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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 219)
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2: Savior 2019 (Unofficial)

Да причем тут) Чтобы попасть в геймдев - нету и не было бы необходимости (или условием) клепать моддерам большой проект, как П2 в резюме. Он был сделан для комьюнити, любившее оригинальную Параною. А вот что получилось на выходе у нас - это немного другой вопрос. В любом случае - это был неоценимый опыт для нас самых. Реальная разработка длилась 3 года (2012-2015), занимая все личное время между походами на основную работу. Не все получилось реализовать, к сожалению, но и долгострой не было смысла делать.
Что касается продолжения - комментировать не буду. Все возможно ;)

Good karma+4 votes
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2: Savior 2019 (Unofficial)

Официальная страничка игры вот здесь:

Good karma+3 votes
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2: Savior

It is stand-alone original game.

Good karma+5 votes
Elber - - 219 comments @ Elber

I see... So, I think the engine possibly is a real reason. But guys - I am not a programmer. It was the first engine's game. As a rule - it is not stable for other configurations that were not tested. Try latest version with updated engine:

Good karma+1 vote
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2: Savior


Good karma+1 vote
Elber - - 219 comments @ Elber

Hi there! Remake savior maps for paranoia = cut and devide.
There is no reason to do such gigantic work, IMO. Sorry.
Possibly it is engine's issue or you have very old videocard.

Good karma+1 vote
Elber - - 219 comments @ REBORN TO CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN (RTCW Remake Mod)

If you need guys - I can replace default characters models with any you want (mds).
Wszystkiego najlepszego!)

Good karma+3 votes
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2 v1.1 Final Release!

Это не Source. Следовательно никакого регдолла.

Good karma+1 vote
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2: Savior

Nobody knows exactly. I think not, coz it needs lot of efforts as for free project. The story is finished, and I dont want to make some copy of Resident Evil 2 Movie... Everything has its ending:)

Good karma+4 votes
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2: Savior

Dont ask me, I had no deal with that. I have no idea what is "Unknown: Paranoia 2: Savior"

Good karma+1 vote
Elber - - 219 comments @ Best campaign ideas for P2

I've ported all levels from P1 to P2 for the author of the 1st one, maybe someday he'll finish this port.

Good karma+1 vote
Elber - - 219 comments @ Source Test

It was just test screenshot.
I promise - it'll be much better)

Good karma+2 votes
Elber - - 219 comments @ Source Test

Personally I'd like port both - but 1st one is not our property, thats why it is impossible.
We'll try to compose the story in P2Savior to become friendy for users that were not equeinted with 1st one.

Good karma+1 vote
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2: Savior

It is xash3D Engine, I can't help you.

Good karma+1 vote
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2: Savior

Спасибо. По google maps делали)

Good karma+1 vote
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2: Savior

-create please *bat file with: "start Paranoia2.exe -dev 1"
-put it in folder with game *exe file
-launch game and press "Console"

Good karma+3 votes
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2: Savior

Hi guys! We are working now at pre-production of P2:Redux for Steam. The project will have additional features, easy-coming Source engine for all PCs and unique content. Stay with us, coz we are still working)

Good karma+6 votes
Elber - - 219 comments @ KPL

Currently we are working at Paranoia 2: Redux for Steam.
Stay with us)

Good karma+12 votes
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2: Savior

Да, нормально. Все ж вынесли оборудование.
Что касается локализации - то русский не родной язык, поэтому сложно писать на нем.

Good karma+1 vote
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2: Savior

Hi guys! We are working on some interesting thing, so don't forget about us, coz you'll like it)

Good karma+5 votes
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2: Savior

1st - Most of music is copyrighted, and made specially for the game.
Some tracks were borrowed - but in credits are shown authors.

Good karma+2 votes
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2 v1.1 Final Release!

How are you think - will it have success?

Good karma+6 votes
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2 v1.1 Final Release!

I think I should port this game into Source, just because of saving our reputation and respect your free time. Sorry if smth wrong with this game, coz trully speaking I can better.

Good karma+11 votes
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2 v1.1 Final Release!

only weapons for the player

Good karma+1 vote
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2 v1.1 Final Release!

What would you say about an idea of P2 on Source engine? Hypothetically)

Good karma+16 votes
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2 v1.1 Final Release!

OC14 Groza, TT-33. VSS and M4A1 - are bonus weapons for modders.
New monsters..

Good karma+2 votes
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2 v1.1 Final Release!

это продолжение мода на халфу в виде ремейка.

Good karma+1 vote
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2: Savior

yes it is.
Still un-authed.

Good karma+3 votes
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2 v1.1 Final Release!

It awaits for authorization

Good karma+1 vote
Elber - - 219 comments @ Paranoia 2: Savior

Hi guys. Everything is OK. I have 7:26 pm now.
Be patient. Right now I am compiling the installer)

Good karma+9 votes