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Kage.Ookami Blog

^^^link to my lastest post for those that missed it.

ANYWAYS, I got a deviantart account, going to be posting my stories over there...i'll work out how to update ya'll and a way for your comments to get to me. Probably when i post there, i will upload a pic with a link in the descripstion, post your comments on that pic's board....er something...idk

OK, this is NOT fan fic of any kind, this is all me. i got kinda bored with my other two (which there is a bit more of them already written, I'll post them at some point, and move around the three, posting as i write more.)

In a dark room, a man readies for the coming day. First, he makes sure all his firearms are ready, then grabs the sharpest of each type of blade he uses. After putting on the rest of his gear, he dons his environment helmet and locks the seals on it, he makes his way to his sand colored Grav bike, and starts it. It's zero-G engine starts, and a high pitched whine builds to a low rumble as it slowly lifts off the ground, the generator making the room fill with a dark blue glow. After it gets to it's full hight, he taps a button on his right forearm, making a large door open in front of him, then his taps another to make his face plate on his helmet shift from clear as glass to tinted orange, shielding his eyes from the harsh sun and blocking the view of his face from the outside. He cranks back on the throttle, and jet out into the desert before him....

[this is where the big title is...says The Tale of the Shifter in big letters...and stuff...]

Looking down at the desert below, Larin wonders what adventures await her on this backwater world called Despar Two, she thinks off all the great quests and legends she read about through her childhood, ones her father told her as a young girl, which all happened in some place such as this. Just two months ago, she asked her parents for money to go on a trip, to see what all there is to see. As a wealthy high class family, they gave the money to her without a second thought, but they started to show her booklets and brochures for vacation worlds, and when she mentioned Despar Two, they were shocked. First they begged her to go somewhere safer, then when that didn't work, offered bodyguards, and after that, finally gave in to her requests. They let her go with the ideas that she check in once a week, and that she try not to get in trouble. On the way here, in all the space ports, in the mess halls of the ships, all over, she heard of the Shifter of Despar Two, a living legend like the one from her stories, and it became her goal to meet this person. She heard tales of how he or she were known for taking from the rich criminals on the world, and giving it to those in need, of how they would appear all over the world, some times in just a single day.

The ship lands, either it's age or the pilot's lack of skill showing in the way it seemed to pound onto the sandy ground, but the loud speaker crackles to life, almost as if to correct her thoughts,

This is the captain speaking, sorry about that thud, we had to land quickly because of a coming sand storm. Don't worry, it won't effect unloading if we hurry it up, but it we really didn't want to be caught in that while in the air.” he chuckles a bit. “Welcome to Despar Two, such a lovely little place.”

It clicks off as she grabs her bag and leaves the ship. As she walks through the port, she looks out a window, seeing the storm, a strange mix of a coming wave and a moving wall of darkness, and watches as the ships all are lowered into the ground, to what she guesses is a hanger to protect them from the effects of the storm. Moments before the storm hits, blast shields raise to cover the windows, and she hears it hit. The way she jumped from the sound must have been like a signal, because what seems like half the people around her start to move her way, those within ear shot offering weather gear, food, or or other goods and services, all at prices that only a tourist could be tricked into paying. A large man walks over, acting like he knows her, which seems to scare off the group trying to sell their wares, and after they are gone, she looks up at him. “Thank you so much, they were really starting to bother me.” he rubs his chin and looks back at her in a way that makes her wish for the mob back, “Not a problem for a pretty little thing like you...” She swings her bag over her shoulder, “Ummm...I really must be going now...bye.” and walks off as fast as she can without running. After stopping to get some food, she gets mobbed again, something about her must be showing them she is new. Another man comes over with a large bag and sits across from her, then speaks in a low voice,

If you want them to stop, you may want to get some clothes that don't look as new. Those just scream of offworlder.” He points to a shop across from the food stand, “That is a good place to get some, if you want, I can go with you so they don't try to pull something funny.” She finishes the mouthful she had while nodding.
Yes please.”
He leans back and reads something off a small device, then stands when she does, and they walk to the store he pointed to before. One of the mob from before pops up in front of them and taps the man on the chest.
You know wastelander, you have your ways of making a living, and we have ours, stay out of it.”
He grabs the seller's finger,
If you know I am a wastelander, as you so kindly put it, you know I am not one to go tapping the chest of...”
Larin hears a quiet snapping sound, either the peddler's joint popping or even one of the bones in it breaking, either way, his face is one of pain. The dealer swings a leg up at the wastelander, but he drops his case, the floor shaking when it hits, then grabs the dealer's leg midair.

You see, all I was trying to do was help this kind offworlder not be bugged as much by the likes of you, but now you've gone and made it MY problem.”
The wastelander lets go of both the hawker's finger and leg, then slams a palm against his torso, knocking the wind out of him, and pushing him so hard he slides on his back across the floor for a few meters. The peddler gets up and walks slowly away, probably to wait for the next offworlder. They walk into the store, and the cashier greets him like old friends. He points back at her,

Make sure she gets all she needs. Evo helmet, sand cloak, the lot of it. And get her stuff to look more local, the hawks are bugging her a lot.”
He waves to the cashier and walks out of the store. Larin calls after him,
I didn't catch your name!”
He waves over his shoulder, not even turning around, “I didn't throw it.”
She goes back in to pick out her gear, thinking about what kind of adventures really await her....

[Tis all i have for now, more coming]

Scene 1 final

Kage.Ookami Blog

[This is kinda a repost, but i fixed some stuff, and added more. and yes, this is some of that writing i said i did like, four weeks ago. been busy, sorry. i have some more even that i shall upload in one week]

Scene 1
Upon stepping into The Moon Pool, a club on the floating city of Crystal Reef, Azdarn starts to
look around for old contacts from his time in the Hutt's organization. He spots Warren and Alex,
who came in before him and at different times from the others so the three couldn't marked as
one group easily. Warren nods from a booth covering two of the side doors, and Alex winks from
a table covering the main door. Azdarn sits at the bar to order a drink, one that won't fog his
When the bartender comes over, he starts to speak, probably to ask for an order, but recognizes
Azdarn instantly.
"Why, if it isn't my old friend Raz'dar'naph. What can I get you?"
"Hey Dimja. Nice to see you. Can I get an iced caf?"
"Sure, on the house. Anything else?"
"Yea, looking for someone from Hitstal's crew."
Dimja rubs his chin.
"Yea, one of them is over by the window. Shifty looking one in a red jacket."
Azdarn picks up his glass and walks to the window, and Dimja calls after him,
"Don't make a mess, Okay? Or at least don't make it a big one."
"I'll try."
He sits at the table with the man in the red jacket,
The man spills his drink once he sees Azdarn's blue skin and red eyes.
"Who...who are..you?"
"Name's Azdarn. I'm looking for Mariana."
"Thought it was you. They said you were coming. They also locked her up here, and they want
me to tell ya if ya come back, she can stay with you."
"Or I could just take her."
"Oh yea, you against Hitstal's enforcers?"
"Me....and these kind people."
Alex and Warren sit on either side of the now terrified man.
"Hi, I'm Alex."
"And I am Warren. Seems you have one of Azdarn's friends."
"Yea, we do. And who are you?"
"Well, I am the captain of a ship called the Aries, and this is my hand to hand combat and small
arms expert."
The poor sniffing man slides off his chair with that, then waves an arm in the air. Azdarn
yells "Down!" as the area gets pelted by a rain of blaster fire. All three reach in their coats and
pulls out weapons, Warren with a MP5, Alex with two P90s, and Azdarn with a blaster rifle. While
the crew members exchange fire with what seems to be the rest of the club, they try to come up
with was to get out of there. Warren slides out from behind a table, fires a few rounds, and goes
back into hiding to reload.
"Could take out that big window and jump for it."
"No, have to fight our way out..."
Azdarn slides to them, firing to cover himself, and looks to the captain,
"Welp, so much for not making a mess...Dimja's gonna be mad"
Warren looks back with face of confusion,
"Never mind. What's the plan?"
Alex pops up, fires, and gets behind cover again, "I say we get out of here."
Warren looks over, smacks the back of Alex's head, and says "No, really? You don't like the idea
of being shot at? Who has the 'nades?"
Azdarn and Alex both show their coat lining, pockets filled with spare magazines and grenades.
"Well lads, time for some boom."
Alex and Warren trade trade P90s for MP5, freeing one of Alex's hands, then Azdarn and Alex
both pull out Flashbang grenades, remove the pins, throws them over the table and cover their
ears . After an the explosion, they pop up, dragging the (now unconscious from fright) man in
the red jacket and sprint for the door. Taking down any enemies that fire at them, then close
the door behind themselves. They slowly walk down the hall, breathing heavily, with Azdarn and
Alex holding up their prisoner and Warren covering their rear. Azdarn giggles a bit and says "You
know, I've left bars twice that way since I met you. Starting to think you guys just have a way
with people."
Alex pats his back,
"Man, this one time on a smuggling station, we ended up having our people in four different
cantinas get attacked at the same time. Seems someone..." he looks at Warren, "Told the wrong
merc pilot that our fighters were better then his squadron's, and they were already on a bounty
for us. Planned to get us as we lifted off, but no, they blew early."
"Hey, will you shush about that already?"
"Probably not."

The Hangar

Kage.Ookami Blog

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY, wrote more, hope you like ^_^

The Hangar

As the Jedi and Charen sit in the troop hold of an LAAT/I gunship, they talk about random things, waiting for the ship to be cleared for take off. Charen sighs,
"Times like this make me miss my ewok..."
Ahsoka leans forward,
"Yes, an ewok. It was a robot. Cute and fuzzy as anything."
"Dawww, you want your stuff toy back?"
"Yes...did I mention it had sharp metal teeth, and a torso full of high explosives?"
"No. No, you did not."
"Oh, well, it did."
"Huh. Sounds like something you would miss..."
After a moment of silence, Ahsoka pipes up,
"You never did say who you meant by 'we.'"
"At the base and party, you said 'we will be watching'"
"Oh. That was a lie."
"Kinda. Mostly, I didn't want to be written off, so I made my one appear to be many. And, I did have my ewok in one of my bags...so...that does make two. Hence, kinda a lie."
"Ah. Nut."
The gunship takes off and flies to the shipyard through the vacuum of space. Outside of the gunship, CIS and Republic fighters do a deadly dance, one more in a long line from this war. Two Vulture droids start to trail the gunship, and one of them gets blown to so much scrap by a ARC-170, but the other to still tries make the kill. It fires, hitting the left wing, and the gunship pilot tells the Jedi and Charen to hold on to something. Ahsoka and Anakin grab onto hand holds, but Charen takes a seat, straps in, and closes his eyes.
"Charen, do you not like flying?" Ahsoka asks.
"I'm fine, just busy."
Snips and Skyguy feel Charen use the Force for something, and a moment later, the intercom bursts to life with the pilot's voice.
"We're safe now. The fighter just disappeared, slid off to one side real quick and out of view. Almost like something smacked it."
The Jedi look at Charen, and see a huge grin. The pilot's comes back on,
"Just about landed, here we go."
The gunship thuds on the deck of the hangar as the doors roll open and the Jedi light their sabers. Anakin and Ahsoka jump out, blocking blaster bolts from droids, and Charen launches out of the ship like he was fired from a cannon. He skids to a halt in the center of the hangar, and starts swinging his arms in slow flowing motions, flinging droids around like toys. Two droids jump at him, and he goes down to the floor. Soon, he is covered in droids with no other idea as how to stop him. Ahsoka starts to run to his aid, but is stopped by him sending "hide" through the Force. As she dives behind a box, she yells "Master! Take cover!" and Anakin hides behind a droid Tri fighter wing. They feel something building in the Force, and Charen throws all the droids off like a bomb using a wave of thought.
Charen stands back up, and starts to throw droids around, even moving himself through the air like any other object to avoid blaster fire. Snips and Skyguy fight their way to where Charen has landed for a moment, and when they get there, Ahsoka asks,
"Charen, where is your lightsaber?"
"Woops, almost forgot about them."
"Yea, and since this is a real fight, I can use 'em like I normally do."
Charen snaps his fingers on both hands twice, making a full length lightsaber blade come out the front of his right coat sleeve, and a half length one come out of the elbow of his left. He then holds up his right hand, and his sleeve slides down to show a metal housing that the blade is emerging from.
"This way I can use my hands and my 'Sabers. Got a few tricks too. Back in a sec." He charges at a door that more droids are coming through, and the Jedi do their best to keep up. He runs leaning forward, with his torso almost parallel to the ground, blocking any blaster fire that comes his way. The Jedi are shocked to see his feet come completely of the ground, using the Force to move forward and when he meets the group of droids, he starts to fling himself and his targets around. Ahsoka and Anakin join into the fray, all four blades slicing through metal will little to no effort. Ahsoka starts to chop away at them, one right after the other, and feels a bump, so she swings around, cutting the drop in half, and sees the ones around it get cleaved in two by a blur of yellow, then the blur stops infront of her, Charen grining wide.
"Having fun kid?"
"I am not a child!"
"No. Padawan."
"Fine fine. Well, are you?"
"As much fun as one can have at this..."
He dashes away to a control panel and yells back "Okay. Good."

[Not the best ending, i know, but i am working on it. Bit o' writers block at the moment. And most of the writing I did was on the other story line anyways... By the way, I will be posting this, and all the other Charen tales leading up to it soon. Like, I will start putting it together once I post this.]

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friend made that for me. anyways, going to be writing a LOT in the next day or two. already did a new part of the main story line. will be going back and forth between the two. cya!

/vvvvvvvvvvvv \--------------------------------------,
`^^^^^^^^^^^^ /====================================="

(he made that too.)

New Specs

Kage.Ookami Blog 4 comments

Built a new Win box, here's the Specs.

Manufacturer: ME!
Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X2 555 Processor (2 CPUs), ~3.2GHz
Memory: 4096MB RAM
Hard Drive: 142 GB
Video Card: AMD 760G (Microsoft Corporation WDDM 1.1)
Monitor: an LCD ^__^
Sound Card: Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)
Speakers/Headphones: Big ones, headphones are cheap but good
Keyboard: one with lots of buttons
Mouse: a 5 button GE (don't say it)
Mouse Surface: shiny
Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 32-bit
Motherboard: Biostar a760g M2+
Computer Case: No idea, but it's my old *nix box's case

No true gfx card yet, but i think the onboard is about as good as my old one

Ep 4 P2

Kage.Ookami Blog 1 comment

OK, so this is kinda part two of Ep 4
bit of a cliff hanger, but don't worry, next one will be posted soon

Upon stepping into The Moon Pool, a club on the floating city of Crystal Reef, Azdarn starts to look around for old contacts from his time in the Hutt's organization. He spots Warren and Alex ,who entered at different times to avoid being identified as a group. Warren nods from a booth covering two of the side doors, and Alex winks from a table covering the main door. Azdarn sits at the bar to order a drink, one that won't fog his mind.
When the bartender comes over, he starts to speak, probably to ask for an order, but recognizes Azdarn instantly.
"Why, if it isn't my old friend Raz'dar'naph. What can I get you?"
"Hey Dimja. Nice to see you. Can I get an iced caf?"
"Sure, on the house. Anything else?"
"Yes, looking for someone from Hitstal's crew."
Dimja rubs his chin.
"Yea, one of them is over by the window. Shifty looking one in a red jacket."
Azdarn picks up his glass and walks to the window, and Dimja calls after him,
"Don't make a mess, Okay? Or at least don't make it a big one."
"I'll try."
He sits at the table with the man in the red jacket,
The man spills his drink once he sees Azdarn's blue skin and red eyes.
"Who...who are..you?"
"Name's Azdarn. I'm looking for Mariana."
"Thought it was you. They said you were coming. They also locked her up here, wanted me to tell ya if ya come back, she can stay with you."
"Or I could just take her."
"Oh yea, you against Hitstal's enforcers?"
"Me....and these kind people."
Alex and Warren sit on either the now terrified man.
"Hi, I'm Alex."
"And I am Warren. Seems you have one of Azdarn's friends."
"Yea, we do. And who are you?"
"Well, I am the captain of a ship called the Aries, and this is my hand to hand combat and small arms expert."
The poor sniffing man slides off his chair with that, then waves an arm in the air. Azdarn yells "Down!" as the area gets pelted by a rain of blaster fire. All three reach in their coats and pulls out weapons, Warren with a MP5, Alex with two P90s, and Azdarn with a blaster rifle. While the crew members exchange fire with what seems to be the rest of the club, they try to come up with was to get out here. Warren slides out from behind a table, fires a few rounds, and goes back into hiding to reload.
"Could take out that big window and jump for it."
"No, have to fight our way out..."

[okay, so I know this is short, it I have a lot of stuff going and I kinda got stuck as to what happens next. This seemed like a decent stoping point, so...now it is. Sorry, more soon.]

The Ship

Kage.Ookami Blog 3 comments

Okay...so...wrote another one....have another almost done too....
Links to older ones:
1. Moddb.com
2. Moddb.com
3. Moddb.com

NOW! For number four, The Ship:

A few days later, Ahsoka and Anakin get the mission of wiping out a CIS shipyard over some nameless moon. To do so, they take an Venator-class Star Destroyer and a company of clones. Down in the planing room, they talk about the events of the last days, and what will be in the coming days.
Snips flops into a chair,
"A few days with any sign of Charen."
"Yup, and we should be dropping out of hyperspace soon." He reaches for a Comm,
"Commander Rex to the Tac room."
Rex soon shows up, and Anakin points him to a holomap.
"You and squad 7 go here, Ahsoka and I will land here and try to take over the control room." He grins. "It's always a good thing to take over. After that, the main force will land."
"But Sir, why don't you use the other Jedi?"
Snips and Skyguy both look at him with dead-pan faces.
"What Jedi?"
"The one down in the hanger telling stories to pilots."
The Jedi reach out with the Force, and Charen reaches back.
"Wow. Get him up here."
She sends a call through the Force, and he gives the mental version of a nod.
After about five minutes, he comes into the room and tips a non-existent hat,
"Flyboy, ma'am."
She holds out a hand to stop whatever it is Anakin wants to do to Charen,
"Why are you here?"
Rex stumbles a bit,
"He's not supposed to be here? I thought he was just a new Jedi."
Anakin glares at Charen,
"He's not a Jedi."
Rex pulls a blaster pistol out, but Charen pulls it away with a swift hand grab.
"I REALLY wish people would stop doing that when they hear I am not a Jedi. But I'm not Sith either, and I am fighting on the Republic's side."
He hands the pistol back by its barrel,
"Sorry for that Commander, I have had my sidearm taken from me before and I hated it, but I would rather have to say sorry for taking your weapon than hurt you physically."
He snaps to attention and does a perfect salute.
"Apology accepted. Good to see a man your age that respects the military."
Rex returns the salute and leaves the room, as Charen turns to the Jedi.
Both of them are shocked to see him act properly and with dignity after the past few weeks of rude behavior.
"What now? Oh, that. High class family, remember? And one of my trainers was Ex-military. I know how to behave, I just perfer not to."
Anakin goes back to the map to plan while Ahsoka makes her way to a chair and starts to ask questions of Charen,
"How did you get on this ship?"
"Do you know how many doors and hatches are open on a ship while it's being loaded?"
"Ah. Now, why did you get on this ship?"
"I said I want to fight in this war, and sitting around waiting for the Jedi council to decide what to do with me isn't getting me anywhere."
They hear Anakin mumbling and walk over to see what's wrong.
"Hmm, this could be hard, even for two Jedi, and the troops are needed over there... Charen, if you're here, I'll use you. But I don't like you sneaking onto my ship."
"Alright, that's what I'm here for."
The ship drops out of hyperspace,
"This is it Charen, time to test you."
In a sarcastic voice, "Yes, wise master."
Then in his normal voice and with a grin,
"Beat ya to the gunship Snips."
"Oh no you won't."
The two run out of the room, both using the Force to move faster.
Anakin follows, but at a much slower pace...

[Kinda small, I know, sorry. More soon]

The Senate

Kage.Ookami Blog

First two ---->https://www.moddb.com/members/belluslupus/blog/the-duel <---That's one
Moddb.com <---That's two


The Senate

The next day, Skywalker and his padawan are still guarding Organa, the Jedi Council are even more worried after the first attack than before it. As they sit in his office at the Galactic Senate, they talk about Charen, who they mostly left out when talking to the Council. Snips walks around the room talking while Skyguy watches from a chair,
"I just don't know how he did that, he felt like a normal person in the Force most of that time. Even when I felt him start to look at me, there was nothing beyond normal."
"I didn't feel him either, and we have no way to find him."
A woman walks in,
"pardon me for intruding Jedi, but you have a messager at the door. Says he was sent by a Mr. Jenkai."
Both look at each other in shock, and say at one time,
"bring him in."
Just to be careful, Anakin hides in a closest while Ahsoka sits in a chair, ready to ambush the messager if need. Ahsoka gasps as Jenkai himself walks in wearing the uniform of a Senate page.
"General Skywalker, you can come out, I know your there."
"no, I'm Yoda on stilts..."
Anakin walks out,
"Watch it kid."
He salutes,
"Aye aye Mr. Ahsoka's creepy master guy."
"Sorry, anyways, going to stop hiding now."
Charen closes his eyes and a wave of Force energy flows, like being in front of a flood gate as it opens.
"Ahhh, much better."
Ahsoka and Anakin look at each other, both hoping the other has some answer as to what is going on.
"So, what's up guys? Unknown Force user got your tongue? Oh..wait...haha."
The Jedi slowly pull their lightsabers from their hips, but Charen pulls them away with a flick of his hand.
"Not fair, I just want to talk. By the way, Snips, how's your arm, looked like you messed it up pretty bad."
"Fine now, thank you. WAIT! How did you know about that?! I did that training at the temple this morning."
"I said I'd be watching..."
Anakin jumps in between them.
"Enough! You two yell any louder and the whole planet will hear you. Now you two calm down, and have a seat. Charen, explain yourself. Why you here, that kinda thing."
"Fine." they both say while glaring at each other.
Once seated, he gives back their lighsabers and starts to talk,
"Lets start with what you know. I am Charen Jenkai and I can use the Force and a Lightsaber"
Anakin smirks, "We found that second bit out the hard way."
"Yea, sorry 'bout that. Now, as to what you want to know, I am neither Jedi or Sith. I was part of a high class family on Corellia , but I discovered I could use the Force around the time I was nine. Since then, which is eight years in case you are wondering, I have traveled the galaxy looking for those that could train me without making me side with them."
His feeling through the Force changes a bit.
"And now....I am going to pick a side in this war."
"Why us?"
"Because, you Jedi and the Republic seem like the 'good guys' in all this."
"Why Ahsoka and me?"
"You two were easy to find."
Snips leans forward.
"Why test me?"
"Haha, for fun. And to see who I may be working with."
"Why now?"
He has a slight shift in mood that can be seen on his face and felt through Force.
"If I pick you guys, I may tell you."
His face and feeling go back to normal.
"So, I'll See ya 'round. You may not see me, but I'll be around."
He waves as he leaves. Snips jumps up to follow him, but once the door closes him cuts himself off from the Force. She gets out the door, only to see an ocean of beings moving around, each with their own purpose in this massive building.
She walks back in the room, Anakin sits back and Ahsoka just stares into the distance. She starts to say something a few times, and finally says
"This is going to be...interesting"

The Dance

Kage.Ookami Blog

So, this is kinda part two of what was up last night....when a bit overboard and wrote about 630 words....in an hour.....Link to part one if you missed it: Moddb.com

Now, on with the story:

The Dance.

About a week after the raid on the base, Anakin and Ahsoka are called back to Jedi temple, and given the task of guarding Senator Bail Organa and his wife at an upcoming party. When they get there, Anakin steps off to talk to senators Organa and Amidala , and Ahsoka goes to "scope out" the food. She feels awkward in the dress Padme said she should wear for this, one the same color as her normal tube-top, but it goes down to past her knees.
As she sticks a small cake in her mouth, she feels someone's attention lock onto her, and the person moves toward her. Almost moving into a fighting position, she turns around, but just sees a young human male that looks like every other court lackey, and this one has a nervous look on his face that can only mean one thing.
"Can..can..I have..th..this..dance?"
She looks to Skywalker, who gives a slight nod, and takes pitty on this poor boy that managed to get the guts to ask her.
"Yes you may."
He leads her to the dance floor with grace, but so freaked out he is almost dripping distress. They clasp hands and he careful places one of his hands on her hip, trying not to put it too far back, as she places one of hers on his shoulder. A slow song from Organa's home planet of Alderaan plays as they dance, a real smile slowly growing on his face and she does her best to show one back. Soon after, when she is even starting to enjoy it, the song ends and they make their way off the dance floor.
He grabs them both drinks, and blushes about something.
"I'm so foolish, I forgot to tell you my name or ask you yours, how silly of me. I am Charen Jenkai."
She smiles, enjoying this boy's disappointment in himself a bit too much,
"Ahsoka Tono. Padawan learner assigned to Anakin Skywalker."
"Ah, that explains the lightsaber. Sadly, I am not as interesting, just a assistant of Senator Organa's."
"I see, kinda guessed that before you said even said it."
"Jedi mind probe?"
"Nope. You just fit the part."
He hangs his head in shame,
She even giggles at that.
They both stand there without anything to talk about, each one's life so different from the other, until Ahsoka thinks of something.
"So, would you know the security systems for this room? I am here to protect, I may as well learn what they are."
"Of course. Right this way."
He leads her to the controls, leaking both hints of disappointment from leaving the party, and joy that he gets to show her around. Just after reaching the door, they see all the screens are off or showing static, and they start to run to Senators. Outside the door, they step into the hallway and see a large Rodian with a blaster pointed at them. She reaches for her saber to defend her and Charen, and maybe stop the assassination right here. The Rodian fires, and she blinks has her blade roars to life, but when she opens her eyes, she sees a yellow blade in front of her, which blocks the blaster bolt. When she looks over at Charen, she feels the same power as she did back at that base, and guesses he was masking it up till now.
He looks at her with a face the same as a few minutes ago while they were dancing, but somehow nothing like it at all.
"Go tell your Master, I'll try to deal with this, maybe even catch him."
She runs out to the main room, and feels him push her faster. By the time she gets there Anakin is already running to her, blade at the ready. They both run back, and just find the assassin on the floor, with a hand cut off, burned so it doesn't even bleed. On his chest there is a note that says,
"I think you want this guy, not sure why."
Just as they read it, she hears his voice in back of her mind,
"I am watching..waiting.."