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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 170)
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Cry of Fear

It's pretty disheartening to hear that Rumpel doesn't value the feedback of his fans. The point wasn't to start a forum argument over which game was better, I simply expressed how I preferred AoM for various reasons, and not just which one had more scares.

What I liked best about AoM is that the gameplay was streamed as one long journey with very few interruptions such as cutscenes. As compared to CoF, where the gameplay is halted whenever you open a door, watch a cutscene, and open the inventory menu. In AoM, you simply click a number key and the weapon is loaded and ready to go. In CoF you have to assign each weapon to a slot and combine it with another key to operate the flashlight. What's frustrating to me is that you can't reload while holding it, and must fumble in the dark to load the gun while simultaneously avoiding enemies you may not be able to see. I disliked losing bullets due to reloading by accident and thus ending up with less ammunition overall. This lead to me frequently creeping through levels with two bullets in a magazine which is not enough to kill certain enemies. In AoM, reloading would top off the total amount of bullets in a gun and not penalize you by causing you to lose bullets in a reload.

Another thing I liked about AoM was that the enemies had different effects which made them unique and challenging. (Twitchers have speed, the vortigaunts have a fast rate of fire, the alien grunt has invisibility) In CoF much of the enemies have the same attack pattern, which is to charge and attack.

What i'm saying is AoM had a lot of good features that are simply due to being left over mechanics from Half Life.

Good karma+2 votes
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Cry of Fear

So I just watched the making of AoM on Youtube again this afternoon. I tell you what would be really great; if someone were to make an HD remake of AoM, similar to the CoF campaign Afraid of Fear did. (although still HL1 and not 2) To this day I still use the Twitcher for my avatar on a few websites, and once in a while i'll watch a few playthroughs of the mod on Youtube. I would definitely pay money to fund another AoM style game. (As great as Cry of Fear is, I still like AoM better.)

I went to Deviantart and looked up AoM. There's a few good drawings of it, but for some confusing reason there's a lot of artwork of David and Simon in a quasi-gay embrace. I don't know what would possess someone to turn them into yaoi wank-material.

Over the years i've found I still really like the bare-bones story, the immersion (something that CoF does poorly on in my opinion, as opening the item menu and having to pause whenever you use a door) and the constant state of dread in the pit of my stomach I got playing the first and Director's Cut. I've recommended the game to countless people who have never heard of it and remain hopeful that we'll get another great horror mod in the future.

Good karma0 votes
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ No More Room in Hell

This 1.6 patch made the game not only playable but enjoyable for once. There's still a few annoying things:

Apparently there are ghosts as enemies, as we keep getting attacked by invisible zombies, or they get stuck in the ground and can still hit you.

When the zones deplete to 0%, the round doesn't always end which means as a spectator you're stuck sitting there unable to play until someone finally finds the mob of zombies stuck in a corner somewhere.

Maybe it's just me but it still feels like we're running waist-deep in water all the time, our jump height also never feels adequate.

However, everything else in the game has been improved vastly and it's good to see the devs making plans for the next patch. I request that you reskin the baseball bat and give us both a fast aluminum bat and a slower wooden bat wrapped in grip tape. Also, would it be possible to have crawling zombies a la HL2?

Good karma+5 votes
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Cry of Fear

So..is there going to be a patch to fix the various game-breaking bugs in the Halloween campaign? Picking up the shovel causes the game to crash for some people, and when fighting the first boss, it touches the hanging-person model and then the mod exits to the menu screen with no way back into the game.

Good karma0 votes
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Cry of Fear

Obviously you got to my comment late as ruMpel himself already posted an updated download description because more than one person was having difficulty installing it. So take your ****** mood somewhere else.

Good karma+1 vote
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Halloween Community Collab Campaign

Thanks to ruMpel for explaining how to fix the problem instead of just downvoting the comment.

Boy, this new collab crashes a lot. Pick up a shovel, it crashes. Reinstalled the game, and got past that. Now when i'm fighting the first boss, the screen exits to the main menu, so I can't progress any further. Oh well.

Good karma+2 votes
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Cry of Fear

I've done this about 4 times now and I still can't get the campaign to appear there. Downloaded the .rar, extracted the files to the CryofFear folder, start the game via the launcher, and the Halloween campaign doesn't appear anywhere in the list.

Good karma+1 vote
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Cry of Fear - Halloween community collab released

So, apparently my question was removed from here because the whole comment is gone. I'll ask it again: how do we get the custom campaign to appear in the list? I downloaded the .rar, extracted it to the CryofFear folder, and nothing shows up when I load the game. I've done this about 4 times now and I can't get the Halloween campaign to show up there.

Good karma0 votes
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Cry of Fear

Ditto, extracted folders to where it said, and there's nothing new in the custom campaign area. What a letdown, guess i'll play L4D2 for the rest of my Halloween.

Good karma-2 votes
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Halloween Community Collab Campaign

Okay..so I just updated the game to 1.55 but I don't see where the new campaign is, or what it's called.

Good karma+1 vote
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ No More Room in Hell

This mod still has a lot of issues that need to be fixed before being greenlit-worthy.

Why does the game keep crashing all the time even after downloading the latest fix? I swear, every time I make it to wave 5 it's only a matter of time before I see that red timer countdown in the upper right of the screen and have to find a new server. There's bugs where the ironsight glitches, such as having a loop of continuously cocking the 357 hammer. If you charge a melee swing and mousewheel switch to a different item, you automatically swing the melee weapon next time you select it. Another bug is if you drop an item and switch to the grenade, there's a purple/black checkerboard image glitch in the bottom left of the screen.

I can't count the number of times i've died due to not being able to shove or swing a weapon, which is pretty recockulus when combined with the horrid backup speed. Weapons aren't very balanced either. The pipewrench, flashlight, shovel, turned-off chainsaw all feel weak. Why does a single machete hit kill a zombie but not 5 hits with these weapons? Also, why can't we hold the pipewrench and a flashlight at the same time? A weapon that is heavy and short range should at least do decent damage.

Lastly, there has got to be some kind of way to address the constant, nonstop teamkillers! It's limited to each server, but none of them seem to have any sort of way to ban/punish people who hog all the shotgun ammo, smoke the whole team, then scream UMAD over the microphone. Typing !vk # doesn't work, and why is there only 10 seconds allowed to type !yes to votekick someone? My last fourteen deaths were all teamkills, and there's nothing the game lets us do about it. At least in CS, you get a variety of options such as forgive, slay, burn, timebomb, freeze, drug, blind, and so on.

Good karma+3 votes
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ No More Room in Hell

I finally got the mod installed and working. I still get a bug where whenever I try to start the game, my screen goes black and gets stuck in a loop where it tries to load the game and fails. I have to control alt delete and close the game then restart it for the mod to work.

The Favela map is WAY too dark, you can't see anything at all. Whoever made this needs to at least give us moonlight to work with. It's absolutely pathetic how slow characters back up now. I end up having to strafe sideways to back up after hitting one zombie since the shove doesn't always register. There seems to be a lot more lag then there used to be, sometimes it takes a full second after a headshot before it registers, causing me to waste a second bullet thinking the first one didn't hit it's mark. Also, the admins told me the Isolated door bug was fixed and it isn't. Someone will inevitably die on the door and all the guns/ammo he has falls under the door and gets stuck.

Good karma+3 votes
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ No More Room in Hell

Ok, the link to download the zip file doesn't work. I tried multiple browsers but it can't load the page from gamefront or whatever.

Good karma+1 vote
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ No More Room in Hell

Downloaded and installed the 1.5, and now neither version work for me. Could someone tell me how to uninstall the game so I can reinstall 1.5?

Good karma+1 vote
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Cry of Fear

OK, so I just played through a bunch of the new campaigns, and I have to say I liked them MUCH less than the previous Memories campaign.

The first few were very meh, end abruptly and are very linear (but that's kinda to be expected in CoF) and took about 10 minutes to complete. Then I got to Recidivist's level..Did anybody actually PLAYTEST this one? Good GOD there's so little light that I literally couldn't progress any further. There's a point when you get light for FIVE seconds before losing it, then you're stuck. I spun around in circles in this tiny room for fifteen minutes trying to find the door I just came in, and the bug where you end up in the same room you were trying to leave is still there unfortunately. When I did get through it, I entered one door and there was no light whatsoever. Pitch black. I couldn't find the door I entered in so I finally gave up in frustration.

There's also a lot more bugs in this release; Simon's arm keeps disappearing after picking up items so you can't see him punch anything. There's one section after an enemy (won't spoil which one) where the walls are glitchy, you see that infinite repeating wave-like effect that happens when there's no wall texture.

The modders gave us the same headache of not being able to carry both guns and light at the same time (and you can't drop the phone) so I kept picking up a bunch of ammo for guns I left all the hell the way at the beginning..I was playing the last new campaign and had one hell of a time trying to push blocks, everytime I pull one it or ME gets thrown across the room due to that old Half Life style of box pulling..I had one get thrown into the ceiling and I couldn't get it back out, so ragequit.

I'm happy that people are willing to make effort and give us new levels to play, but god damn do some of them need work. I couldn't even get scared for more than a minute without the aggravation of bugs and poor item placements. :(

Good karma+2 votes
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ No More Room in Hell

Did you fix the white door bug in the Isolated map? Every time someone drops items or dies on the broken white front door the items get stuck in there.

Good karma+3 votes
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Grey

Ha, I just realised the drill's brand is Binford. I don't remember Tim Taylor advertising a new Binford 6100 creature drill. :>

Good karma+2 votes
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Cry of Fear

I just completed the Memories campaign. Nine more levels of horror and heart-pounding trauma.

In my opinion these were done much better than the community collab, each level had a unique theme and feel. Some were terrifying, some were funny, and near the end I was having a heart attack. When I saw what the eighth level was, I literally yelled "NOOO!" because i've had so many nightmares over this in the past, and now i'm sure i'll have more after playing it.

I was a little disappointed in how short some of the levels were, and some end rather abruptly (like the Out Of It campaign). I did however like the new variety of enemies and sounds, as well as the music even if it does loop after a small amount of time. There were finally enough savepoints included and ammunition wasn't quite so rare, but I raged when my favorite gun wasn't included in any of the levels. In my opinion, these levels had more buildup and took the time to set the mood more than the previous community campaign.

I'm happy to have CoF be given more replay value with these custom maps, I can't wait to see more. As far as people asking about a sequel goes; David is addicted to pills, Simon is addicted to morphine. Maybe the next character should just straight up smoke crack. :I (although weed would probably result in less hallucinations..)

Good karma+3 votes
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Grey

Wow, was reading up on the latest from CoF when someone linked this in the comments. Looks great so far! Even though the trailer has the obligatory seconds of black, the environment is very detailed and rich in atmosphere. I have to say I liked the look of the mini-uzi and the drill weapons, they seem very visceral. (although ever notice how almost every horror game has a pipe with an elbow fitting in it? I'd say rebar is much more common, I was personally happy to see rebar as a weapon in Condemned) Hard to get a look at the enemies but the flashes of them were creepy.

Sadly I don't own Episode 2. :I May have to buy it when this mod is released. How much does it go for these days?

Good karma+1 vote
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Cry of Fear

I'm with FrostyBlue on this one, as time goes on I honestly feel that (to me) Afraid of Monsters was the better mod. AoM was all about carefully creeping down hallways, paranoid that an enemy will appear out of nowhere. There really weren't many cutscenes and that made it feel more like HL1 in that any story moments happen in front of you (such as David driving to the forest level).

While I do agree the CoF team worked very hard and created a visually appealing mod, I honestly didn't find myself as scared as I was playing AoM. And while the enemies were well done, I think the enemies from AoM were a little creepier than CoF. In AoM a lot of the enemies had different features (the twitcher was very fast and jittery, the invisible smiley-face enemies would pop up from nowhere, the headcrabs sounded and looked much creepier) I like the giants, floating women and the hospital bed enemies, but not so much everything else.

The bookface enemy, the paper-bag-head enemy with a pistol, and the bucket-head enemy with the axe all felt a little samey to me. A lot of enemies in CoF are humanoid (as opposed to AoM's more twisted misshapen creatures) and while intimidating, weren't quite as monsterous as the AoM beastiary.

I also very much hate the instant-kill enemies, because sometimes you can lag slightly or back up against a corner or bit of the environment and die, having to redo the same area over and over. (the custom campaign being a big headache because of it)

I still like CoF, but slightly less than AoM due to it's frustrating areas (inventory, lighting, instant deaths, sometimes confusing puzzles). I honestly hope the creators make their own custom campaign to go along with user-created campaigns.

Good karma+3 votes
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Cry of Fear

Where in my post did I complain about difficulty? Also, you're talking about "realism" in a game with flying bed monsters and giants. Is it realisic to have your ammunition vanish when you change magazines? People like you should take the cork out of your butt and quit trying to start flame wars.

Good karma+2 votes
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Cry of Fear

I don't know who the two reviewers are in the video posted recently, but I mostly agree with what they said. The biggest flaw they omitted was not being able to carry everything you find, and being forced to choose between light or a weapon a lot. I can't count the number of times an enemy kicked Simon's *** because I had to fumble around reloading in pitch black.

I'd say one reason the story wasn't great is because english isn't their first language so it comes across as somewhat awkward. That's one reason I like Afraid of Monsters better, you can use your imagination to create a story since the mod didn't really have one of it's own. Plus, being completely alone the whole game added to the isolated feel AoM gives you.

Hopefully soon some of the new collab levels will give us a reason to come back to the mod again.

Good karma+3 votes
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Cry of Fear

Dear people who create community maps: Would it ******* kill you to add a goddamn save point once in a while? I tried the 8-mapper campaign and am stuck in a goddamn loop where i've died NINE times (due to your wonderful instant-death enemies) and have to keep replaying the same ******* area over and OVER again because the last save point was at level TWO!

I finally got further than I have in four days today, an area with a lot of lanterns and a maze. Just when I thought i'd finally made it through the floor breaks and I fall into a pit and die instantly. Again. Instead of restarting back at level two I just ragequit the game and i'm done with it for good. I really hate dying especially when it isn't my fault, and replaying the same **** multiple times gets stale fast. Making us choose between light and reloading a gun is one thing, but having enemies kill you in one hit, enemies who force you to shoot yourself dead (and tapping the resist button has never worked for me once) and bumbling around in pitch black while getting your progress reset to zero is ********.

To future campaign makers: We have Simon's point of view, the doctor's point of view, even the police's point of view, but we don't have the girl's story yet. How about making one for her?

Good karma+12 votes
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Cry of Fear

That scare compilation is funny, some people have zero tolerance for scary games. :I

Good karma-2 votes
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Cry of Fear

Hey guys! There's someone who makes awesome fake movie trailers for games, and he did Afraid of Monsters! Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q47GeZenu6I&feature=plcp&context=C31814b3UDOEgsToPDskKgMVzCQHDEXdM5uYVqdleb

Good karma-1 votes
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Cry of Fear

So, I redid the whole goddamn thing. Couldn't get past the bug, so I sucked it up and started over. I just got to the section again, and i've confirmed two bugs.

One, for some reason if you try to enter the jail-type door where the doctor is, you just end up facing the way you came. Took ****** 8 tries to get THROUGH the door.

Second bug, if you press the use key while viewing the sign holder before he's finished, he leaves, and you can't double check the code again because pressing use near the telescope will just have Simon look through it again instead of him saying "The sign said #" So I guess it's my fault for not sitting there staring at the sign until he left, then having Simon automatically stop looking through the telescope. ****** piece of **** bug.

(also, I just wanted to say I hate you for both taking away my ability to carry more than 3 items at a time, forcing me to have light, a puzzle piece, and either a weapon/health because you can't bumble around in the dark and you need puzzle pieces to progress. I keep using 3 bullets on an enemy then while reloading in pitch black, get killed because I can't see him coming, and can't reload early or I lose whatever's in the magazine forever. Real **** move there, especially reducing Simon's total health by a good %20.) >:I

Good karma+1 vote
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Cry of Fear

Well it isn't. I have a useful note such as "There's something strange about ___" instead of something helpful, like this number.

Good karma+2 votes
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Cry of Fear

Noticed the "number is no longer there and can't be recovered again" post I made a few pages ago?

Good karma+1 vote
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Cry of Fear

If anyone know's the doctor's door code, (assuming it isn't a random number generator) it would be helpful if you could private message it to me. I know there's more than one so i'm hoping someone will send me the correct number since I can't find out what it is anymore.

Good karma+1 vote
Fleshfeast - - 170 comments @ Cry of Fear

I know what that phone number is, you aren't listening. I can't dial the phone again and the number out the window is gone so I can't find out what the door code is.

Good karma+1 vote