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Comment History
DisasterChief - - 4 comments @ Princess Crate Manor

Seriously. If you're going to get on and flame someone's mod, at least make sure you can spell first. demonSTRAIGHTS? Really?

I think I'm getting bored with HL2 mods for now, and I'm considering firing up both Morrowind and Oblivion, and seeing some of your homes my expedite the process.

Personally, I see a more fantastical, creative design in the entrance being a simple crate. Because that's what Oblivion is, right? Fantasy?

Good karma+1 vote
DisasterChief - - 4 comments @ Dark Source

Wait a minute, let me get this straight. 2010 is a year many will remember as being the day the world stood still? Did the planet suddenly start spinning 365 times faster in 2010? But if the Earth is spinning faster how could it possibly stand still? If that's not the case; however, then let me use this space to make an announcement of my upcoming mod Super Earth Source Destruction Tour 40,000K. By the year 40,000,000 humanity has advanced so far that the events of a year occur in a day and the events of a day occur in the blink of an eye! The shot that starts a war is sometimes the last, and the Sun rises and sets so frequently that the sky has a constant blurry yellow streak slicing through it. You play as Rock Sharply, a retired marine, astronaut, scientist, and social worker who must overcome unsurmountable odds to slow the progression of time before eternity is a thing of the past!

Good karma+1 vote
DisasterChief - - 4 comments @ SMOD: Tactical

I'm happy this is only beta, because the damage dealt by enemy weapons is truly insane. I understand you're going for a "tactical" experience, but rushing two heavily armed soldiers with nothing but a combat knife isn't exactly tactical. Engaging the first two enemies rarely resulted in success for me, but when it did, I didn't even make it to the fourth. I don't want to see any backlash about me not being good at video games. Instead, what I'd like to see is the 400 MB of hard drive space this game is wasting, or possibly a version that isn't painfully impossible. I like the weapon, vehicle, and enemy skin replacements, and I'm sure I'd like the rest of the game too if I had a chance to see, but when a game stops being fun I stop playing. Sadly it stops being fun soon, like when you go through the teleporter and end up outside and you have impossibly heavy boxes blocking your path. I'm sure there is a "tactical" solution to clearing these while those annoying little drones flashbang the **** out of me, but it isn't a very "fun" solution. Bored, I loaded the next chapter, where I had to sweat our two friends in the hallway.

Nice concept, horrendous execution. I'm anticipating the beta, all the while missing me hard drive space. Good luck.

Good karma+1 vote
DisasterChief - - 4 comments @ GoldenEye: Source

I need someone to explain the library client fix but it must adhere to these conditions:

1) Perfectly legible description including correctly spelled words and proper use of punctuation.

2) Terms that someone who doesn't actually create mods will understand.

I followed the link for the fix and while I understand that it was written in English words, my mind refused to comprehend it as anything but complete gibberish. Some of us out here still require detailed step-by-step instructions to play our games without error. If anyone has the patience and is willing to remedy the problem for me, I would be the happiest of campers.

Good karma+1 vote