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My parent is ex-victim of Chernobyl Accident (They still alive and healthy ^^) we moved to Indonesia when i was still little kid. Interested mostly in game like FPS and RTS especially the free-roam ones. But now 3d modeling.... at most, i can do it! Do my job do this job... Life is SUX be patient u must!

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Watashi no Ashita no Sekai (My World of Tomorrow)

blackaurora Blog

Okay, here's the new...
In a new university with a lot of diversity and fully loaded with integrity, my life changed dramatically
Well, unlike in other places, the rules are sucks and so much thing must be obeyed!
I dislike them, especially the Seniors.... But well, there is it, that is my place and i will stay there around for 4 up to 7 years. Sad isn't it, and indeed. I live by renting room since the location of the University is quite far away from my usual place. Living alone, money resource highly limited and well
I'm studying japanese... Hahahaha alone in my room

ARGH!.... it is confusing to say everything...
I bring out my sister's computer to my room, but hell it is a piece of crap full of viruses. i spent 4 days to take out the viruses by myself! (I have use Anti Viruses, so i bring them out using various weapons of mine one way or another)
Not only full of viruses, the spec is really damn OLD! Even when i tried to play CnC TS, i got lags OMFG! Hell, the internet connection is slower and expensive... Phew, that's another shit hitting my head!

Eat my crap!

Ja mata boku no tomodachi... Watashi no nakayoshi to koibito...


blackaurora Blog 1 comment

Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
And it seems as though the writings on the wall,
Superstar you finally made it,
But once your p icture becomes tainted,
Its why they call,
The rise and fall [x2]

I always said that I was gonna make it,
Now it's plain for everyone to see,
But this game I'm in don't take no prisoners,
Just casualties,
I know that everything is gonna change,
Even the friends I knew before me go,
But this dream is the life I've been searching for,
Started believing that I was the greatest,
My life was never gonna be the same,
Cause with the money came a different status,
That's when things change,
Now I'm too concerned with all the things I own,
Blinded by all the pretty girls I see,
I'm beginning to lose my integrity

Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
And it seems as though the writings on the wall,
Superstar you finally made it,
But once your picture becomes tainted,
It's what they call,
The rise and fall

I never used to be a troublemaker,
Now I don't even wanna please the fans,
No autographs,
No interviews,
No pictures,
And less demands,
Given advices that were clearly wrong,
The types that seem to make me feel so right,
But some things you may find can take over your life,
Burnt all my bridges now I've run out of places,
And there's nowhere left for me to turn,
Been caught in comprimising situations,
I should have learnt,
From all those times I didn't walk away,
When I knew that it was best to go,
Is it too late to show you the shape of my heart,

Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
And it seems as though the writings on the wall,
Superstar you finally made it,
But once your picture becomes tainted,
It's what they call,
The rise and fall

Now I know,
I made mistakes,
Think I don't care,
But you don't realise what this means to me,
So let me have,
Just one more chance,
I'm not the man I used to be,
Used to beeeeeeeeeee

Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
And it seems as though the writings on the wall,
Superstar you finally made it,
But once your picture becomes tainted,
It's what they call,
The rise and fall [x3]

Bloody friggin ass-kicking Condition

blackaurora Blog 1 comment

See the list:
#1 Final School Exam -Difficulty: Medium
#2 Final National Exam -Difficulty: Hard
#3 Entrance Selection of University of Indonesia >>> The best university available in Indonsia
-Difficulty: Very Hard
#4 Entrance Examination of National Universities -Difficulty: Insanely Impossible
Insanely Impossible it is because you wont be able to answer all of the question. The level of the problem are very high, plus it uses MINUS SYSTEM which every wrong answer will decrease your score. While the blank answer has 0 score.
This exam test your capability in maneuvering the tactics and how to work fast! Many people will join in this competition.
For an example:
There's only 40 seats are available, and the competitors could reach up to 3000 people! You must get your ass and pass those 3000 people and be the 40 top rank!
You got that? That surely very serious...

Those are goddammit! Those are the things that leech my strength, my mind, my stability even my sanity!
I cannot online through Yahoo/MSN/Xfire cuz...
MY FRIGGIN COMPUTER BROKEN! The problem is in the Motherboard, but i dunt have money to buy a new one plus i will need a new processor... That gonna be a terrible sum of money!
Im pinned down... i cant play, i have to study, i lost all my skills and need a review of modelling...
Cuz i see Karias' profile just be4 i write this... And im just amazed! His development is really impressive!

You dont believe it? Believe it!

Fire in the Hole!

blackaurora Blog

Fire fire fire fire in the hole!
Let's go fire fire fire fire in the blackhole!
Load the gun baby... Hell yeah, load the gun!

AZWERNAH the Force Archer is here, nothing will dare to mess with me! Heh Hell YEAH!
KABOOM, watch your feet here come my Drilled Shot!
Hei! Behind you, no its at your left, oh no it's everywhere... Damn the attack comes from my own shadow!
Ahahahahaha, Polychromatic Force fired through a force prism causing storming rays of monochromatic forces, ahahahahaha you cant avoid it!
What the hell is that big bang! OMG A gravaty distortion could pull out your skin from your flesh
Hell yeah, shooting stars its beautiful aint it? But watch it, the last fire is colossal

*Please dont give a feedback for this one


blackaurora Blog 1 comment

Hey everybody!! I would like to inform you greatest news i've received lately. Maybe it doesnt really concern you guys but this thing rocks my brain from California to the Vostok Station.

I got my computer fixed up! Motherboard check online and now i just need a new Harddisk which it will be planned to have 120 GBs capacity instead of my old Harddisk which only can save 40 GBs. If my computer is back online, means my internet connection at home is back online!


More than anything, 3rd Grade

blackaurora Blog

The highest class in my senior high school that also getting worse consume my time. I feel like i've been taken from behind stabbed by assignment that keeps me stay awake for hours past the bedtime.
I want make models, i want mod like i was used too but no....
I cant noo....!

Fucking Senior High School, i want quickly graduate to University, find a girl and enjoy the stay!
Phew... Cant get used to the rules no matter what!

Happy fasting month of Ramadhan for the moslems...
I hope within these days, we can improve ourselves and we could redeem our sins by keep praying to the Almighty Allah! And Allah can help us in every problem we find in our way.

No Computer... How sux!!

blackaurora Blog


It's really sucks without computer... i cant stand it! I CANT STAND IT ANYMORE, i need computer right here right now! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Now... my lonely ass computer is being held somewhere awaiting for a long-term reparation!
My bond between my computer slowly eating my spirit, concentration and my will to move on and keep alive! I never felt better without my computer anyway...
I need her... I need her... please give her back...

I cant touch the mouse... I cant gently presses it's keyboard tones and stare sharp toward it's monitor anymore... i want to hear my computer sing the Breaking Benjamin's songs to me!
The silence fall between us... Can i survive it...

Life's SUX...