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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 194)
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ UT3 + Steamworks


Personally, I would love to see achievments for mods.

Good karma+1 vote
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ I don't give second chances

Honestly, I will try a mod that appeals to me, if the base gameplay is broken on first release, I'll probably not pick it up ever again. But if a mod is fun but rusty on first release, I'll give it another shot. Mostly I spend most of my time modding and not playing so I dont have alot of time to go back and play mods that have new patches.

Good karma+1 vote
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ Petrograd Mod Level Design (Environment Design)

I can see why this workflow makes interiors difficult on this engine.

Good karma+1 vote
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ Sahariana - Fun For Four

I seem to remember the sten have a 600 RPM firerate. Either way, great models.

Good karma+1 vote
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ My attention span is...

It really depends, if a mod was throroughly unenjoyable on release, I'll most likely skip it even on new releases.

Good karma+1 vote
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ Bullet Code

So you just havent modeled it yet.

Good karma+1 vote
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ Crossbow By Pieter / Phaeton FPS

May I suggest the name "Quadbow" for that monster.

Good karma+2 votes
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ Untextured Assets

And the pump is off too:


Good karma+1 vote
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ When playing a FPS single-player campaign, I prefer it when the main character that I control:

Depends, but if it is done, for the LOVE OF GOD, unless its duke, dont speak unless spoken to.

Good karma+1 vote
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ Tec gun

Im not exactly sure what youre making there, perhaps a more zoomed-out shot would be in order.

Good karma+1 vote
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ Prison cells - by: damagefilter

However, what WOULD be cool, is if you had the floor broken off at the left wall, as if the combine tech has been build straight through the building.

Good karma+1 vote
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ Make Something Unreal Contest 2

well, ambershee, for animation, you could do a machinima, I believe there is a category for that.

Good karma+1 vote
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ Unreal Engine 4 "will exclusively target consoles"

to Totally_tonedef:

No they do not, If you had been reading what i said, the support for mods on consoles is either ****** or non-existent, moreover, how does epic expect people to mod if the only games avalable are on consoles. They would have to either buy(noone would) an SDK for PC, OR get a free download, but then again if Tim Sweeny's golden age of consoles ever occurs and we never have to play on our PC's again, no hardware will be made for PCs so how in gods name can we expect to run the editor, let alone in real time. Moreover, if we do mod on PCs then port to our consoles to play, how in ***** name are supposed to PLAYTEST?!? Wait for an hour for the PS4 cook to complete, transfer via flashdrive of wi-fi the cooked mod files, and then we can try out our code tweak? Its bad enough waiting for compile times for UScript on PC alone, suffice to say, if there is no PC support, Epic can count me out of ever licsencing their engine.

Last point: the XBLA sucks, admit it, geometry wars is the only thing there (pretty much) and the XBox version of UT3 does NOT have mod support because of MS's current system which does not allow for mods on existing games.

Good karma+1 vote
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ Unreal Engine 4 "will exclusively target consoles"

Also, do remember that 90% of independent companies will be LISCENCING other engines, and not building new ones from scratch to save on development time (all the Call of Duty games are based of Quake 3).

Good karma+3 votes
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ Unreal Engine 4 "will exclusively target consoles"

Which is sad, really, because the Source engine isnt nearly as easy to work with as the Unreal engine, and also, the PS3 has very pitiful mod support (no custom sounds, and limited model support), so, shame on epic for screwing over their largest asset, the modders/future liscencees.

Good karma+2 votes
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ When buying games, does the ability to mod or add user-generated content factor into your purchasing decision?

However, I still play console games and I am perfectly fine with buying games without editors, it depends, really.

Good karma+1 vote
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ When buying games, does the ability to mod or add user-generated content factor into your purchasing decision?

I bought UT3 SOLELY for modding on the beautiful Unreal Engine, but the game attached is pretty sweet too.

Good karma+1 vote
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ GES Update: March 2008

Doing all the Bonds as skins for MP would be awesome (especially Sean Connery), if you had the time of course. BTW that is Peirce Brosnan.

Good karma+4 votes
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ Evolution of Insurgency

This mod is nice, but [nitpick]I think it would be cool to add a real-time bullet travel system like in RO, or at least a simulated projectile drop and drift in insta-hit[/nitpick]. Anyway, I must congratulate this mod on its realism, COD4 ****** me off because of the arcade elements, IMO if youre going to make a realistic game, make it bloody realistic. Dont say its realistic and then give me an Uzi and 600 bullets and let me pull off headshots at the hip. Keep doing what your doing INS team, keep it realistic, and for the love of god, dont let the CS n00bs ruin it.

Good karma+2 votes
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ DM-Sun Tower

It was originally designed as a 1v1 map, seeing as there arent any good 1v1 maps for UT3, where as there were tons of nice ones for UT03/04. Besides it was really a test in mapping for UT3, my next map I assure you, will be much larger.

Good karma+1 vote
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ DM-Sun Tower


for more pics.

Good karma+1 vote
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ Source SDK beta with Ep2 game code released

Who buried my comment? I dont think it was that offensive, I was just saying that(In my opinion), its taken too long for VALVe to release the source code for Ep2.

As for UT3, the special edition has full documentation on getting models, particles, and materials ingame, and theres a tutorial here on the Moddb for setting up code.

Good karma+2 votes
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ Source SDK beta with Ep2 game code released


I hate to say it, but "too little too late" comes to mind, I mean, Epic has already released UED 3, which is, as much as I like VALVe's games, better for modding.

Good karma-6 votes
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ US FA-6 Sidearm

I do hope your will have those safety buttons labeled with... something in the final skin.

Good karma+1 vote
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ Mod making over the years has...

sorry links were screwed up: HINTHINT: post editing for MODDB?

Good karma+2 votes
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ Mod making over the years has...

I think it has gotten harder for another reason, commercial games are coming up with alot of really big ideas (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Big_World, En.wikipedia.org). That it has become a little daunting for mod-makers to come up with original yet relativley simple to execute ideas.

Good karma+2 votes
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ Mod making over the years has...

Well, for example, one could probably make a TC of Wolfenstein in a month or so. Now, not even a TC of HL2 or UT3 will take at least 6 months.

Good karma+2 votes
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ Galaxy at War - New Year's Update!

I think this question need be asked: Jedi/Sith?

Good karma+1 vote
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ New Years Update

Yeah whats with that mario model? Everything else looks fantastic though.

Good karma+1 vote
DeadlyContagion - - 194 comments @ Chemical Man

pure ownage

Good karma+1 vote