after. 8/10

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ UAC awards 2004

All three maps so good that they have all been stolen and reused in various ways in Russian bootleg mods lol. All three are actually great and are a must-play for any D3 fan.

Here's a rundown:
Obi-Wan - decent, but very short. Apparently was supposed to have a sequel, but it never happened? It has a custom cutscene and a custom boss - the author was really showing what was possible with D3 back in the day. This mod almost expects you not to get hit, hence the lack of armor, plus ammo is quite tight in the beginning. My only problems are that you're sent on a recon mission practically naked, the main path is on the side (to subvert expectations?), and just when it starts to get good, it ends. Oh well. High 6/10
T.B. Facility - it's okay, I guess. It has the same balancing issues as the last one, exacerbated by its length, and then there's a trigger you can miss, so when you come back to the boss you wonder why the exit door is closed. It has classic Romero monster closets, very evil double ladders that will definitely make you fall, insane ambushes, somewhat cheesable combat. It can't quite match the quality of the OG maps though, so I'd say it's a low 6/10. And I'll have to replay it again because I nocliped at the final door before realizing how to open it, jfc.
The Sigma Core - Dude, it's Sigma, instant meme classic. But seriously, this map has masterful suspense and tension, a start very reminiscent of System Shock 2, a little bit of backtracking, a locked armory that you can never access as a bait (ree!), and when the action starts - you really feel like this base is in shambles. Funnily enough, I got softlocked at first because the grate the imp was supposed to launch was stuck sideways, so I guess that's a thing. For one map, it has a lot of areas, and my favorite part was the crashed tram that made super spooky creaky noises, like it was actually about to fall into the lava if you stayed there any longer. It's honestly my kind of map, so I guess I'm biased, but I have to say - 8/10.

Edit: A note about T.B. Facility - the one is used here is the older one, it doesn't have an extra room. You want to get a "plus" version, which is the latest.

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ Doom III Fallen Angel

To add on this: Lol, I just learned that the second level is just a rehashed Sigma Core map, even the code from the big door works (187) - but it does nothing. Classic bootleggers.

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ Weapons of Mars Destruction 1.9.2

Oh also, while I'm not sure, but I think this mod prevents precise crouch jumping that's required for certain areas. For example the jump through the window in Administration for the backpack becomes almost impossible now.

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ New Star

Personal thoughts:
One of the rare remaining Russian bootleg mods. Compared to others it's quite minimalistic, focusing on the zombie infestation on a base called New Star. I believe they were trying to recreate the atmosphere of the Doom movie, and if that's the case, then it's actually better than the movie, lol.
As always, a lot of the map areas are taken directly from the original campaign and then remixed, which makes it feel quite surreal.
This mod is quite tight on ammo, especially on the first level, so I hope you know how to punch out zombies. The code for the lockers is 123, as they were taken from the original game, although I'm not sure they were meant to be open, as you don't seem to be picking up the supplies, at least visually. The PDAs don't seem to matter at all. The bit from the description about changed weapons is a lie, though.
There's exactly one unfair encounter where you get ganged up on pretty badly, but otherwise it's pretty easy. The encounter with the Sawyer on steroids was pretty cool, with enemies trying to flank you from a newly opened passage, which is probably the highlight for me. The Guardian boss spawning in a very tiny room was pretty hilarious, with the way they just dumped a rocket launcher and a BFG on you just before it.
Overall, it's decent for what it is, 5/10. It will certainly scratch your zombie killing itch.

Good karma+3 votes
the_vm - - 124 comments @ Doom III Fallen Angel

Right away - this is a completely standalone game, so don't try to run it as a regular mod. Just unzip it into a separate folder. It also won't play nicely with other gameplay mods without some tinkering, because it has RoE awkwardly grafted into it, which they used for extra weapons and monsters (rip chainsaw though).

Anyway, chronologically this is set after the original Russian bootleg trilogy (Deimos Panic, Phobos Anomaly and The Orbital Collapse), where you return to Earth, but somehow a single Lost Soul that snuck in corrupts a soldier, and suddenly the whole base is overrun - classic. So you have to find the survivors and destroy the base with a bomb and then escape.
The mappers have definitely improved in this one - you'd expect some kind of progress after releasing and selling three mods prior, right? Apart from a few mistakes with the keypad terminals that can get you softlocked, the first few levels are kind of decent. But then you start to notice how many areas are copied from the official campaigns, although at least they let you walk them backwards, which is refreshing. The worst part was when they copied areas from the trilogy, namely the first decent level from Deimos Panic, which was actually stolen from Obi-Wan, I've read, lol.
The difficulty increases drastically as they like to ambush you from all sides, but at least they don't spam you with infinite spider respawns in every room this time, so it's much less tedious. A lot of encounters feel familiar because they are, they are just rehashed from the trilogy. By far the most unfair encounters were the first Bruiser (which is easy to crack if you run to the toilet) and two Hell Knights sandwiching you on a timed bridge - and they will hit you one way or another. The Bruisers weren't spammed as much, thankfully, but every time they spawn up close - it makes you want to pass on the "good" word to the Nerve Software developers for not giving their spawn animation a distinct color like they did with the Vulgar.
BS encounters aside, it's pretty short and unmemorable compared to the trilogy. Polished, sure (quote on quote), although the loud soundtrack they put on the levels that you can neither mute nor turn down is always fun, right? Plus the fact that the levels are pretty much all dark because of the inclusion of the duct tape mod, and if you're replacing weapons with other mods that don't have a flashlight - good luck. The last level is pretty much a BFG run-and-gun fest with no effort or challenge, and then it ends on a sudden, anticlimactic note with a wet fart of an explosion that is supposed to be the base collapsing. Oh well.
It's one of those lost media bootleg mods, though, so I guess it has some value. The song you hear from the boombox is from a movie called Night Watch, which is the only thing many people who played it remember.

It's okay, I guess - 5/10. Thanks for the reupload.

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ D3HDP - DooM 3 Essential HD Pack

d3le is Lost Mission pack, you can find it here on moddb.

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ Nightmare

Personal thoughts:
Pure carnage. Weapons are modified, the flashlight is replaced by a flare, and so on. As for the map pack itself - very amateurish and rushed, it actually makes In Hell look good. Some levels are either too quiet or too loud with the addition of background music. It's really stupid, and I really hesitated whether to upload it, but it's as good as lost media by now, so why not. There's a high chance that the first level will immediately filter you, but luckily the rest isn't as convoluted. The last level is actually a recreation of e2m8, and the cyberdemon there has a LOT of health, be warned.

Good karma+2 votes
the_vm - - 124 comments @ In hell - Directors Cut fixed

Rather a decent map pack that understands Doom 3 style slaughter. The maps, while getting a little stale after a while, were crafted using engine's strengths with lighting and shadows, so that's a plus. The guys had prior experience at map making, and it shows.
However, some combat encounters are either too easy or unreasonable, there's a weird lack of ammo for some guns which is questionable given this mod likes throwing "boss" enemies at you with inflated health pool, obtuse lack of obvious progression in certain spots and tedious backtracking at latter levels that just pad out the length for no reason. Oh, and this mod will also make you hate Doom 3 platforming with passion.
6/10, it's almost there, but a little undercooked. Not bad though if you've enjoyed Hell levels from the OG and want some more. You'll probably have a blast in coop, too.

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ Hell Island Final

This mod is... quite something. An attempt was made. At everything. And it takes itself seriously, too! Must play for any trash mod connoisseur out there.

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ Event Horizon XV v1.3

Contains best booba on D3 engine to date, you can see where the entire budget went lol. As for the rest - lackluster level design, poor direction, comedic timing with voice lines ripped straight out of the movie - but hey, he tried. Not the most terrible thing for Doom 3, but it still has that "my first mod" feel. One of my friends who watched the movie said the reactor room recreation was alright, even. 5/10

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ The Orbital Collapse

All done - Indiedb.com
Other mods can be found on moddb as well!

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ Weapons of Mars Destruction 1.9.2

After playing a bit more I believe my rockets got shot down by a projectile and made them explode early, so you have to be careful not to pull a Coincident and face rocket yourself, lol. Headshots work wonderfully though, so that's a plus.

Good karma+1 vote
the_vm - - 124 comments @ Phobos Anomaly

Personal thoughts:
This had to be the worst of the trilogy. Completely stupid, incomprehensible, amateurish maps that the developers obviously didn't have enough time or effort to set up properly. This continues until the penultimate and final level, where the situation improves significantly, leading me to believe that these were the maps they made first. There's one audiolog that doesn't play anything, because they either forgot or didn't have the time to include in the mod, lol.
The chainsaw zombie bit in the toilet is probably the only memorable moment from it, 2/10. Oh, and also if you have trouble jumping into the spider vents, don't feel bad about nocliping into them, because if you have jump height modified it's literally impossible. And even then you have to perform a sick crouch jump that the game wasn't made for.

Good karma+3 votes