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Aoineko Studios is an experimental interactive playground for art, music, gaming, and electronics since 2002. Spearheaded by creative director Ben Steele, our work has exhibited digital innovation in galleries and museums around the world and been profiled in magazines such as IdN, ComputerArts and Mac|Life. saph.kitaru.net aoineko.com

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Kitaru on Kickstarter!

AoinekoStudios Blog

Our latest project KITARU is on kickstarter!! Pledge for some sweet perks including a pre-release of the game on the platform of your choice :D

"We are excited to offer the first episodic mobile game of its kind. The quality of the graphics and environments found within Kitaru is at a level not yet achieved on these platforms. This game is being built differently, as hardcore gamers want to see, rather than for studio executives that are looking for easy and safe marketing.""I wanted to create a piece of science fiction that incorporated mysticism, philosophy and humor in ways not usually seen. In writing Kitaru, my goal was to show the vital role that sacrifice plays in our life."-- Ben Steele (Creator of Kitaru, owner of Aoineko Studios)