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I am one huge gamer, love it just love it. HAr har

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Random Paying Online Rant I Wrote on Amazon.

CrowV Blog

Well lets just start that i have been practically raised on star trek and i am a huge fan. Not to the point i buy collectables and merchandise to validate my right to be a fan, that's just not my thing. Anyway to the point:First i don't think its right for any game developer to keep charging customers to keep playing a game, i.e WOW, Evolan and Star Trek ete ete. Really i find them to be nothing but robbing rip merchants who care one thing and thats gaining profit. Take WOW for example, one of blizzards greatest creations but you think with the amount of money these people make through people playing to advertising alone you think they wouldn't need to charge to keep online. People tell me it pays for maintenance, patches and vital updates. No offence but thats total crap and they know it. I am a fan of star trek, but am not going to fork out hard earned money to pay for a over hyped, predictable and repetitive game like the others are. Really once you complete the main storey and its just click, click, click and click in hope of getting something good out of it, please spare me the notion's. Don't get me wrong i appreciate the hard work some developer's put into these games and recognise how lazy and greedy others are, look at CNC4! For any fan i will tell to get it and see for yourself rather than me being typical saying don't buy it. See for yourself and don't forget you have a life beyond the screen, keyboard and mouse. And read the reviews and see that the world is creating lazy game developer's who are all in it for the money by treating us like suckers into thinking its any good at all. Play star trek legacy and add the MOD Star Trek Ultimate Universe, because legacy was another over hyped game and it took a guy with a hobbie to make it better and this dude didn't even get paid for it. Long live the modders, because we all will be relying on them to make the game universe that much better. OUUUUUUUUUUUURAAAAAAA