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Programmer / Designer / Developer / Writer / Musician / Gamer

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 33)
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Testing times!

Lol nice joke. Funny and relevant.

Good karma+3 votes
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ ISR Reveals its first Kickstarter secret to its fans

If the journal just says "I Shall Remain" on it with nothing else then I'm totally in. That is a great idea. I'll be happy to tell anyone who asks what it is from but I like the ambiguity.

As for Linux support. As far as I know they wrote the engine from scratch which means it is much more difficult to support Linux. Games developed with Unity or something like that have an easier time of that.

Good karma+1 vote
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Uprising 44 The Silent Shadows 1.0.3

I LOL'd that you LOL'd because I LOL'd too :)

Good karma+2 votes
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Uprising 44: The Silent Shadows

Yeah I have to say...I have never heard of this game so when I watch a video to explain the game I want to see the game explained and gameplay. I absolutely do not in any way care about new features because I never saw the old features. You may want to rethink that.

Also, if it is true that there is no remapping and and a fixed Y axis I will never touch the game. I really don't want to be a jerk here. I'm an indie developer and I certainly know you can't please everyone but that really is a deal breaker for me.

Good karma+6 votes
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Nomad Games announces multiplayer Talisman Digital Edition

Nice :) I'm still waiting for a universal iOS app (or at least iPad) but this is cool too.

Good karma+1 vote
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Teleglitch

Yeah that dead zone crap can be tricky. It looks like you are writing this in (at least) mostly LUA which I have never worked with, but I know that if you have access to C++ there are some decent free libraries that can help with that.

Anyway, just casting my vote to get it in there some day. Hopefully you can get it working well eventually :)

Good karma+3 votes
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Teleglitch

Any possibility for Xbox 360 controller support? I would love to be able to play as a dual analog shooter.

Good karma+3 votes
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Talisman Prologue

Great, will do :)

Good karma+2 votes
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Talisman Prologue

I would really love to have this on my iPad.

Good karma+1 vote
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Hacknet Development Screens

I'm happy to see you are still working away on this. It's already a really good game. Can't wait to see how it turns out.

Good karma+1 vote
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Pyxenos

I haven't actually played the game yet but I just wanted to say I absolutely love your blurb for the game :P

Good karma+1 vote
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ How to make a minimap

Yeah this is great for certain games. Unfortunately I can't really do this as it would increase my draw calls enormously.

Good karma+1 vote
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Talisman Prologue

Just played the demo. Definitely buying this on payday. Really well done.

Good karma+1 vote
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Gimbal

Looks good but a demo would be helpful. I'm not really a fan of multiplayer generally so a single player would be good as well.

Good karma+1 vote
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Dark Shadows - Army of Evil

Any game on Desura that is >= $10 absolutely must have a demo for me to even consider buying it.

Good karma+11 votes
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Did someone say facelift?

Heh I still really like your use of the edge detection. You said that's a shader and not post processing? I played around with that shader and never figured out how you made it look like that lol. It's easy with post but I'm going a different direction with my graphics anyway I was just playing around.

Good karma+1 vote
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Siege of Turtle Enclave

Yeah I was talking about the actual shader. I haven't played with the toon shaders much really (I'm a Unity developer too) but when I did I didn't get a look quite so unique as that. Those shaders are fun but you don't seem to be able to mix those shaders well with other types, but I'm still in the process of learning the shader language and process.

Good karma+2 votes
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Siege of Turtle Enclave

Wow that is one intense shader. Did you write that yourself? You have an interesting look here.

Good karma+2 votes
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Planet Explorers

I played this last night (0.31) and I think it is fantastic. There is great potential here. It obviously takes inspiration from Minecraft but anyone who calls it a Minecraft clone is a moron. You are doing a voxel implementation of tetrahedrons? Is that right? I wish I knew how to do that but I think it is probably beyond me. I'm currently developing the rendering bits for my new project and would love to do some of that for terrain but I will probably have to stick with a more basic approach. Anyway, I'm tracking this so I look forward to seeing what you come up with in the future.

Good karma+2 votes
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ I Shall Remain

It's always good to see that happen.

Good karma+2 votes
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Vox

I finally found the time to try 0.13. Thanks for giving the option to use a real mouse mode...umm I mean...shut off inverted which is a totally awesome mouse mode :P

Still looking great. I just built a big simple house. Pretty easy. The only thing difficult at the moment is the size of your hit boxes which can make moving between blocks difficult. Are you blocking the whole character? When I do my boxes I always make the player as small of a box as possible and the enemies a little larger than necessary.

Good karma+1 vote
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Vox

Yeah and if you bomb through that there is a world limit that you can sort of stand / float on and messing around down there can crash pretty easy :)

Good karma+2 votes
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Vox

Hey the test is great but you are absolutely killing me with that inverted camera lol. It's almost impossible to do anything. Still the engine is surprisingly stable. I only managed to crash it twice by doing things that I knew should crash it.

I noticed that your clouds are not connected to the physics system. I think it would be cool to eventually allow the players to attach a cloud or two to the physics engine (magic spell or something) so they could build a way to get up to them and then build little floating bases on them. Of course I'm not sure how you are doing your clouds. Probably they are just temporary objects.

Good karma+2 votes
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Hacknet

So I finished the game. It's really really short but no surprise it being an unfinished game (alpha even) and all. It's a really fun game. I don't expect it would take much to finish it unless you get real ambitous. You could easily go the Uplink route and just make it quite a bit harder with a you-lose-you-start-over kind of mentality. Continually typing in commands started to feel a little odd because normally you would write a script / batch for such regularily used actions, but the autocomplete helped with that. Anyway, great game. I hope you find the time to finish it.

Good karma+2 votes
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ I Shall Remain

Additionally I just tried downloading the demo and installing it and it doesn't work either. The game loads up to the menus. I see outline menu items (no fill) and also a name thing at the bottom (enter name kind of thing). I hear a ding and if I alt tab I get the runtime error and then after I dismiss that I get "StemCell application has stopped working."

Good karma+2 votes
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ They Breathe

Lol you are one sick puppy...or froggy.

Good karma+2 votes
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ I Shall Remain

Yeah I installed everything during the game installation. I forgot that you had OpenAL in there. I have had trouble with OpenAL before (music production). That could be the main problem.

Good karma+1 vote
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ I Shall Remain

Yeah it was a standalone .exe that Desura downloaded. (the ver 1.2 "Humble NCO" listed to the right)

Good karma+2 votes
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ Vox

I'm sure there are quite a few people who would love to use it. I'm not much of a 3D graphics programmer (meaning pretty terrible). Using an engine that already does everything I need it to do graphics wise saves a huge amount of time.

Good karma+2 votes
NakorTBR - - 33 comments @ I Shall Remain

Don't forget you lose around 10% all told after a successful KS project. Make sure you have taken that into account :)

You will have no trouble raising that amount for this title.

Good karma+2 votes