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Bombing Run/ 'Soccer' Mode (Games : Vector Thrust : Forum : Multiplayer : Bombing Run/ 'Soccer' Mode) Locked
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Nergal01 I stopped supporting Vector Thrust. AMA.
Dec 14 2013 Anchor

i.e: One of the very first suggested game mode returns....WITH A VENGEANCE:

After played hours and hours of Bombing Run mode in UT2k4, I've got these ideas:

-The 'ball' is, in fact an UAV with a mini-nuke strapped in it, your goal is to 'deliver' it into enemy team's base (the 'goal' can be anything, an open underground silo, Death Star-style 'use the Force' ventilation hole, etc). Each team's base have AA defenses that automatically respawn themselves when they're destroyed. By default, they're indestructible (except when hitting the goal), and roaming freely within certain radius around the center of the map.
-Each plane is equipped with second SPW that reprograms a neutral UAV so that it belongs to your team then it'll dock in one of your plane's hardpoint. It only can be activated within certain distance though.
-If a player succeeded in claiming the 'ball', he'll be marked with special mark on radar to help identification.
-Shoot down the plane carrying UAV to 'free' it (it went neutral once the 'ball carrier' is dead) and use the SPW to claim the 'ball'
-Once you're in firing range of the goal, switch to the 'ball' SPW to gain a lock on it, and launch it. Bonus point if you do it in kamikaze (read: crashing) instead or scoring a goal without locking on first.
-After each goal, every player's plane will be respawned back at their respective bases, while the now-neutral UAV will roam around the center of the map.

Edited by: Nergal01

Dec 16 2013 Anchor


This seems like a very fun mode, though I'm afraid it can be cheesed by selecting a YF-12, seeing as that aircraft can go over Mach 3. The host should be able to set a restriction for the supersonic demon, of course.

Possibly just like all the other Multiplayer modes should have

Edited by: szboudreau01

Dec 16 2013 Anchor

pretty sure there's already whitelists for planes in skirmish mode. Hopefully there will be a way to ban OP weapons too.

Nergal01 I stopped supporting Vector Thrust. AMA.
Dec 16 2013 Anchor

szboudreau01 wrote: :D

This seems like a very fun mode, though I'm afraid it can be cheesed by selecting a YF-12, seeing as that aircraft can go over Mach 3.

Good luck navigating into opponent's base though. Let's just say the most typical scenario is that each team's base usually nested inside a canyon/tunnel.


anon wrote:

There are only two things in this world worse than Vector Thrust; Star Citizen and No Man's Sky

'anon' wrote: Now I shall use this 'Vector Thrust Threshold' to measure how awful your product is

Dec 16 2013 Anchor

I still think the ball should be a bomb/missile that you can pass to teammates. It makes a lot more sense than a UAV and allows players to pick different planes for different roles-an F-16 would shoot down the ball carrier and then pass the ball to a YF-12, which would run the ball to the tunnel and pass it to a nearby Berkut, which would carry it to the goal.

Nergal01 I stopped supporting Vector Thrust. AMA.
Dec 17 2013 Anchor

bornloser wrote: I still think the ball should be a bomb/missile that you can pass to teammates.

I'd prefer UAV for immersion authenticity. I still find the bomb/missile being 'typical floating power-up icon' somehow weird, but that's just me. :\


anon wrote:

There are only two things in this world worse than Vector Thrust; Star Citizen and No Man's Sky

'anon' wrote: Now I shall use this 'Vector Thrust Threshold' to measure how awful your product is

Dec 17 2013 Anchor

You want immersion in a game mode about soccer with planes?

Nergal01 I stopped supporting Vector Thrust. AMA.
Dec 17 2013 Anchor

bornloser wrote: You want immersion in a game mode about soccer with planes?

Heh, that's just my imagination of people's response towards this game mode.

But I think ball should work too.

Edited by: Nergal01


anon wrote:

There are only two things in this world worse than Vector Thrust; Star Citizen and No Man's Sky

'anon' wrote: Now I shall use this 'Vector Thrust Threshold' to measure how awful your product is

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