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I have been making particle effects on and off for ZH for over 6 years now, i'm also well versed in coding pretty much anything in ZH. I am currently making particle effects for EC(European Conflict) and GenX. My other interests include gaming of most forms, photography and walking in the mountains. I also have interests in politics, psychology, sociology, architecture and the earth sciences.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 36)
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ UAN Beta

How in gods name has this had nearly 12,000 downloads today??

Good karma+1 vote
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ Deep Impact

Depends who you mean, I have contacts for all the previously active members - those who did the majority of the work.

Good karma+1 vote
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ Deep Impact

Now that it's summer we should have more time. RL is pretty calm at the moment (for me anyway) so if enough of us have the time, we should be able to get some more work done.

Good karma+2 votes
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ Expl .#2

I don't really understand why it explodes twice. It looks pretty nice, but just how many particles is that? Your transistion from fire>smoke could also use a bit of work, it looks like the smoke just puffs out of nowhere. Instead try attaching the smoke to the fire and give the smoke particle a varying initial delay. Your smoke should then be proceedurally generated instead of puffing into existence.

Good karma+1 vote
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ Ion_Cannon!

Thanks, I really don't check this enough :P

Good karma+1 vote
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ Deep Impact

Although as Mike said, the AC and WEA factions are a fair bit away from being release worthy, a huge amount of content has already been created for both. We've shown you alot, but theres still plenty of content that has yet to be shown yet. I have about 70 videos alone showing off particle effects, though they are nowhere near the standard of our media updates, and you will have already seen some of them in the UAN Beta. And thats just the tip of the iceberg.

We've all put to much work into this to end it here, this mod isn't going to die.

Good karma+4 votes
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ Small Nuke

Few comments, the entire thing is nice, but it feels a bit weak, even a tactical nuke should still be more a BOOM than a "Puff".. Anyway, I think it needs a better shockwave, the initial glare of the fireball is to sudden, try giving the effect an earlier starting time and give it an decreasing alpha, it currently seems a bit out of time with the rest of the fireball. You also need to fix your stem, it should dissapear into the mushroom cloud, it shouldn't persist longer than the cloud itself. Apart from that, pretty nice effect :)

Good karma+1 vote
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ GDI ION CANNON

Particles attached to an animated / textured model/object right? It looks very good.

Good karma+2 votes
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals: Frontlines

Hmm, the Tornado missile explosion looks familiar, it looks like this public particle I made - Forum.falloutstudios.net - Although your version is using a different texture for the explosion I think. If I am right, please don't present others work as your own, they're public, and they're intended to be used, but your supposed to give credit regardless.

Good karma+1 vote
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ UAN Beta

Could you elaborate on why you didn't like it?

Good karma+1 vote
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ UAN Beta

The launcher doesn't support custom directorys, so check your using a default ZH directory and not something modified. This fixed it for one other person I believe.

Good karma+1 vote
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ Deep Impact

Its not a bug, the superweapon limiter also limits epic units to 1, if you don't have it on, you can build as many Behemoths as you like.

Good karma+1 vote
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ UAN Beta Screenshots

Its slightly different, theres also heat haze. I did experiment with other radiation FX, but I wasn't happy with any of them. This is all a work in progress though so anything is subject to change.

Good karma+3 votes
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ UAN Beta Screenshots

It has a ground shockwave as well, and theres some more elements to the FX you can't see from the picture, i'm quite happy with the result, though I actually have a more realistic / better version which I never got around to finishing.

Good karma+2 votes
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ Deep Impact

Theres still plenty of content we haven't shown. Units, upgrades, special powers, superweapons, buildings, music tracks - You name it, we have more of it.

I think the plan is to leave some content as a suprise for release day. Though we haven't decided what that will be yet.

Good karma+1 vote
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ Israeli white phosphorous special power

Its a very nice effect, but I dread to think what the particle count is with so many trails. The actual explosion doesn't look like it uses that much, but trails use a large amount and you have a large amount of trails.

Good karma+4 votes
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ UAN vs. AC

I'm going to try and make the barrels glow as they fire, i've been busy with university though, so haven't got around to it. Unfortunately there isn't really much you can do with a muzzle flash, it looks better ingame though, as all particle FX do.

Good karma+2 votes
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ AC Ingame Screenshot 1

I have some really big versions - 1680x1050. If anyone wants them, just PM me. You can see the level of detail even better on these :)

Good karma+1 vote
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ AC Ingame Screenshot 3

For a sharper image, try view original :) Moddb shrinks it to fit unfortunately which means some detail is lost.

Good karma+1 vote
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ AC Ingame Screenshot 1

Try view original, moddb shrinks the image so it isn't as clear as it actually is.

Good karma+1 vote
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ European Conflict Epic Unit Video

Epic units are limited to 1, the atlas appearing twice in the video is a camera / editing trick.

Good karma+1 vote
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ European Conflict Epic Unit Video

Its ingame and works, but at the time the footage was captured certain aspects of the MASS weren't complete.

I do have some test videos, which show what it does. But I need permission if i'm going to make those public.

Good karma+1 vote
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ European Conflict Epic Unit Wallpaper

Well they are 3D models, so of course they look better in 3D.

However I believe the front perspective suits the poster.

Good karma+1 vote
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ European Conflict Epic Unit Wallpaper

The pictures behind the units are just textures I have used in making various FX, but they fit quite well.

Its rather flexible, we have quite a unique game mechanic which allows you to play your chosen faction in a number of different ways. But we're not going to reveal that just yet :)

WEA are more defensive, but can be played offensively.
UAN are all about offence, as their defences are quite weak.
AC can be offensive or defensive, and their units are powerful, yet slow.

Good karma+1 vote
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ Western European Alliance MASS

Your probably thinking of the matrix ships - Automopedia.org

Good karma+1 vote
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ Western European Alliance MASS

It can more than hold its own, except against anti-air aircraft. Our epic units are epic but balanced so that they don't break the game balance.

Good karma+2 votes
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ Christmas Update

The epic units are all designed to have weaknesses. For example, the Behemoth has a minimum attack range. With proper management and with the correct balance and use of other units, epic units are devastating. Alone, or if used incorrectly they can be easily beaten by a few weaker, cheaper units.

Good karma+1 vote
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ Western European Alliance MASS

EMP unit? None of the epic units have any EMP abilities / attacks.

Good karma+1 vote
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ Western European Alliance MASS

Was originally designed to have magnetic pads, I suggested we have the electricity - yes like the matrix - and it went from there. Definately one of my favorite units, unique weapon system as well.

Good karma+1 vote
Ion_Cannon! - - 36 comments @ Deep Impact

It makes sense for them to be released at the back. The Behemoth can produce units in battle so if the unit was released at the front its quite possible your new unit would be damaged / destroyed. The Behemoth is huge (as you can see) so units produced behind it are shielded somewhat.

Good karma+2 votes