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Soy de Argentina, y busco gente para crear un mod en español al 100% (I'm from Argentina, and I'm looking for people to create a 100% Spanish mod. Voice actors, modders, graphics,whatever it is fine.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 96)
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ McPwny

wow! genius!

Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ Yuri Bio Power II-Gamma version

those buildings are superbly beautiful...and I want to cut my balls with a spoon.

Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ Yuri Death Towr

railgun, laser o psychic??

Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ Yuri New Hero-Venom

maybe, my friend...maybe...but it is not decisive for the quality of that mod, is it? what do you think?

Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ Serkonos Tech Tree1

This chinese men will kill us!!! They are the extreme modders! look at those buildings....! I just realized how poor I am

Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ SCIPCION

eres muy malo! el poder de la regente caerá sobre tí y clamarás clemencia!

Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ SCIPCION

oye, tenemos un grupo de whatsapp...si quieres sumarte, hazlo saber

Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ DeeZire

dEEZIRE 9.0.0...I can to send a screen capture

Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ andresfcebas

espero no te pierdas. nimo y yuriana son argentinos...no seria mala idea mostrar algo de lo que solemos hacer.

Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ Russia loading screen

A silly question. how do you make the maps?

Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ A note about the soundtrack

Next stop, 3.3.7...just wait a time

Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ FR Loading 3.0

beautiful & powerfull

Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ Global Crisis

Nooo!Nooo! The next faction should be called The Hidden Ones of Atlantis.

Good karma-1 votes
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ Patch 3.3.6 (The Finale) is out!

If you give me the correct files, I can make a Mental Omega translated into Spanish. I want to leave a good game to my grandchildren before I die, as my personal mod has been broken.
Greetings from Argentina

Good karma+2 votes
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ Rampastring

Rampastring, has marcado nuevos paradigmas. A mí, en lo personal, se me complica usar el Cliente, aunque admito que ha embellecido mi mod, que es personal, y no tiene posibilidad de promoción. Vivo en Argentina. Aquí hay pocos que han jugado C&C Yuri´s Revenge (el juego que estoy modificando desde hace más de siete años).Hay modders latinoamericanos excelentes. Pero no llegamos a formar un equipo como Mental Omega. Aunque imagino que puede ser posible. Yo me he embarcado en la aventura de traducir YR al español, pero en mi mod. ojalá que algún día retomes la aventura del modding. Eres joven. Yo, que a mis 48 años aun tengo ganas de romper las rulesmd. ini, celebro las genialidades como la tuya.
saludos desde Argentina.

Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ New US Heavy Infantry Concept

a toilet guy?

Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ The new additions to the Skirmish Menu

entonces podriamos hacer un mod con voces en español...de hecho ya lo estoy haciendo

Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ particle testing


Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ The new Grizzly Battle Tank

Superb! Fantastic job! Greetings from Argentina

Good karma0 votes
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ Checklist for release

I agree. In my personal mod, Ripper Force II, I have removed France and Germany. They are replaced by the Ellipsis Network and Hexiron Corp, allied to the Yuri faction, which is now called the Global Phalanx. My Mod is fully spanish.

Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ Ripper Digital

El obelisco del conocimiento tiene la misma función de la vieja "adrenaline vault" aparecida en Dezire 8.0, es decir, ascender a las unidades a sargento. el obelisco de luz (no el de oscuridad) presento algun problema inesperado (la idea es la misma que la torre prisma, pero con un laser purpura) y el 30 de mayo se presento un except txt que aun estamos analizando con ares pero creo que es referente a unidades aereas rusas (posiblemente paratroopers o algun tipo de misil o tambien un tipo de shrapnel. Gracias por probarlo! En cuanto pueda subire una mejora de este juego. Y gracias por comentarlo, me ayuda mucho a seguir!

Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ UE Main Tank

wooooow! sos un maestro!

Good karma+2 votes
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ AGSA

can i download??

Good karma0 votes
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ THE BATTLE OF GENERALS

photoshop? genius! work for meee!!

Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ Image 3

Russia as a placeholder? Why not use Yuri? And take allies to the USA?

Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ Scorched Earth RA2 Mod BETA 6A

good job! its a good job!

Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ regis 1

sino aprenden, morirán!

Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ Age of Chivalry: Hegemony (Spanish Language Pack)

hola! no sirve para age of empire 2, verdad?

Good karma+2 votes
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ arthur clarke


Good karma+1 vote
Yuriana - - 96 comments @ RA2MD Award

Hello deezire! It is an honor and a privilege to write to you. I am a red alert player 2 and my first modification was red alert 2 deezire, which fascinated me. It was thanks to this mod, that starts to penetrate the modding ... I think it was 90% thanks to you. Today I have a version 8.0 for yuri's revenge, and I am trying to modify that version for personal use ... if you receive and read this message, the first thing I want you to know is that I thank you ... eternally thanks to the father of All modders!

Good karma+1 vote