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Comment History
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ Firestorm 3d

TSR is dead.

Good karma+1 vote
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ CnC Reborn Staff

hey isnt reborn supposed to have been released yesterday?

Good karma+1 vote
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ New header possibilities

i say the gold one, haha.

Good karma+2 votes
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ StarCraft: Burning Ground

guys what does this have to be set on, i patched my game, and when i start it up, the ground and water ook all funky, like my jungles are red, and the waters have diffrent colored lines in them...how do i fix this?

Good karma+1 vote
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ Project Lumoria

THis game had so many epic moments in it, i am playing it again and again. if microsoft wasnt so finicky, they could learn alot from you guys.

Good karma+3 votes
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ Tiberian Sun Rising

hey, i just want to say, im skilled with modding games, and i wanted to know if there is any way i can get a hold of the work you have thus far, and continue on with this mod. i can get a team together quite easily, and i dont want to see this mod killed. it is by far the most amazing one ive seen out there. thanks. if you need to get a hold of me, send an email to Brendan.Cordle@gmail.com .

Good karma+6 votes
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ Reality ODST: Takeback

cant even get past the opening... on easy...wtf...

Good karma0 votes
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ Tiberium Essence

cant wait for 1.5 to come out. i check this page like four times a day. made me go back and play firestorm as well. i remember when this mod first came out, i thought it would die like the rest of them around that time were doing. im not gonna lie i had began to doubt it was alive a few times but faith in the TE team has been well placed.

Good karma+4 votes
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ TTW needs your help!

may i be a beta tester? i have an eye for detail and have played tw extenbsivly although i dunno if that will be any help

Good karma+1 vote
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ It's time...

actually if you played the gdi campaign, the scrin are a species that are like cousins to the ones that made the tacitus. the warred with the scrin apparently. imho i think the new scrin like assimilated the old ones from ts

Good karma+2 votes
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ Tiberium Essence 1.5

iut is, im a huge arty person, i recognize the somewhat ok jugg cockpit sticking off the side

Good karma+1 vote
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ C&C 3: The Forgotten v1.1 Trailer

lol, it sent chills down my spine

Good karma+1 vote
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ C&C: Tiberian Eclipse

ive got some skill modding, and have done some work with this game, i might be able to get it up and running, plus i have a small group of great friends who can helop out, you never know maybe one day this will be finished

Good karma+2 votes
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ Tiberian Sun Rising

dude, ive been watching this since it was on generals...i cant wait for it to come out. guys, the work is epic to say the least.

Good karma+4 votes
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ Cabal,s rampancy

What cabal shall look like when his side is finished

Good karma+1 vote
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ Twistedsoul


Good karma+1 vote
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ Tiberium Essence

haha,cant wait for 1.5 to come out

Good karma+2 votes
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ Maxen1416

dude,whered ya get the avatar?

Good karma+1 vote
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ Tiberium Essence

when can i expect the next update for this mod?

Good karma+4 votes
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ Tiberian Sun Rising

i have an interesting question pertaining to the viusceroids. will they be the ones that are harmless when small untill they fuse, and what of the tiberium floaters?

Good karma+3 votes
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ Tiberian Sun Rising

verytrue deathincarn. well, all aside,i have extremely high hopes for this mod, and i think that the westwood dev team would be proud of this effort to redeem the c&c series.

Good karma+1 vote
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ Blue Tiberium Fiend

nevermind into it, that would tear some things up. O.O nice tib fiend model.

Good karma+2 votes
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ Tiberian Sun Rising

im gld nod is progressing well. i hate the fact that ea removed each factions best units(the titan and mammoth mkII for gdi and the cyborgs and banshee for nod) they removed its...well, i guess what Tiberium sun was. ive played through firestorm and all. i only got C&C4 for its storyline,but overall,it was a flop. so, this mod,and tiberium exxence mod,are the two chances ive seen for breathing life into the legend that westwood left behind. also, i really dislike the fact that ea turned the units into squads. me bieng a hardcore nod player,it tends to be harder to sneak in a squad of say, militants and rocket troops behind enemy lines. that, and the fact that the subterrainian(pardon if i mispeled that word) units were highly effective,but really took some skill to use to their full efffectivness. but im getting off subject here. in my honest opinion, this mod just may be the hidden hier to the westwood throne. and i am looking forward to seeing it blow eagames poor excuse for a C&C game out of the water,and land it among the trash.guys,the mod looks epic,and if there is any way ya need help, ill be willing to see what i can do.

Good karma+1 vote
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ Tiberian Sun Rising

any idea when you guys will be able to post the client for it? ive been watching this since it was first posted,and i honestly cant wait to see how this does in reversing the C&C3 and C&C4 failures that was eagames. so far,i like what i see.

Good karma+2 votes
Hirraken - - 25 comments @ Tiberium Essence

as far as im concerned, you guys are fixing the massive failure that was C&C 3. im definitly keeping an eye on this mod.

Good karma-1 votes