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Hi I'm GideonB, I make games for fun and stuff. I am currently making Lightgun Fever, a Lightgun game for the PC, using a mouse as a lightgun and a lot of humour as a backbone to support that crappy Game Maker engine I have to use.

Comment History
GideonB - - 26 comments @ PARANOIA

Game crashes on 7 Pro x64. Any ideas?

Good karma+2 votes
GideonB - - 26 comments @ Left 4 Quake

So your having a go at someone for trying to make a game more accessible? Kinda stupid since it might encourage them to buy the actual Left4Dead. Valve hasn't sent a Cease and Decist letter yet. So they are in the green.

Good karma+1 vote
GideonB - - 26 comments @ Ricochet: Source

Are you going to improve the gameplay as well as the graphics on the mod itself? I liked Ricochet but never really understood it tbh.

Good karma+1 vote
GideonB - - 26 comments @ Bit Fortress

Loving the game. I want to play it now xD It looks like a hard bullethell game, which is awesome.

Good karma+1 vote
GideonB - - 26 comments @ Where were we?

Great to hear development is back on track, I've been looking forward to this game and still am. Hopefully a beta soon as you guys have finished moving to a slightly newer version of Torque which shouldnt take to long as it's pretty much the same engine (I thought that anyways).

Never tried UDK though when I tried an Unreal Editor, it confused me. Probably not used to it's UnrealEd yet. I also recommend you try out Unity. It's pretty good from what I hear.

Good karma+1 vote
GideonB - - 26 comments @ Lightgun Fever

At the moment just try out the demo as that's the "alpha" gameplay. And I'm still waiting on Game Maker 8 to get released, but I will have updates and stuff for the game.

Good karma+1 vote
GideonB - - 26 comments @ Catching everyone up-to-date

Hi Dave, will this have a Single-Player mode as well or will it be geared towards co-operative/competitve multiplayer gameplay?

Good karma+1 vote
GideonB - - 26 comments @ Ball of Doom

Ok kool thanks for the help, I haven't been making games lately due to pressure at school to pass certain exams to get my GCSE options, but yeah, I'm making a game at the moment using flash CS4, so I shall probably release it once it's done.

Good karma+1 vote
GideonB - - 26 comments @ Undernet Uprising

What engine you using are are you coding it? Just asking also do you need a mapper? I can map :D

Good karma+1 vote
GideonB - - 26 comments @ Honestly.

Yeah man, keep this up, I wanna play it :D ninjadave this game gotta continue ITS AWESOME!

Good karma+2 votes
GideonB - - 26 comments @ UT3 + Steamworks

but then wouldn't that mean you won't be able to play online anymore because steam is a bitch for having latest versions when you play online. Maybe they will release non-steam patches still... dunno though.

Good karma+1 vote
GideonB - - 26 comments @ Crimson Crow

hi ninja, hope the game continues, sorry to hear about the virus but this game better be released by end of this year :D I want to play it so badly!

Good karma+2 votes
GideonB - - 26 comments @ Bloody Massacre

Nice gameplay, I like the idea that you can combine weapons to make any Dual Wielding Combination. What requirements are for this game?

Good karma+1 vote
GideonB - - 26 comments @ Duke Theft Auto

I want to see this, tracking it :D hope it goes well.

Good karma+2 votes
GideonB - - 26 comments @ Good news and Bad news

Ah man unlucky, but I hope the work continues because I'm looking foward to this, but this unfortunate event caused by a virus may have delayed your game for maybe a few months. Damn.

Good karma+1 vote
GideonB - - 26 comments @ Crimson Crow

have you tried with UAC as well? because usually UAC mucks it up. But at least it will run on vista :D

Good karma+2 votes
GideonB - - 26 comments @ Crimson Crow

I have one simple question: How the hell do you get those brilliant graphics using TGE? It looks really good. Let's hope it runs on Vista. Dark Basic Pro can use editor on Vista but not launch games unfortunaly.

Good karma+2 votes
GideonB - - 26 comments @ Ball of Doom

I wish i could, but I am crap at Source, I tried making a mod in it before, I can't. But I will use a better one for my next game... Which I am trying to find at the moment for a reasonable price. (Maybe a Free one like Adventure Game Studio)

Good karma+1 vote
GideonB - - 26 comments @ Star Apocalypse

what engine are you using to make this game?

Good karma+2 votes
GideonB - - 26 comments @ Ball of Doom

im not designing the graphics in Game Maker. It's just for level design. Anyway this is my first game. I'm going to use a different engine next time. I'm a beginner, so what do you expect?

Good karma+1 vote
GideonB - - 26 comments @ Ball of Doom

Ok, I changed the graphics just to let you know, but yeah, It's not in pre-alpha :D

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GideonB - - 26 comments @ Ball of Doom

I will try to :D but my skills in Fireworks aren't that good, So i can't do much without drawing and scanning in. But I can and Will try to improve the graphics, while keeping my edge of sarcasm in the crappy graphics I kind of want.

Good karma+1 vote
GideonB - - 26 comments @ Ball of Doom

it is in pre-alpha but the graphics are final. I wanted to make it cartoony .

Good karma+1 vote
GideonB - - 26 comments @ Ball of Doom

Ok I shall change that, but The game is basically Ball Revamped with Skydiving and so much more.

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GideonB - - 26 comments @ tank

Game making program. I'm using it to create a game. It's easy to use.
By the way zac your game is fun. I have played it. Its graphics are simple, yet so satisfying. You probably put a lot of time and work into this game, and that time and work has paid off. I hope I can see more brilliant levels from you.

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GideonB - - 26 comments @ Zombie Killing Grounds

It's a great game, when does everyone play it lol?

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