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sn0wwarrior Blog

Well its official now folks, League of legends has fully released its long anticipated new game mode of DOMINION!!!!!!! This game mode plays like a command post capture point style match. 5 capture points located in a circular pattern around a map are fought over for control. The game ends when 1 team runs out of health at there nexus. Nexus health is lost when the enemy team captures 3 or more points and drains faster depending on the number of points they control. This is a much faster game play action packed game mode thats both fun, ingenious, and a brilliant next step in expanding the world of MOBA game genre. I hope this catches on and more MOBA style games will be willing to break the trend of pattering almost purely after DOTA and go the way of LOL and bring this genre of gaming to a whole new lvl with mind blowing game play, game modes, and original idea. GOOD JOB TO EVERYONE AT RIOT GAMES!!!!!! Thanks for the work and keep it up, I cant wait to see what u come up with next.


sn0wwarrior Blog

So welcome to the age of MOBA's thanx to DOTA we now have League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth, Realm of Titans, the up and comming DOTA2, and who knows how many spin offs.....however im seeing with the exception of LOL no one is truly expanding dota. there are instead simply redoing dota with similar gameplay similar champs, ive played a lot of them and simply LOL is the best one out there. There even doing a new game mode thats a command point capture style game for a whole new twist on the moba experiences. As a LOL fan thanx riot games for all the hard work, as a MOBA fan please everyone else lets see some competition and ingenuity out there.

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sn0wwarrior Blog

ok im sorry but we have a great holiday like the 4th of july come along and i saw maybe 2 updates/patches/mods semi related too or playing off the release date of indpendence day. WHY DO WE NOT HAVE MORE PATRIOTIC PRIDE IN THE REALSING OF MODS AND GAMES HERE PEOPLE!!! i understand this is a global community but really lets see some stuff here please.