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The Deep Forest

Mindfields51 Blog

A rough mock-up of the Deep Forest level, in which the player must jump and climb from colossal tree trunk to colossal tree trunk. Here, Doomwing has been trapped beneath the impenetrable canopy of the ancient Goldwoods, but must stay high as he's being stalked by a pack of Vargar, giant wolves in the command of Blue Ghost. They are too dangerous to face on the ground, Doomwing needs air superiority to stand a chance. So the player much find a way out.

Doomwing climbs tree

I'm a little iffy about the shadow and Doomwing's general dark form, but when it's animated I believe it won't be too bad. We'll see.

The Scions of the Realm

Mindfields51 Blog

Messing about with the five big bads and principle targets of Doomwing. The Scions of the Realm

The Scions of the Realm

The Scions of the Realm

Five siblings whom managed to slay Lightsinger, stealing the dragon's power in imbuing it into themselves, making themselves into demi-gods. They failed to recover all of Lightsinger's essence, and 100 years later Doomwing was born from Lightsinger's ashes and now seeks to reap revenge and reclaim his rightful essence.

Their names are (from left to right) Black Smoke, Red Iron, Golden Vapour, Blue Ghost and Green Aspect. They each rule over an aspect of the day to day life of the Realm. Industry, Conquest, Wealth, Politics and the Esoteric.

Progressing with the art #001

Mindfields51 Blog

The art is a bit challenging, I feel like I can draw the fire I like, but Doomwing, well I'm struggling there. It's not just form, proportions and perspective, but how to light him. I want Doomwing to be something of a silhouette, but more substantial. His scales are so dark they all but devour any light that touches them, but still reflect enough to show shape. I don't know, perhaps I'm over thing it.

Doomwing spewing fire WIP

Doomwing spewing fire WIP

The fire was fun to come up with, I'm using a palette extracted from a picture of lava. And that's the look I'm aim for, almost like Doomwing spews liquid hot lava rather than fire. I'm even toying with the idea that Doomwing doesn't simply regurgitate the armour of the knights he devours, but separates them into a specialized organ that melts and it down and stores in in a molten state to be spewed onto his enemies. There are problems with this idea (especially in terms of believability) , naturally, but many opportunities. If nothing else, it will look metal as hell \M/

Making a Game

Mindfields51 Blog

While not technically my first game, it feels like it will be. I've had so many failed projects that I've thought to try and keep myself accountable, with this and my blogger account.

Project Doomwing has began.

The basic premise of the game is you're a dragon, reaping vengeance on the human Realm that slew your father and stole your magical birth right. It's going to be aimed at mobile devices, and utilizing stylized pixel art.

Doomwing spewing fire!

Doomwing spewing fire!

It'll be something of a platformer meets scrolling shooter. I feel it'll work, whether anyone wants to play it is another matter. I'm exploring pixel art because I've always felt it has a certain, je ne sais quoi. I usually settle for the adjective magic, the feeling that it invokes. Perhaps it's just nostalgia.

Knights of the Realm flee from Doomwing

Knights of the Realm flee from Doomwing

My skills as an artist will be sorely tests, I've only ever been mediocre at best and even that is probably my pride talking, but I don't care, I'm making a fantasy the way I want to. Much like the movie Maleficent turned the table on the Disney Classic (with reference to the original fairy tale), Doomwing will be giving voice to why the Dragon is terrorizing the kingdom.

Animation Test

Animation Test

Animation is going to be the real effort, it was the reason I went to university all those years ago, but never had an opportunity to actually do something. As you can see with the wing test above, I'm a more than a little rusty. And I wasn't great to being with. Again, hopefully this is something that will improve as the product progresses.

That's all for now, thank you for your attention.