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My favorite fictional universes. - Twin Peaks - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. / Roadside Picnic and it's film adaptation Stalker Personally Preferred and Certified Stalker Mods: - Oblivion Lost Remake - Call of the Zone Top Favorite Games in No Particular Order (Essential Bug Fix Mods/Expansions included in the parentheses, if available): - The Witcher 3 (Brothers in Arms) - S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (ZRP) - Max Payne 1 / 2 (Anthology Definitive Fixes) - Deus Ex (Transcended) - Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines (Unofficial Patch) - Fallout 1 / 2 / New Vegas (Fallout Et Tu / Restoration Project / Viva New Vegas) - Silent Hill 2 / 4 (Enhanced Edition) - SWAT 4 (Elite Force) - Blood (Death Wish) - Thief Trilogy (TFix) - System Shock 1 / 2 (RSD) - Dead Space 2 - Alan Wake - Life is Strange Season 1 / Before the Storm - Bully - Earthbound - Deadly Premonition - GTA SA / IV - Bioshock Infinite - Metro 2033 - F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point - The Wolf Among Us - The Walking Dead

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 92)
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ RMA Shadows Addon ver. 3.0 is here!

love your mod! hey if it's possible, can we also have an add-on so that the weapon will not holster when opening inventory?

Good karma+4 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ Twilight Of The Archaic [ENG]

hey this worked for GOG version thanks!

Good karma+2 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ Oblivion Lost Remake

finally some good news this month, that's very good to know! do you think they'll release that future update directly in moddb?

Good karma+2 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ Happy Night 2.5 - Final Directors Cut (230323)

Can i use this with the latest official patch (20th anniversary update) of Postal 2?

Good karma+5 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ Misery Overhaul 1.3

hey i've been using this for a while now and i must say all your changes/quality of life tweaks is very good. thanks for this man i'm really enjoying it, this my new go-to mod when replaying misery, patiently waiting for your next update :D

Good karma+2 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ RMA: Autumn Edition

necro comment but autumn aurora already includes ZRP and why would you even need OWR? autumn aurora has it's own weapon pack included in it that's better than vanilla and OWR

Good karma+1 vote
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ CoTZ Community Update 3

Hey mahzra, if you ever include the TZND and HD Mutant Models (which is both good and essential in CotZ in my honest opinion) it should be in a seperate addon page/linked in CU's description so it's more faster to update. some players might have slow internet connection and they'll just want the features, nothin else. or maybe for some reason just prefers the vanilla texture :D

Good karma+2 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ Oblivion Lost Remake

finally finished this masterpiece. it's literally a whole another game like the fourth lost game in the stalker series. and the whole hours you'll spend in this is a hours well spent. i'm still glad that they change the idea which gave us the vanilla shoc. very different atmosphere between those two, OLR having the oppressive atmosphere and SHoC Vanilla being both otherworldly ethereal and dangerous zone at the same time.

man this is such a wild ride. while some quest are very complex, involves a lot of questionable unnecessary backtracking (especially the pseudo-finale CNPP raid) and invokes a lot of hair-pulling moments (thanks to the swarm of mutant placements exacerbated by the tankiness of bloodsuckers), i can't deny that it's more immersive than any other mod that i've played. very good gunplay, actually helpful car for trekking the zone, very good progression with satisfying payoff and ending!

Now to wait for OLR 3.0. I hope that they overhaul the quest progression and bring more good english translation (2.5 has a lot of lost in translation moments in my opinion). I heard that Vector of Alienation remedies that problem and that's the next mod i'll play.

Good karma+1 vote
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ Deus Ex Community Update

Hi Defaultplayer000 hope you'd read this. How to fix the subtitles not displaying when in widescreen cinematic? It's not displaying when using lay d denton from CE and lay d denton 1.1 (is lay d denton from this community update, updated to 1.1?). i know that deus exe or using transcended would solve this problem but i'm looking for alternative solutions particularly in vanilla launcher/hanfling's launch. also i notice that the first line in cinematics cuts off abruptly "Your appoinment to fema should be finalized within the week, i've already discussed the matter w-" then cuts to next line, but it's only the problem i encountered so far.

Good karma+1 vote
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ Deus Ex Community Update Version 2.4.1

Hi Defaultplayer000 hope you'd read this. How to fix the subtitles not displaying when in widescreen cinematic? It's not displaying when using lay d denton from CE and lay d denton 1.1 (is lay d denton from this community update, updated to 1.1?). i know that deus exe or using transcended would solve this problem but i'm looking for alternative solutions particularly in vanilla launcher/hanfling's launch. also i notice that the first line in cinematics cuts off abruptly "Your appoinment to fema should be finalized within the week, i've already discussed the matter w-" then cuts to next line, but it's only the problem i encountered so far.

Good karma+2 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ AO weapons running anim fixed

woahh that's fast. thanks marked one!

Good karma+5 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ AO weapons running anim fixed

bro strelok i want to install this but it appears that it overwrites the mod that i use. is this compatible with Moddb.com? i think you might know this already but ao3 centered and aligned is also used in mahzra's pack which improves the responsiveness and the punch of guns a lot. i hope that you're interested in making compatibility patch for it

Good karma+4 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ AO weapons running anim fixed

thanks man gonna test this later. love your device sprinting mod! is this like in anomaly where you lower the weapon when sprinting? if it's even possible to port that mod in cotz, that'd be cool as hell. it's literally compatible with every weapon pack from anomaly and each sprint anim is very consistent cause of that. i doubt that's possible though since cotz doesn't have lower weapon feature in engine :( Moddb.com

Good karma+4 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ DoctorX Call of The Zone

crouch toggle is in settings-game crouch/stand mode. toggle it off.

for lowest grass possible:
r__detail_density 0.6
r__detail_radius 49

and the lighting problem you encounter in DX8 is normal if it's the bad looking day lighting. just get used to it, it only looks bad when in sunrise/noon/sunset. still looks damn good when in rainy, moddy and foggy weather.

and oh don't forget to use the community update. it's very essential. it's basically the culmination of the hardwork from the loyal modders of cotz. and it's aimed to make the vanilla experience even more better. just use it man trust me


Good karma+2 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ ABR CS MOD 1.0.2

Hello bro still waiting for the upcoming abr cop fast shotgun update i really enjoyed that mod a lot. i haven't played abr cs yet but from the features you are planning, it made me even more excited. i'll wait for it before starting playthrough. please take your time and know that we'll be here to support and play it soon.

and oh. your plan in abr soc is exactly what i want. i'll wait for it too! glad that you are also a fan of the unmatchable otherwordly atmosphere of vanilla soc. thanks for the hard work and to all your teams and playtesters :)

Good karma+3 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ Oblivion Lost Remake - Vector of Alienation

man i love this mod. tried playing the latest oblivion lost remake 2.5 fixx 58 but i always find myself stuck like a lot caused by lack of/vague information and "lost in translation" moments. this mod remedies that problem. very good approach in oblivion lost lore and reasonable progression (as far as i am in the game rn). i also love that you can customize the game in jsgme, definitely a plus! anyway one of my gripe with this is there's like a forced mouse sensitivity in game. tried using cam_inert 0 but the settings resets everytime loading a save or quitting the game.

Good karma+2 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ Bullet Time

well i guess you finding that birds sfx is quiet an history and experience haha. yeahh i listened to that adrenalin and it's goofy af i though that it would be played when using lsd booster or something.

only managed to find "on" vats Youtube.com but i can't find anything else.. considering it's a mainstream game, i though that it's easy to find in yt. anyways i don't mind though, don't want to hassle myself too trying to extract fnv sound files coz i literally don't know how xD limitless mode will be more than enough in future updates, i also keeped the previous version of bullet time so i can switch anytime i want

Good karma+2 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ Bullet Time

Love the sound effects when it's on cooldown hahaha it blends perfectly in the ambiance when there's a lot of crow. I'm really glad that you managed to make the expiration/burn work :O

Anyway mahzra i'm poking through the slow-mo folder and there's like a adrenalin.ogg. when does that sound play in game is there like a consumable? also is it possible to change sound effects to player's preference? i was planning to add like vats sound when denied and in on/off.

You should also put the same version in the files where there's no cooldown so it can be used by player (like me) who is in the mood to be badass gunslinger/cheaty or who always found themselves in a sticky surrounded situation especially in monolith territories :D

Good karma+2 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ Full Weapons Reanimation Improvement Patch

Time to grab my fully-upgraded spas! now i can spam my boomstick to the pseudogiant without the fear of it breaking :D

Good karma+2 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ Full Weapons Reanimation Improvement Patch

The main reason i love FWR is because of the reload animation of the toz-34 double barrel. it's so smooth, putting two shells at once and immediately flicking the shotgun ready to use again. now having what you plan to fire both shells at once will be mmmm chefs kiss.

Good karma+2 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ Full Weapons Reanimation Improvement Patch

The thing is i can't even remember about that degradation problem since my last first serious playthrough of vanilla cotz has been a long while now. And also i got used to your pack's fair degradation that includes maintenance on field so i guess that made it more noticeable when coming back. Glad to know that the pump shotty is good, always been a fan of that. But i'm a bigger fan of the double barrel, it'd be nice if it's buffed to have tremendous amount of damage to mutants so i can feel like ash from evil dead or doomguy hahaha. high risk, high return weapon.

Good karma+2 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ CoTZ Community Update 3

now that would be a treat. would be cool too if there's a feature that when you manage to find and badly damage the "guy" (would be more awesome if it is forced wounded not instakill), he will be in a wounded state and then you can talk to him. you can choose to spare him (as he did to you earlier, for moral purposes maybe?) or antagonize him even more, like coup de grâce or something. i know that feature is already in vanilla cotz but a different text when talking to the vendetta culprit would be perfect.

Good karma+2 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ Full Weapons Reanimation Improvement Patch

Thanks mahzra! I'll patiently wait for the next update. Tested the armsel protecta and it's even worse than the spas degradation sadly.. i'll stick to my trusty an-94 for now.

Good karma+2 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ Full Weapons Reanimation Improvement Patch

Mahzra i've found that shotgun, specifically the SPAS-12 is degrading rather quickly even when i upgraded the reliability. The repair costs a lot so i think it's not cost-effective to maintain especially when in a long haul journey without stopover technicians. would test the other shotguns if they also have these issue. it would be fine if only it had the maintaining oils from the item overhaul but since it's not applicable for community update, some tweaks for the weapon degradation will be good enough.

P.S i'm having a lot of fun running and rushing through the quest with this latest FWR Patch, the difference is highly noticeable when in combat. the weapons has more punch :)

Good karma+2 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ CoTZ Community Update 3

Thanks for the heads up rhons! I'll just download it from you're static pack. I hope it's compatible with the community update :)

Good karma+2 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ CoTZ Community Update 3

and i'm also using the mugging mechanic enabler but without losing anything option. it's cool! no more urge to quickload since i didn't lose anything at all. a feature that I think would be good in that though is changing the text after being mugged. from "You were mugged by (NAME)" to "You were spared/defiled/violated by (NAME)" HAHAHAHA xd

Good karma+2 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ CoTZ Community Update 3

I have another suggestion to add to CU! I read the rhons' static pack page and there's three addons that I think would be nice to have.

Custom Faction Relations - playing right now with CU2 and i noticed that the relations is changing rapidly. i'm playing as duty then i killed one bandit then had a ceasefire with freedom xD

NPC wouldn't punch/melee you when talking to them. it's annoying too cause when they melee, sometimes they can steal the weapon you drop.

Real Last (Ukrainian) Names (w/ Rhons' Fixes)
Moddb.com (this is the og link that doesn't have rhons fixes, i wonder if it's compatible with the CU)

for the addons below, i'm not suggesting to add this but i'll just add this for you to know that it's working with community update. maybe you'll like it, it's up to your judgement if it's friendly with doc's intention.

lighter quest items

one hit box/containers with knife

Good karma+3 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ CoTZ Community Update 3

Even when it's daily update i would not stop feeling the "Finally" feels haha. cotz is love, cotz is life. Always looking for more addons from the community and from you ^_^

Good karma+2 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ Full Weapons Reanimation Improvement Patch

Awesome! Now my vanilla+ desire is completed knowing less is more can work with your recent combat tweaks/fwr patch.

Heyy thanks a lot for the effort of sending that minimap remover. Appreciate it a lot! Miminap (if you make an addon about that, that should be the name hahahaha)

Didn't know that there's a quest that causes mugs. Knowing that would be helpful in the future.

Yeahh I understand what you're talking about, that used to be my mindset (in fact i still don't like bodies on minimap, but not here in cotz) the main culprit is ActionAI, the ai can track dead bodies accurately even when like 50m+ away exacerbated by them sprinting in them like a madman, giving you no chance to loot. from what I can remember too in sidorovich tutorial introduction in shadow of chernobyl he mentioned the dots showing in minimap, that makes it lore-friendly in my book. i guess the reason i'd like it back is to be fair with the actionai tracking abilities. if that's not possible i'll gladly stay with the no minimap though :')

Good karma+2 votes
Russy25 - - 92 comments @ Full Weapons Reanimation Improvement Patch

No problem! I didn't remove the remaining files of "Less is More" by the way. Would that be safe? the only overwritten file in there is weapons.ltx like you said.

and i also have questions regarding minimap. since the bastian essential fixes restored it, what addon would remove it? I'm aware that docx originally intended no minimap and I also got used to no minimap cause of your pack and minimal hud :D

or sometimes i like having minimap but i also like seeing dead bodies mark in minimap. i'm also aware that the mugged minimap (that is added in CU2) from mangun removes the dead bodies because of the bug when mugged. the purpose of that mod is completely removing dead bodies in minimap/counter. but as far as i'm aware the community update doesn't have mugging.. would be nice to have those dead bodies for options. what addon would do both of these things?

Good karma+1 vote