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Wander is a collaborative, non-combat, non-competitive game focused on exploration and joy. Life begins as a tree. Storms that affect the known planets transform you, and continue to influence your path. A rare flower has many powers that can alter your course. As you explore, you begin to discover others in the the sprawling rainforest. Working together, you unlock new experiences, piece together the plot and enjoy the varied beauty that Wander has to offer. Wander features a gorgeous landscape, large scale non-competitive play and immersive sound design to create a world like no other.

Forum Thread
Beta Bug Reports (Games : Wander : Forum : Wander discussion : Beta Bug Reports) Post Reply
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Aug 14 2013 Anchor

The Alpha Bug report page is 25 pages long. Now that we're Beta, I thought a new thread would be a good idea.

Looking forward to the next upgrade where hopefully we'll get a compass and the ocean floor to explore, more solid ground (lol) and other goodies to find.

SkadiWu Aaron Jones
Aug 16 2013 Anchor

Good idea glitchenhaze!

How to Report

Please report your standard bugs, ideas and fixes to here If you are having loading crashes, ingame crashes and wish to send an output log for us to read. Please go into your data folder and find outputlog.txt and send it to: testers@wanderthegame.com

Find Logs here:
Mac OS X: ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log
Windows: wander_alpha19_Data\output_log.txt
Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/wander/wander/Player.log

There will be a thread that states what needs to be tested. At the time of this post we need you to check for any problems in the landscape and check player interaction.


Level Designer for Wander

Aug 18 2013 Anchor

Been doing a lot of rock climbing (while also searching for dense forest areas ;) ) today.

I started on Spawn Island. I walked around trying to find that porous rock I'd pictured on Google+ the last time I was in the game, but couldn't find it. Either it got fixed or I just couldn't find it again.

Flew over to Base Island. Seems like there are less porous rocks, but still found some, especially around the waterfall areas. In one place, I found a big set of rocks that were totally porous, but after I walked around to the front and then to the back again, I was unable to walk through them. I did get a picture of them.

I criss-crossed the island pretty thoroughly climbing on as many rocks as I could find and any that have issues are pictured over on the Google+ site for review. I tried as much as possible to get back ground details in so that they can be located by the devs.

Then I flew up to the temple in Floating Island. The wonderful griffin's perch outside the temple steps are just as porous as previously reported. I walked down the steps onto the rocks and fell into space. That one really needs to be fixed (hint, hint, big freakin' hint!) :|

Next up is researching the temple cave to see if it has been fixed up. I'm assuming that the fixes are in the current download and not something that will be fixed in the next update. Otherwise, this report is pretty worthless. Also trying to get husband in play so we can report on the griffin involuntary action issue.

Just wanted to say that I'm often struck about how beautiful the place is. The plants are amazing. Lichen, fungus, dying leaves all make for realistic game play. However, there are some issues with the trunks not coming down to the ground especially on slopes. I took a couple of pictures of these too. Otherwise, the plants are just about perfect. More flowers would be nice at some point. :) More later.

OMG - walked through the temple. It's like walking through soft butter. It was ok until I started to walk behind the upper temple. You have to see the pictures to see how it was (Google+). Just awful and pretty scary.

So, I'm going to have to assume, you haven't worked in there yet! Wow. Ended up falling from the dragon glyph to the griffin glyph and managed to get out of the wall to the elf stone. Think I'm done for awhile. :P

**********************NEW POST FOR AARON**************************
I sent you a message over on Google+, but I'll leave one here too.

We were not able to get any tickets for the PAX Seattle event.

Can we meet with you some other way? My email address is bufferzone22@gmail.com


*******************************NEW Post 08-24-2013***********************************

I don't really like how you don't get a new post with a new day in this forum.

Next, I'm going to gripe about the fact that it appears that the developers have abandoned monitoring this forum. I don't do twitter, but husband has an account. I have been trying to get in contact with you for about a week now. I can appreciate you're busy and trying to get ready to leave for the US, but I think it is paramount that someone monitor this forum AND when a new version gets released, please, please, please tell us.

I have spent many long hours exploring Beta 2, taking screen shots and giving feed back (see above and the Google+ site) only to find out that a new version was released about a week ago with no mention to the forum that I could find. Please find a way to make sure all players can easily find out when a new version has been put out. I enjoyed exploring Beta 2, but still.....what good is reporting about waterfalls that aren't right or any thing when I don't even know I'm not on the most current version? Rant off

Beta 3 -- I started on Spawn Island since I was already there. Flew up to the temple at the top of the old waterfall. It's been worked on, but is still totally porous. Very disappointing. Wandered around the rocks a bit and didn't find any ones that needed fixing.

Flew over to the Floating Island temple. Noticed more things in the water. Lots of rocks sticking up that appear and disappear. Couldn't see any of the shelters added back that had been removed.

Floating Island temple -- ok, just admit you guys haven't done any work on it. The front perch is still porous and the inner temple is still butter. Again fell out of the inner temple to the main entrance in front of the elf glyph. The only new thing to report are mushrooms that turn on and off from dark brown to bright pink. Pretty snazzy.

Off to Cascade Island. My thought was that this would be the next island you'd get prettied up for the PAX USA tour. The UFO is still porous -- the tall, red thingy, but I was pleased to see all the waterfalls back in their beds, surrounded by rock and not coming out of midair or out of trees. Also glad to see the dry channel between the two sets of falls that some day I expect will hold water. Flew to the waterfall at the far end of the island that faces inward and was surprised to see what looks like a rock channel there too. However, at the end on the left, if you were walking down the canal toward the beach, there is a huge floating rock. Don't know if that's a work in progress or something that needs to be fixed.

That's it for now. I see I need to start taking a look at the water again now that it looks like some of it has been put back.

Please, please, don't forget this forum. What good is being a alpha/beta player if you don't want our feed back?


******OK, OK*********
Discovered after I wrote this that you all are already on the plane coming out here.

I'm surprised you are coming so early, but that's great.

I work in downtown Seattle on Tues/Wed. Otherwise I work from home.

Contact me or let us know how to contact you.

Aug 25 2013 Anchor

Beta 3:
Did a little flying around as Griffin and walking as Elf.
The previous endless jumping behavior seems to be fixed, and inching behavior is 'way down. Glitchenhaze noted sideways inching behavior from my character, but I noticed none from hers. Flight updating between key press and behavior on other screen (my character's behavior on her screen, her character's behavior on mine) was around two seconds, which is wonderful! I did eventually notice some lag (experienced as "muddy" controls) on Dryad Island, but Glitchenhaze didn't.
The sideways drifting flight behavior on Griffin is 'way down, for which I am very much grateful, although it could be minimized a little more.
Edit: Elf still doesn't want to stop walking when you stop pressing the forward button. There's about a two second delay between the time you lift your finger and the point at which she finally stops walking forward. Griffin will stop walking or flapping almost immediately, but Elf thinks she knows better than the player.

Edited by: smipleboy

Aug 26 2013 Anchor

I've been exploring the new coral sea and have run into a true bug.

When I change to Azartash, the beast is invisible. I've tried it a couple of times and it's still not showing up on the screen. I can move around as the Az', but can't see anything of him.

Sep 1 2013 Anchor

Sorry, i've been in Seattle since Sunday (and panicking the few days before that!) so we haven't had much time to read anything. I've just been posting quickly on twitter on my phone. I usually read the forums many times a day though and your feedback is very important! My plans for beta4 were fix every bug glitchenhaze and smipleboy have found! If you want to check out the latest beta a few of these should be fixed!

p.s. including one very important bug involving the floating island :) plus performance is much better so you might be able to run it at higher quality.

Sep 3 2013 Anchor

it was so nice getting to meet you and aaron today! we had so much fun getting to ask all the pushy questions we've been wanting to ask for so long. you guys are awesome! would type more but for this bum hand of mine. can't wait to get better and download the latest, so i can start looking for all the stuff we talked about. hope you all had a nice time in seattle and you get some much needed support. thanks again for meeting with us. and for the goodie bags, too!!

Sep 3 2013 Anchor

Interesting detail on the Google drive. I'm getting the beta 4 file, and that's the name of the file that actually downloads, but Google Drive refers to the file as Beta 3.

Hey, if it's Open Beta, does that mean we have to pay now, or are we sort of grandfathered in as beta testers?

SkadiWu Aaron Jones
Sep 4 2013 Anchor

It also depends on if you donated into the indiegogo plan. Which we better get all our eggs organised. It's just the download link is now removed from the general faq thread so new comers can't bypass the payment system. I'm still hunting places where the links have been mentioned ;)

It was great meeting you two as well! And im pretty sure youre both cemented in as official testers


Level Designer for Wander

Sep 5 2013 Anchor

we haven't put any cash in yet we could, if needed. my hand is still out of commission so i can't play. is there a one handed way to play? i really want to get into the latest update...it sounded so exciting, but i need to be able to move my character without constantly falling off cliffs or stuff. maybe if i had those 3d goggles...haha. let us know about paying. glad to hear you made it home :)

Sep 7 2013 Anchor

Beta v4:
Wow. Lots of butter! All the new rocks, pretty though they may be, are all butter. I tried landing on the ledge outside the temple beyond the steps of Floating Island, went right through and fell. It seems like those have been butter for the last three versions. GH and I went through the temple and rocks which have been solid before but are now butter. The structures seem solid as well as the dirt, though.

Um, where did the shelter on Floating Island go? It's gone. I even tried landing there to see if the collision layer was still there, but that's missing too.
The shelter midway down Dryad Island looked enormous when we headed out toward it, initially. The closer we got to it, the smaller it became. When we finally got to it, the shelter turned out to be butter, too.
I went down the path at the back of Dryad Island and saw a pillar next to a structure fall over on the structure. When I went far enough away from the structure, the pillar was re-set, and I could approach and watch it fall again. I didn't have the sound on, so I couldn't tell if it makes a noise when it happens. I suspect someone has figured out how to get animation by taking advantage of the two layers of detail, but I don't know who that would be. :)

The Griffin still seems to be turning on takeoff and landing, so more maths, sadly. It may be turning on takeoff a little further than it did, so there's obviously been a change. Odd.

The controls are less muddy now than they were, but there's still some mud in them.

Edited by: smipleboy

Sep 7 2013 Anchor

Well, after an emergency with the right hand, I finally got back enough function in it to try playing Beta 4.

We flew first to Floating Island. Big surprise. The shelter is gone. Somebody stole it! Seemed strange to find that empty space. Also, all the same issues are still there--porous rocks all over the place. I found some rocks that looked like a graphics problem. Picture on Google+ site. I walked through them and fell off the island!

Flew down to the temple. Again, the same problems. Butter for rocks. The perch on the outside is porous. You can walk through almost all the walls inside. Very interesting, but kind of scary. I again fell out through the same place that puts me in front of the elf glyph. I went to stand on the temple steps and they inched me off into mid-air. Gave up on Floating Island and temple.

Flew over to Dryad Island. The shelter over there seemed abnormally large, but the closer we got to it, the smaller it got and was hidden by trees. Went to land on the roof as usual and fell right through. Quite a surprise. The whole thing was just butter.

Flew over to the elf temple above the circle fort and tried to take what I thought was the trail that turns to the left instead of turning to the right. There is a ruin with a pillar leaning against the front that moves from up-right to leaning. Kind of amusing. The trail seems to peter out, though. I was thinking it was perhaps the trail alluded to that would lead to Griffin's Roost.

Had to stop playing since my hand gave out. It's good exercise, but I don't want to over do it. As usual....all pictures are over on the Google+ community page.

Hope the porous issues can get fixed soon. Will explore more later. Saw an interesting rock formation off of Base Island I want to check out. :-)

Sep 8 2013 Anchor

So I haven't had the same time to test and explore as others, but one thing that has bugged me a bit is that it seems that sheer rock faces and impossible-to-climb surfaces are, in fact, very climbable. As the Ent I fell a few times or came across vertical walls where I could keep jumping and eventually reach the top. It felt like the Ent would jump, get some tiny friction against the rock and then be able to jump again over and over. It certainly makes some "hard to get to" locations far less difficult. I can't imaging this hasn't been brought up before, but I'll just mention it as my contribution so far :)

Secondly, I've been breezing through some of the older threads, and I'm just curious as to what sort of ideas are hoping to be included in terms of depth of experience and the similar? I love the idea that was brought up of, say, putting writable books in the shelters. It would be cool to see what players use them for, from a basic way to leave messages for others to the crafting of player-driven challenges/directions. From my understanding the plan is to revolve the world around the story and lore. Is there a desire to set up a more concrete feature in the future to "collect" the lore? Will you be "rewarded" for finding hidden locations/ruins/points of interest by gaining knowledge of the world? I know it's secondary to getting the game, itself, in good shape but I'm just rather excited for the promise!

Sep 8 2013 Anchor

Hi CrowingOne and welcome. I'm just another of the testers, but it's been ages since we've seen someone new post here.

Have you gotten any of the other character glyphs yet? I love the griffon and the flying. :)

Also, just wanted to let you know I am the moderator over on the Google+ community page. I've posted lots of pictures over there and welcome new members. If interested, please join under "Wander the Game". I have found it difficult to post pictures on this forum, so refer to the Google+ site a lot in my postings.

We are hoping to see more people joining as the game continues to improve and more people learn about it. I like your ideas (and others) of things to make the game fun and challenging. Let us know if you need any help with getting about and we'll try not to spoil things for you (like telling you where to find something unless you really want to know).

Sep 8 2013 Anchor

Thanks for the welcome! I came via the Massively coverage from PAX Prime, and have been banging about every now and then. I've found the Griffon glyph, and subsequently have been flying about all over the place in my time exploring. I have a very solid idea of where to find the Elf glyph, and will probably make that my destination next!

Sep 8 2013 Anchor

I posted a video on the G+ group that illustrates the waterline issue when the Griffin is in flight.

Honestly, it looks to me like there's one (normal) timing of the water's movement when characters are on the ground, and another (much faster) timing of the water's movement when characters are in the air.

I also posted a series of pictures (from the current build) which show how details draw in as I make the approach to Floating Island from Dryad Island. Quirky! :)

Edited by: smipleboy

SkadiWu Aaron Jones
Sep 8 2013 Anchor

Sounds like someone has been touching my rocks and turning them into jelly! We've been working on performance by fusing rock clusters together into 1 solid rock. IE if 4 rocks make up a cliff edge they will be fused together to make 1 cliff rock, so your computer only has to load 1 thing instead of 4. The floating island was the first to undergo this and will need some tweaking. Either way I've seen all the pictures on the google+ site and will go around and investigate the gaps and "porous" rocks.

I think I forgot to upgrade the floating island shelter to the new design and I believe the old design is now completely removed from our files thats why its completely vanished now. I noticed in Seattle when the odd person made it up there it was the old version.

I'll go on a mission and fix the porous problems and fix that temple ontop of the waterfall (again) Welcome CrowingOne, theres a few Elf Glyths about so it will be reasonably easy to find since you have the griffon already. I agree we need to look at sliding characters off almost vertical surfaces to prevent mountain goating up cliffs


Level Designer for Wander

Sep 9 2013 Anchor

Glitchenhaze/Smipleboy: Aaron just checked beta4 and I thought it was very similar to the PAX Prime version I had built, but it's actually slightly older so it's missing a few of the latest. I'm uploading a new version now. Then it's time for some bug fixing!

Sep 9 2013 Anchor

Cool. I'll tell James when he wakes up to start downloading again. :)

Sep 9 2013 Anchor

I didn't see any instructions for updating the builds. Do you just uninstall the old and install the new, or does it write over and patch?

Sep 9 2013 Anchor

Crowing One:
There is no install or setup file. To my knowledge, the new package doesn't patch the old files.

Assuming Windows: You download the file into a folder, upzip everything into that folder, find the .exe file and make a shortcut from it to the desktop. The resulting shortcut will start Wander.

When you get the new version, put the files from that zip in its own folder and either point your existing shortcut to the new .exe file or make an all new shortcut to the desktop. This is the method I've been using to install each new version.

I personally think it would be neat if there could be some sort of launcher to auto-install the new versions as they appear, but this hasn't been implemented yet. In the meantime, the above process should tide you over.

Ask questions if you don't understand something. I'm sure someone will be around to answer you. :)

Another odd download. The link points me to beta 4. When I click the link, Google tells me it can't scan beta 5. If I tell it to download anyway, the actual file that's downloaded is beta 4. Is Google Drive confused or something? :)

And is there a way to make all-new messages to the forum instead of having subsequent messages get added to the last message? It's kind of confusing.

Sep 9 2013 Anchor

mmm, i've updated the names. I assume i've uploaded the right files... :) I'll check it again though. Alas I can't do much about the forums unless we switch to another forum service. The IndieDB ones were just a handy way of not requiring people to have another forum login if they already used this. There are steam forums, though i'm not sure how good they are. Uploading images on these forums is pretty annoying.

As far as a patcher goes, i'm looking into it at the moment! It's pretty fiddly to do well but i've got a few ideas that i'm testing out, and i've been asking around if anyone else found solutions that worked. Hopefully we can do something neat so that minor changes don't require huge downloads (and uploads!)

Sep 10 2013 Anchor

Mostly I lob these questions about the board in case it's just an option someone else has figured out a way to circumvent. I wasn't actually suggesting moving from IndieDB. Well, not on purpose, anyway. :)

Yeah, the "is it beta 4 or is it beta 5" question is amusing for me at this point. I just assume that if you guys say there's an update, then whatever I download is that update until you say different. A patcher/launcher would make things easier at my end, to say nothing of how much easier it would be for new users, but if it turns out to be anything other than an aggravation, I'm sure you'll let us know at some point. As I've said, you're the programmer, not me. :)

Oh, incidentally, when I finished downloading the file and opened it, the .exe file and the data directory were both named Beta 5. For me, that was the punchline to the whole tale. :)

Sep 11 2013 Anchor

Had a quick skim through and haven't seen this mentioned anywhere else. From the starting island in my elf form I walked through the wooden jetty out over the water (looking towards the floating waterfall rock thingy) and onto the platform beyond. Came to the far right corner, didn't stop walking quite fast enough and fell into the water. Decided I'd try morphing into tree form to see if I could jump back up with the taller avatar (I know now that the tree form can't be in the water), and it pinged me to the shore of another island on the far side of the floating waterfall island.

Sep 11 2013 Anchor

Hi WelshPixie! Yes, if you transform into a character that is not allowed into the oceans, you get transported back to what we are calling "Spawn Island", which is where we all started as new characters. I'm wondering if there is now more than one place new people start in the game (Skadi? Loki?)

The characters that do this are the griffin and the ent, so remember when you are in the water you need to find a way to be above the waterline before transforming into one of these, unless you want a quick ride to Spawn Island. (Spawn Island is the one with the rings for the griffin to fly through on the far side of the island and the temple tucked away up high, in case you don't know which island I mean.)

My character on line is GH1 in case you happen to see me about. :-)

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