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RSS Reviews

The Polynomial - Space of the Music

Game review

Nice time-waster. Nice graphics, meh shooter, not 100% sure what exactly is synced with the music. Big problem is the fact that it needs .ogg files, which means you need to convert your music if, like me, you have it all in .mp3 format.

Overall, worth the $3, but I wouldnt pay much more for it.

EDIT: Apparently you need mpg123 to use mp3s with it (sudo apt-get install mpg123).

Still, while I'm editing, further impressions: the gameplay is slightly deeper than I thought, with runs on those "waves" that speed you up, combined with accurately reading the radar being key. This is kind of counter-acted by the lack of visual feedback for where in the waves you need to be, leading to frustrating situations where you're sure you should be getting a speed boost, when in fact you're outside the wave but can't tell.

Also, I might be alone in this, but I think the game would feel a lot better if you were shooting at spaceship-like enemies instead of 3D pacmen.


Alien Arena: Warriors Of Mars

Game review

Competent, I guess, but the graphics are pretty bad and the pickup flashes are siezure-inducing. Humour is the one redeeming feature, but even that is a bit meh.

If you want an open-source free quake-like game, I'd heavily recommend Warsow (if you like the mobility aspect of it) or Xonotic (if you like the run'n'gun aspect)


Zero Ballistics

Game review

Really fun, gameplay is well-rounded and balanced, and there's nothing like the joy of guiding a missile accross a wide-open plain to snipe an enemy unaware of your existance.

Game is good enough for me to consider getting my hands dirty helping out on the source code :D


Dungeons of Dredmor

Game review

So much value for 3 pounds you won't even believe it.

Seriously, a really deep, really funny, really difficult and insanely fun game for the price of 2 coffees?

Anyone who doesn't buy this needs to rethink their priorities.


Oil Rush

Game review

The core gameplay is identical to the flash game Nano Wars from kongregate.com

Layered ontop of that is turrets for your docks, and different types of docks spawning different units.

Nothing amazingly innovative in terms of gameplay, but the graphics are really really good, it handles smoothly, and the interface is quite intuitive. Pretty damn good for a beta. Well worth 10 pounds.