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Hevn Demonic the Doom mapper, making maps and mods with small group The OutDoomers. "TheOutDoomers" youtube channel is where our team work projects gets announced.

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Third Member of The OutDoomers

HevnDemonic-90eks Blog

February 17, 2022. Angel-Neko_X has joined with us (The OutDoomers) to work on The Hotel: Lost Contact Gzdoom mod, contributing on wip texture effects and some of the weapon mechanic codes, this is no longer a duo project, it's a trio project. We have chosen Angel-Neko_X as our third member of dev team, a long time friend we've knew him and has proven his potential on modding field and thus expanding this group we'll get more work done on that Hotel. As this blog is written, the mod is progressing well, slowly but surely.

The Hotel : Lost Contact progress 17.Jan.2022

HevnDemonic-90eks Blog

There was a long break in between last october (2021) until early January this year, i was lacking some inspiration during that time but i'm now back in the game again. Still working on second map as Das Lawrence is editing newer versions of weapons, i can't tell when this work is going to be ready, I will later on future publish newer trailer when we are getting closer to the end.