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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 160)
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ MadMartiganGOL

If you did not see my message, you can NOT share my mod.

Good karma+1 vote
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Voyage of Horror

Strange. In what map?

Good karma+1 vote
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Voyage of Horror

I am happy that you liked it 😁 This was the first time I did a mod completly on my own and it was really fun.

Good karma+1 vote
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Voyage of Horror

Thank you for your review 😊 It was so fun making this mod.

Good karma+1 vote
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Voyage of Horror

Ohhh I see. This will be fixed in an future update. Try to run past the monster as fast as you respawn, run out to the balcony room and around the room to get some distans between you and the monster. The monster do 50 hp damage and you start with full health everytime you respawn so you should be able to take atleast one hit without dying.

Good karma+1 vote
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Voyage of Horror

Next update I will release will...

* Fix all the bugs that have been reported so far.
* Fix grammer correction in notes.
* Add one or two skyboxes in the last two maps.
* a complete redesign of the "Temple_Of_Twilight" map but the gameplay will be the same.
* Less oil and tinderboxes in the mod.
* Add the sounds missing in some leveldoors.

Good karma+2 votes
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Voyage of Horror

Version 1.1 is now out. It fixes two bugs.
One with the lantern. For some players the lantern is invisible.
Crowbar not working on the door in the cellar.

Let me know if you find anymore bugs.

Good karma+2 votes
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Voyage of Horror

That's great to hear 😊 I really tried to improve on the level design and this is the first time I scripted in an Amnesia mod. It was so fun working on this mod.

Good karma+1 vote
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Voyage of Horror

In the study area, in the second room you enter when you spawn into the map. It's in the room with all the desks, on a bookshelf you can find the lantern.

Good karma+1 vote
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Voyage of Horror

Use the crowbar on the boarded up door. Then inside that room you will find a broken pipe dripping oil. Use the empty jar and fill it up, then use it at the stuck lever. That should do the trick.

What do you mean that you cant "carry any items like normal amnesia"?

Good karma+1 vote
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Voyage of Horror

Are you sure? It should appear in the left down corner of the door when it's being used. No one of my beta testers experinced that bug. The crowbar worked fine for them.

Good karma+1 vote
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Voyage of Horror

One armor is missing it's head. The head can be found somewhere in the courtyard. That will help you.

When it's head have been placed to the body the gate will open.

Good karma+1 vote
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Voyage of Horror

I will upload version 1.0 today. Hope you will enjoy it. Let me know if there is any bugs or glitches and if so I will patch it in a future version.

Good karma+1 vote
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Voyage of Horror

This mod will take 2 hours to complete if you know where to go. So first time, maybe 3 hours.

Good karma+1 vote
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Voyage of Horror

Voyage of Horror is in the final stage of testing. Level design and scripting is complete. I am right now fixing all the bugs that the beta testers are reporting. 3 of 7 beta tester have played the mod and when all are done I will fix all the bugs and then release the mod.

Voyage of Horror is currently set to release on friday the 3th of May.

Good karma+1 vote
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Voyage of Horror

Thank you. It's in the end stage. I have been working with this since last year august. All that is left now are to add some sounds and then beta test it. I have 7 people that will do that. Then it will ve released. I don't want to say a release date, but maybe in two month. I just really want to take my time with it to make sure it's really complete when I release it.

Good karma+2 votes
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Voyage of Horror

Thank you 😊

Good karma+1 vote
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Voyage of Horror

Thank you 😊 The outdoor areas are maps I really spend alot of time with.

Good karma+2 votes
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Hunting Ground - Aftergame 2Dark Mode V1.2

Make sure to delete the "normal mode" for Aftergame if you want to download the 2Dark mode. If you want to play the "normal mode" and have the 2Dark mode already installed delete 2Dark mode first. Having both versions installed at the same time can cause them to collide.

Good karma+2 votes
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Hunting Ground - Aftergame

Thank you for your words. No the negative criticism doesn't affect us, the Corona virus is the real reason why we have stopped with Amnesia mods dor the moment :/ Our next mod will be a small one but it will just as good as Aftergame... we hope that anyways :D

Good karma+4 votes
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Hunting Ground - Aftergame

Yeah when it comes to grammer we have found someone that can fixes that for us, besauce I have dyxoleksi so spelling english is a real nightmare for me.

When it comes to the plot for Aftergame, I am happy with "how" the story was told. It left more speculation for the player but for some reason, players enjoyed the story in Origin more, because how it was told (everything was explained with zero speculation for the player in form of flashbacks and notes and so on). When it comes to bug fixes I am not the one to talk to. Everything that needs to be fixed after the release date is up to TeeZaah.

Could you explain "properly planning the latters and notes"?

There where alot of details in Aftergame, detailed level design, particles or decals. It had more details then Origin had yet Origin have gotten a better average rate. When we talk about the ratings for Aftergame, we har five beta tester, Four of them gave 8-10 score, then two other people that I knew would downrate Aftergame (they have gotten that reputation on moddb). My point is if the Amnesia community wouldn't be so dead more people whould have rated and Aftergame would have gotten the average rate it deserves. Then I know exept for the grammer and the way puzzles work in Aftergame it's a good CS, better then Origin.

How can we work more harder when we have a responsability outside Amnesia modding, both me and TeeZaah are working full time jobs, paying bills and all that boring and time consuming things. All this things make it very hard to work with Amnesia and sleepless nights is not an option. If I got payed for doing this that would might be possible but now I am not.

It took us 2 years to create Aftergame and if it was not for the realistic(but apairently bad) puzzle mecanic, grammer and "how" the story was told Aftergame would have a much highter rating. But there is always time for improvement and I will absolutly take your advice when it comes to grammer and properly planning notes and letters.

Good karma+5 votes
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ T.D.

They didn't rip-off of HGA's PT level, we both made a rip-off level of the original PT demo. And I played this and I loved it.

Good karma+6 votes
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ T.D.

Yeah I even got a troll to rate HGA 1/10 only because I rated his troll mod a 1/10. That troll mod was in fact bad :D My score for that mod was going to be low etherway because for me troll mods can never be good, but that one was also a bad troll mod. I guess he got angry because I rated his mod and for that he down rated HGA. If the Amnesia community wasn't that lazy that low troll score wouldn't affect HGA that much... but the Amnesia community is what it is... Once we are done with the DLC for HGA we will instead work on our own game :)

however I loved this PT inspired mod :)

Good karma-2 votes
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ T.D.

Well if the Amnesia community wasn't that lazy and rate the mods they are playing HGA would finally show the correct average review. I have never seen a more lazy community, 250 downloads and only 13 reviews = lazy community...

The reason why some people that rated HGA didn't like it was because of the backtracking, and that's weird because ALOT of horror games has backtracking, second, how the story was told. for some weird reason the Amnesia community don't like a CS to have a complicated story, many wants the story to be given to them right in the hand, with no specualtions for the player what so ever. THAT is NOT how I want to write storys anymore. YES there where one puzzle that got frustrating because the note gave the wrong information but that is fixed now with the new version.

And by the way, stop naging on CustomStoryGathers for his breathing and what country he is from! That's just immature. How old are you? 10?

Good karma-1 votes
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Hunting Ground - Aftergame

We are proud for this and will fix that and some other bugs as fast as we can. Thank you

TeeZah is the one that fixes bugs so I will talk to him about it. Any more bugs you found and want to tell me?

Good karma+4 votes
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Hunting Ground - Aftergame

Bug fixing for the story? We have fixed all the game breaking bugs already. There are a bug with a note but we won't release a new version just for fixing a small bug that is not even game breaking

Good karma+1 vote
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Hunting Ground - Aftergame

The music stopped because of the little scare with the door slaming, right before you went back to the Main hall.

Good karma+1 vote
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Hunting Ground - Aftergame

What background music? In what area?

Good karma+1 vote
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Hunting Ground - Aftergame

I hade this problem with some custom stories back in the day, and for me I think I solved it by either, re-install Amnesia, with the latest update (Steam will take care of the update if the Steam version is downloaded) or to delete the custom story and download it again.

Good karma+1 vote
TheBackPackPlayer94 - - 160 comments @ Hunting Ground - Aftergame

So a nonsteam 64bit. Do you have the latest version (1.3 patch) for Amnesia?

This doesn't sound to be any problem with the Custom story. How ever I talked with some of the more experienced Amnesia moddern and I waiting for answer. Non of the beta testers run across this problem so it's weird that you did.

Good karma+2 votes