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Comment History
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ Greenlight

1. That's probably the biggest issue, because you need quite a lot of supporters to pass the threshold of getting accepted, and I believe this mod is too niche, and honestly, while 100$ is not much, the thought of that money getting wasted is sad.

2. As long as you're not selling the game, this shouldn't be an issue

3. You can set your game as Free to Play, no need to charge. Although personally I'm a little against F2P games getting on Steam, but that's a personal opinion.

4. There are honestly far worse games on Steam. With tits and gore all over the place. This is a little violent, but nothing too extreme.

Good karma0 votes
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ How about that?

Wait, how did you make a coop map with the editor? Did you make the basic structure, export to VMF and add co-op entities?

Good karma+1 vote
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ Fonts Updated

Oh dear. I'm sorry but this is horrible. I understand the whole kid theme, but this is just doing too far. My honest recommendation would be to stay as far as you can from strange fonts, specially for text. Go for something simple, clear, elegant, to the point.

Good karma+4 votes
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ Inquietude - Update 3-16-2012

You sound like a genuinely great and entertaining guy to hang out with. If you ever seen any sort of help, graphics, testing, opinion, I'd love to help out. Cheers.

Good karma+2 votes
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ Source Engine Global Lighting (Day/Night)

There's something I never really understood, and you seem pretty good at these stuff, so I'd thought I'd ask you.

In the cascaded shadow map that decides of the quality to use, and other games that select the quality of textures depending on distance. Why do they always have this very abrupt transition? Is it not possible to make the different phases overlap a little bit and smoothly decrease the opacity of one and increase it for the other to avoid that ugly edge you get at the transition point?

Good karma+2 votes
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ Hoverdrone

It's not so much that it needs to be futuristic. I think the main issue is that it's big, bright and round, which makes it pop out too much and becomes distracting.

Also, there are loads other fonts that are still kid-like but not so round and clowny. Maybe something like kid handwriting? I.imgur.com

Here is one I quickly found, but there are loads out there

As for the color, I've never been good at picking though, but the yellow hue really pops out. Maybe go with something completely desaturated, or more towards the cool spectrum like greyblue.

Just a suggestion. You're the artist here, and you clearly have an precise idea for everything, and nothing is there without a reason.

Good karma+1 vote
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ half-life 2 ivan returns


Good karma-2 votes
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ half-life 2 ivan returns

im prufetional 1080p model creat0r and I caan mak u *** HD modelz wif c++.
HIT me up!!! I charg only 5$ per .mdl

Good karma0 votes
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ Anybody cares?

I've played almost every single Half-Life 2 mod out there, and honestly, excluding Dear Esther 2.0 which hasn't come out yet, your mods are probably one of the most visually impressive I've seen. You actually use cinema techniques, camera movements and crazy color filters to make something special I've rarely seen anywhere else

You can't only have fans. As soon as you start becoming popular, you WILL have haters, no matter how good you are. This is how it is, and how it will always be. Get used to it because the more popular you get, the more you will hear from these random haters who just want to bitch for no reason.

Good karma+2 votes
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ tedium

I was not happy with the way they treated me, so I stole the couch:

Good karma+8 votes
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ Yes, it's broken

The gameinfo modification doesn't work. I tried it on the day the source update came out, along with couple other fixes. I actually got the game to run, which was still better than nothing, but ep2 didn't mount, which meant that there was errors and missing textures all around the place.

The second edit in that link by Varsity might do it though.

Good karma+3 votes
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ Lost Love Trailer

I dropped a tear :(

Good karma+1 vote
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ A little bit of news

GoldSrc before it.
When it comes to mapping, except some extra entities they are very similar. The file format infrastructure though is quite different, but beta-testers don't really have to worry about those :P

Good karma+2 votes
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ A little bit of news

Can't wait. If you need beta-testing help, I'd love to help. I have 8 years of experience with breaking sourcemods, so just send a message :)

Good karma+3 votes
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ Chapter 2 will be released on Saturday 13 February, unless you're betatester

I didn't get it, but oh well, nice to see this mod is progressing :)

Good karma+2 votes
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ Bounce!

I was wondering if there was a way of changing the FOV. Since there is a console, I assumed there would be a command for it, if not, I would highly appreciate it because I believe that the current FOV is extremely annoying.

Also, keep finishing my bullets...
Game has ALOT of petential but right now, the engine isn't very user friendly :\

Good karma+1 vote
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ First attempt at a realistic ocean

The fading lines between teh sky and the ocean is my favorite part.
Great work, specially on those cliffs.

Good karma0 votes
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ Korsakovia

Haha yes, I had some of the longest shivers I ever had in my life.
I was just getting them one after another, non-stop for like a good 5 minute. I ever somehow had tears in my eyes even if it wasn't sad. This seriously troubled me deep inside.

Only the greatest ones can cause such feelings in someone.

Good karma+1 vote
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ Korsakovia

Well, the copy and paste on the 2 last levels was mind blowing in my opinion, how all the three worlds were colliding and becoming one. To me, this matched very well with the psychological state of the protagonist.

The tilting and the sudden change from hospital to the warehouse to the other places was pretty mind amazing.

But I do admit that there was ALOT of mapping problems (half of the items weren't are the right height, they were floating 5unit over the ground) and the overall texturing was very weak in the bigger places.
Like he said though, this isn't really about the envirement, it's more about the sound and story.

Good karma+2 votes
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ Korsakovia

Hehe, lol'd at the persian song in the beggining ;)

Good karma+1 vote
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ Korsakovia

I like zip better though :(
I hate installers.
If someone seriously doesn't know how to install a mod, then he shouldn't even be on this site.

And a well explained readme does it all.

Good karma+1 vote
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ Korsakovia

I fully agree with you.
People often simply look at the screen shot and decide if it's a good mod or not.

Dear esther didn't have such a great look (the new one looks amazing though), but it had a very deep story, amazing atmosphere, amazing music and the narrating was mindblowing. It set you in this mood that kept evolving, and you could really feel the psychological state of the protagonist.

Sadly, alot of people only are interested in zombies and shooting at meaningless stuff.

Good karma+1 vote
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ Excessive: an approach to game design curriculum

Sounds very interesting.
I love maps/mods with great design/detail.
Maps that make a good use of the engine.

I'd love to help you beta test and find all the bugs and destroy your maps. You say 5-10minute but it usually takes me 5times more time because I know the engine very well and I love going around screwing with the map and finding all the shortcuts and errors ;)

So if you need someone to destroy and rape your map, count me in :)

Good karma+1 vote
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ Half-Life 2 Episode Three: FanmadeGameplay

Sad how you were running hl2 on pretty much minimum, with no antialiasing or anything.

Good karma+1 vote
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ Making Levels for Perfect Stride

the two freeze and unfreeze relays have for output disable "orb" but there is no such entity as "orb"? missnamed?

Good karma+1 vote
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ Making Levels for Perfect Stride

I found a bug in the prefabs, in the cameras.

Camera #2 and #3 don't have that 0.01 delay so they don't work.
The activate need to be changed from 2.50 to 2.51 and from 5.00 to 5.01

edit: also the default times are not in sync with the music

Good karma+1 vote
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ Making Levels for Perfect Stride

I'm still looking for a way to get the textures, did you find it?

Good karma+1 vote
Ph0X - - 28 comments @ Follow Freeman Half Life 2 Coop

Awesome mod, best hl2 coop out there, everything is well thought. can't wait to play the full thing!

100% recommended

Good karma+1 vote