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I'm a rabid CoH fan, and i love most innovative mods to do with it. And I live in Scotland. :D

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The UDK engine

thatcrazycatguy Blog


I recently just found the UDK, now if you don't know what that means, then it means that basically, you get the sheer power of the Unreal Engine 3. A large flood of ideas hit me, but I'll download it tomorrow. Ill fiddle with it, learn how to use it, then I will immediately stop, because it will be exams time. Once im finished them, I have until October before revision for 5th year prelims start. This is genuinely quite an exciting discovery for me. If there is anybody out there reading my blog, watch this space. I'm about to become a dev.

The CoH Zombie Mod

thatcrazycatguy Blog

Now this mod is simply brilliant. I cannot believe nobody didnt think of this before. Absolute genius. And you should see some of their features. They have made vehicles run out of fuel after a while. Again, brilliant. What a bunch of geniuses. Its not been released yet, but it looks very promising. Im thoroughly looking forward to this. Keep up the good work, guys, we are fully anticipating this. You have us wrapped around your finger.