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I'm a PC gamer gal who creates her own mods and collects mods that have been created by others. That is all.

Comment History
Lilitu - - 5 comments @ VW Goth

Ha, I was just reinstalling Bloodlines and doing so reminded me of my old mods for Redemption and wondering if I still had them archived somewhere. I haven't found them yet, but when I run across them I'll probably upload them to Nexusmods and maybe here as well.

(I created this mod under the nickname VampireWriter back in the old PlanetVampire days. On Nexusmods I'm SavageArtistry.)

Good karma+1 vote
Lilitu - - 5 comments @ New male PC by Skeletoff

Hmm... it's not working for me. I'm just seeing the default male Gangrel. I did rename the files in the folder to Gangrel wherever it said Malkavian.

Good karma+1 vote
Lilitu - - 5 comments @ The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM)

The same thing happened to me. Random freezes at random time intervals. I can't really say what solved it for me because it finally stopped after I got into the game awhile, but I was trying everything. I finally set it on compatibility mode for Windows Vista (I am using Windows 7), in administrator mode, with the Windows Vista "fix" dll that's floating around. Hope the info helps.

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Lilitu - - 5 comments @ The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM)

That's a relief. Thanks for responding.

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Lilitu - - 5 comments @ The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM)

Is it necessary to start a new game in order to update the mod from 1.8.3? I literally reinstalled my KOTR2 and added this mod the day before you updated (and not due to a sale on GOG.. this is my old CD copy from years ago). What an unfortunate coincidence. *facepalm*

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