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Ordinary guy with small C++ skills and moderate fantasy. I am creator of Compact Skill mod for Lionheart and Gravity mod for Starcraft I.

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Alalandex Blog

My name is Alex. I am moder, which made few mods, mostly for very old, but still popular games - Lionheart, Starcraft, Half-Life, and on moment of post attempting to do something for Heroes 3. I never worked in a team, and this resulted lack of my interest to moding process.

Gravity mod for Starcraft - was almost failed attempt to add 4th race in a game and reduce requiements for microcontol on terran side. However SCBW has very poor engine limits, so game with mod are frequently crashes. Also I could not add more than 3 new portrains - game just crashes when I try to overstep limits. Excluding that I did everything I wanted.

Compact Skill mod for Lionheart was partial sucsessfull attempt to make gameplay more fun. In a fact I did some good things, but game itself is not very popular, and I can only hope that someday will be remake of this good game.

Disgusting Force for Half-Life 1 will be team deathmatch oriented shooter, with big amount of different new gameplay features.

There are also some minor projects in which I was involved, or which I accomplished myself, but this was long ago, and most of features there were useless due to major bugs.