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A voxel based adventure and RPG. Vox is a highly customizable game where you can create, destroy, edit and build anything you desire. The whole world, every item and object within it, and even the characters and inhabitants of Vox are created using a custom 'Voxel Engine' that allows for an unparalleled level of creativity. Come and explore your imagination!

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Edited items wont save (Games : Vox : Forum : Help and Support : Edited items wont save) Locked
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May 28 2013 Anchor


I can't get items I edit to change or the icon to update in the editor. My nephew on his computer has no problems with his game updating or saving items. Any fix for it?

I just found out that I also can not create new/edit characters. If I click say custom head it pulls up the default blonde hair head and no changes will save. When I close that, the head with the red glasses and stash from the Video thats posted on the game page shows up. Then if I save the changes the game crashes.

Edited by: Grimbones

May 31 2013 Anchor

I am having the exact same issue. Also, getting general instability. I can play the game roughly 15-30 minutes and it crashes. I know this is alpha so I'm definitely not complaining, but it would be nice to be able to enjoy the game for a 2-3 hr sprint. :-)

Jun 1 2013 Anchor

I can play the game roughly 15-30 minutes and it crashes.

Are you by any chance use 64bit system? If so get to folder where Desura installed Vox and run vox_64.exe (Desura, even on 64bit system launches vox.exe which is 32bit and crashes roughly after time you specified on 64bit systems) . Also stability problems are pretty normal in Vox and not related to the issue.

My guts are telling me that it can be permissions problem. If you are using normal user account (i.e. non-admin), check if folder where Desura has downloaded Vox Vox has writing access (full control) for normal users. Also check in Desura's settings to make directories writable when installing new games to avoid future similar problems.

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