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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 229)
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Relighting

Found the settings that looks better to my taste. For better results you can benchmark with Doom1 e1m1 and e1m3... Found a good compromise between areas of darkness without losing visibility.
I also use my own custom Torch head-lamp instead of Flashlight for better visibility in darker areas.

Good karma+1 vote
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ relighting v4.0165b

as of latest version 4.0165b shadows are not working with Voxel Doom2... is there a chance that it only works with the original Voxel Doom1?

(testing now...)
No, it doesn't work even with DOOM1.WAD loaded with VoxelDoom1

Good karma+1 vote
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Relighting

Correction, my mistake: removed Voxel Doom to have Shadows working again, the shadows only work with sprites... :sad_face: (as of latest version 4.0165b)

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Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Relighting

I am playing Relighting combined with Voxel Doom2 and BrutalDoom v20B (original file dated 2016 with minimal tweaks by me) It works well, no issues. Matter of fact, I've tried other Gore mods for performance reasons, but I find that BrutalDoom blood and gore still looks the best, I'm keeping it. It's so ridiculous, gotta love it

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Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Relighting

("bug" report) Hey, just confirming what someone said in other comment, latest version 4.0165b the shadows don't work with Voxel Doom models.

When playing with Voxel DoomII (tested on DOOM.WAD and DOOM2.WAD) the voxel models are not emitting any lights, not even the pickups. Reverting back to sprites for now to be able to enjoy the shadows which make a tremendous difference in atmosphere and overall enjoynment \o/

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Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Relighting

I had to modify the mod in Slade to get readable fonts (smaller) on the Menu Descriptions text...
No matter what Scaling options I tried or resolution changes, the fonts would always too big for screen size...
This is what I did:

Screen.DrawText(ofont, Font.CR_WHITE, 11,
ofont.GetHeight() * CleanYfac_1 * (tips.Size() + 3), tip, DTA_ScaleX, 1.0, DTA_ScaleY, 1.0);

Good karma+1 vote
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Relighting

(part 5)
Tried Range of Lights 0.2 and 3.0 (extreme opposites) = no visible difference?
Okay, I'm keeping Decorative Lights OFF, that seems to help a lot with atmosphere (again: without losing visibility or requiring flashlight)

(Turned Monster Lights and Other Lights back on, looks nice)

(Reduced the size and scale of Other Lights, barrels looks normal now, default values too big, too green)

(noticed a "bug"?) Turning OFF Sector Lights disables the Blue Key trap on e1m3, the room doesn't turn dark :sad_face:

(trying to re-enable Sector Lights back ON and even restarting Gzdoom does not fix the Blue Key trap on e1m3, not sure what is going on)

For now, Decorative Lights OFF was the setting that made most improvement, and rolling OtherLights sliders all the way to minimum values

Good karma+1 vote
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Relighting

(part 4... comments are not kept in order here...)
(Sector Light)
Disabled "Sector Lights" and "Decorative Lights" = looks much more atmospheric (darker without losing visibility) Already makes E1M1 looks way better, but not much visible difference in e1m3 starting area (what is the setting that would make that central poison pit to glow Max Light? that's the setting I'm looking for) The older version 3.X had that feature where certain Ceiling Textures (lamps in this case) compounded to make the entire pit glow bright. Why is it different in 4.X?

(Spawn Lights)
Disabled "Other Lights" and "Monster Lights" = ok so now the Barrels in e1m3 are lot illuminated anymore, which makes the room look better. The problem is disabling the Barrel lights entirely would make them invisible in the dark at range (making them less useful for strategy play) I just want to SLIGHTLY REDUCE the size of lights emanating from Barrels (green light, so it does not obfuscate the natural sector lights) What would that setting be called in this new version?

Good karma+1 vote
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Relighting

Oh ok, I enabled Dim Sectors back on and turned the bar all the way down to 0.20... Dark corners look better now (I had that opposite before)

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Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Relighting

Question: how does Dim Sectors work? The bar says "how dim" but does higher values make sector darker? Or do I have to REDUCE the bar to low values in order to have DARKER sectors? (the contrast difference makes it look better when there's mix of Dark vs Light)

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Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Relighting

Disabled Dim Sectors at all = I liked more how it looks now, keeping it...
How Light Interacts with Map = tried Performance with DimSectors off, MoreLights and LessLights, no observable difference... LessLights just made harder to see in dark corridors in a bad way (discard)
Tried Disabling Texture Lights (no idea what it does) = no visible difference can be seen, reducing or increasing no difference (discard)
Disabled Smart Lighting tweaks = no visible difference (discard)
Disabled SubtractiveLighting and DynamicSectors = no visible difference (does it require new game soft reset or requires full gzdoom reload?) (discard WTF)
(reloaded gzdoom just to make sure, no visible difference)

Good karma+1 vote
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Relighting

oh man freak, I just did a quick test comparing E1M3 on older version 3.X versus newer version 4.X
I didn't expect such huge difference but I like how it looks on old version much more, looks more atmospheric and the light from that central poison pit BLEEDS into the openings in the wall...
I can't find settings in newer version to make it match the older version atmosphere... I'm gonna write here the changes I'm making to 4.X tuning as a log to not forget... (testing e1m1 and e1m3)
Disabling Shaders = no difference can be seen
Disabling color sectors = doesn't make much difference in the sector lighting
Disabled bleeding = I liked more how it looks (more colorful classic look) but no changes observed to sector light levels
Reduced Dim Sectors to 0.20 = the darker corners of the rooms are darker, this adds more atmosphere in general, very positive change (most drastic change so far)
Tried MoreLights and LessLights = no observable difference to E1M3 entrance area

will continue testing and logging here...
so far I'm trying to find settings on 4.X that replicates the Sector look of 3.X in e1m3

Good karma+1 vote
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ ReLite

Oh interesting, I didn't know Relite was from the same author from Relighting, I though it was a 3rd party modification.
For what situations do you recommend me using Relite over Relighting?

I just finished a WAD with Relighting 4.X and it was a great experience, sometimes I like more how the older version 3.X looked a bit more crunchy, but 4.X has been pretty great so far.

Good karma+2 votes
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ relighting v4.0165b

The mod is a mystery to me, sometimes it works brilliantly and other times these dark corridors stay completely in the dark unable to see.
I just finished Requiem with this mod, excellent experience thanks to the mod, for the first maps map1 through map5 working brilliantly, and then for the later maps (Hell themed) it didn't work quite right, more than often too dark.

Good karma+1 vote
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ relighting v4.0165b

In this new version 4.01 how could I manually edit the file on Slade to give the mod a "Minimum Sector Light allowed" like there was in the older 3.3.1 version?
For that reason I always keep the older 3.0 version on disk, some maps look better on that version, although it takes a bit longer to load some maps.
The majority of maps look better on this newer version though.
Is it possible to manually change the code to raise the value for "Minimum Light"? Unfortunately I've found that light 128 works ok for most things to avoid too dark corridors.
I have a Flare-Torch mod for emergency situations but it breaks immersion.

Good karma+1 vote
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Bolognese Gore Mod v3.0

gzdoom lag is out of control lately... if I have gore mods enabled it is lagging even in stock Doom1 maps... this is insanity... we are regressing... gzdoom never lagged like this in 2015 or whatever the F ck

Good karma+1 vote
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Reikall's Heretic Voxels

The huge news for Voxels recently is that Woof Doom (a variant of Crispy Doom) just gained the addition of a full Voxel Software Renderer that is fully compatible with the existing PK3 Voxel mods available out there... So what this means is that we will be able to enjoy Voxel models on the Vanilla ports for that extra performance boost and zero lag/slowdown like happens in zdoom. (because zdoom converts each voxel to 3D cubes, you can imagine how taxing that is on the hardware)
So yeah maybe this great news inspires you to continue the work on this! Thanks again! Awesome!

Good karma+1 vote
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Reikall's Heretic Voxels

Wow man thanks a lot! This is awesome! Accidently found this by searching for something else! Made my night! I was just testing Voxel Doom for the 1st time and now this will be excellent for Heretic maps

Good karma+1 vote
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Voxel Doom II with Parallax Textures v 2.4

Hell, I'm just playing right now a 1997 WAD called Requiem which features 3D floors (3D floors OVER other 3D floors)
The things we think are "recent" in doom history are all here from early 2000's, it just happen that recent modders "discovered" these unused functions in the code.
Unless you can't give explicit examples of code that requires 4.10+ I can't take anything you guys say seriously.

Good karma+1 vote
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Voxel Doom II with Parallax Textures v 2.4

is there any feature that makes it imperative to use "version 4.10 or higher"? or do you just make it a forced requirement inside of the pk3 file?
It's becoming very annoying with modders thinking that "most updated version" is required (most of the time it isn't just look what Winter's Fury and Pirate Doom did back in 2012 and 2013) and having to update the gzdoom folder every other month because of this (remaking all the shortcuts, reconfiguring the INI options and adding keybinds/aliases)
Is there ANY example of a feature on this mod that would not run on... let's say... gzdoom version 4.8.0?
In my previous conversion mods for Zandronum compatibility I made quick adaptations to the code in Slade and suddenly the mods became compatible with Zandronum which is based off a version of gzdoom from 2016. This trend of "update every month" is going to become very annoying.

Good karma+1 vote
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ peril3.0c

thanks a lot for the detailed review!

Good karma+1 vote
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Episode 1: Get Out Of My Stations

If anything, I had an earlier version of the file where the untouched original map19 (Bingo Hall Pools of Blood) did not have a rocket launcher at the starting area. When I changed computers and updated the file, the map was already different (much easier to complete therefore not the same experience)

Good karma+1 vote
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Episode 1: Get Out Of My Stations

Are there any archives for earlier versions 1.00 of this WAD?
I would love to try out the original maps before any "feedback" alterations. (which usually suck)

Good karma+1 vote
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Episode 1: Get Out Of My Stations

I keep forgetting that Zdoom ports can load ZIP files, so you can load multiple files at once that way, with drag and drop.

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Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Explosive Barrels and Spectres from Brutal Doom v20B (1.00 WIP)

Tested with SIGIL 2, works fine.
There should be no texture conflicts (no wall textures included on this, neither special floor animations)
If you're getting black textures on Sigil 2, that's because you must use Doom1 WAD instead of Doom2

Good karma+1 vote
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Dark Hour (Canada)

does it work on any quake port? I heard about DirectQ direct3d quake

Good karma+1 vote
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ MALICEv2 fixed

I read that SHRAK works using a source port called DirectQ direct3d quake... it uses directx 9c

Good karma+1 vote
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ MALICE for Quake (patched with bug fixes and soundtrack)

I heard someone say that for playing SHRAK in modern machines you can use a Quake port called DirectQ Direct3d quake... any other ports for the other expansions? Juggernaut, Malice, Dark Hour, Aftershock, etc

Good karma+2 votes
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Berserker@Quake2

wow dude, amazing... from what I see in that Map1 demo video, this is looking way better than the official Quake2 "remake"... this one looks much better, and the best thing to me: support to original map files...

I have one question: is there an option in your modified engine to change all the dynamic lights to White Lights? I would love if there was a command for that. I don't like the way colored lights look at all and would very much prefer white lights (like they do in Software Renderer)

Good karma+2 votes
Hereticnic - - 229 comments @ Brutal Doom Hell On Earth StarterPack for slower computers

Did it work? Awesome, have fun

Good karma+1 vote