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Hi, I'm ShadowedByGuilt. I am a huge fan of the Half-Life series, in fact the Half-Life series is what inspired me to pursue a carreer in video game development. I am still recovering from the Halo modding era that i think all we FPS lovers went through. I am friends with a fellow that works at VALVe Software, before you ask NO I can't get you unreleased stuff... I don't have many hobbies, if I do have some free time I'm usually cruisin down the main stretch on the internet, or playing Half-Life 2 and drooling over Alyx Vance;) I enjoy music, my favorite band is Breaking Benjamin. I also like anything 1970-present. I'm always looking for new friends so if you are also interested in Half-Life, game development, or if you are just looking for a friend go ahead and hit me up! I love playing my Xbox 360 as well, my favorite games for that are: The Orange Box, Fable(Fable 2 soon!), Bioshock, and Halo 1 on Xbox live. My favorite PC games are of course all Half-Life games and System Shock 2.

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Game Engine Under Development

ShadowedByGuilt Blog

Me and my team are working on our own game engine, it has been under development for about 3 years of steady work and is capable of running a quick game my team threw together(the cheapest NASCAR game you will ever see, lol). But it is still in under development, and has been developed completely from scratch. I will be releasing a beta of it here on my page. Until then I will list some of the features we have added and what we will be adding in the future. Oh, I almost forgot, It's called the Evolved Engine.

Evolved Engine features as of Saturday-July 12-2008
All features listed are implemented unless stated otherwise

Developed for First Person Shooters
Utilizes Direct 3D
640x480 - 800x600 - 1024x768 resolutions supported
Shader Model 3.0
Lighting and Shadows:
Automatic Level Of Detail settings based on the amount of RAM in your PC. Were still testing this.
Radiosity Lighting
High Dynamic Range Lighting(not implemented yet)
Dynamic Shadows(having issues but will be in the final release)
Full 24 hour cycle. A feature we are extremely proud of:)
Volumetric Smoke
Fog, Rain, and Snow
Advanced 3D Water Rendering
Texture LOD(an advanced feature we are still testing)
Rich Textures
Advanced Skin Shading
Light Reflections on Eyes, Hands, Weapons
Player Casts Shadow
Full Face Animation
Event Activated Music
Ambient Sound Mixing

NOTE: We are developing this engine for serious mature games, not blood and gore filled, but a game like Half Life 2 for instance. As such we are extremely strict about the use of our engine, not in an aggressive way, just that we take pride in our engine and don't want it to get a bad name by the games it powers.