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Teleglitch is a roguelike top-down shooter with pixel graphics. The game takes place in procedurally generated military research & training complex that has a different map every time you play. Our mission is to give players like you a chance to walk in the dark corridors, gripping their gun and few last rounds of ammunition. To play with finger on the trigger, high on adrenaline. We want to give you the, paranoid, sweaty, and bloody hard kind of fun.

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Jan 22 2013 Anchor

Considering I've managed to beat the game from level 1 I feel as if I should share what I've learned.
But I will not be posting any tips that could be a spoiler.

1. The Nail gun is your friend. Make sure you have it or its Tri version handy as soon as possible.
2. Secrets can be shot open, so do NOT waste explosives on opening secrets.
3. Learn to effectively melee. Being able to save ammo will be extremely useful.
4. Pzfausts are something you should craft and keep a hold of until you REALLY need them.
5. Keep a hold of as many items as possible. Weapons you craft will be much more useful than what you'll find.
6. Teleporters are effectively extra lives. Try to keep at least one on you when you can.
7. Canned meat will give you 10 health back. Don't waste it on making traps. You'll need every single bit of health possible.

Personally I like to completely clear out each level before I go to the next one.
Also avoid rushing into rooms. Thats a good way to die.

Jan 22 2013 Anchor

1. I agree completely. I love the nailgun.
4. I never got past level 4 yet, so I have no opinion on this.
2, 3, 5, 6. Yes.
7. Canned meat can heal you up to 150 health.

So yeah, good set of tips.

Edited by: Trainzack

Jan 22 2013 Anchor

I'm currently unable to leave my house, so i can't actually buy a game at the moment, so i have no idea if i'm alloved to get a feedback.
But if i do, can someone tell me, is it required to discover a recipie in the terminat in order to craft stuff?
I was curios about the cannon upgrade, so i've checked all missing lines in items and discovered that i need cannon, pistol, longtube and hardware in order ro craft "Something". I broke my ass, at lvl9 had all required parts but wasn't able to craft anything.
These things aren't covered anywhere... well, maybe Somewhere, but if i'll feed google with teleglitch+anything that bloody thing thinks that linking me ALL the release reviews about this game is a god damn good idea

Disregard my shitty excuse, my friend shared me some money on paypal. So i bought this masterpiece right away!
Question still stands, tho

Jan 23 2013 Anchor

Perhaps you do have to discover how to build things through reading those computer terminals.

Jan 23 2013 Anchor

Welp, i've completed the game in a single run just after purchase. And i feel kinda dissapointed.
First of all you don't need to discover item recipies. As long as you have right items you can craft any item.
Second, there's no autocannon, mortair of whatever. Recipie i've tryed to follow was cannon recipie - 9mm+hardware+2longtubes.
And monsters. They pose the less treat the bigger they are. Final boss was a complete joke - minigun just shred it to pieces in 3 belts.
And the most devastating unit in the game is a scientist . These guys annoyingly tough, agile and precise. not to mention that they have smallest hitbox in the game.
The only time big guys posed me a treat was when i've encountered a pack of guys with very different turnrates, i don't remember exact composition, but there was a 2 squids and at least 4 scientists, so circlestrafing wasn't an option.
I think there's plenty of time to improve gameplay, assuming the game just came out, tho.
Good luck in advance, i'm hoping for the next content patch.

Jan 28 2013 Anchor

Darkrune wrote: 1. The Nail gun is your friend. Make sure you have it or its Tri version handy as soon as possible.

i agree somewhat, but knowing when to drop the nailgun is also important. I generally ditch it when I get a lot of AR rounds. You should definitely abandon it by the time you get an automatic high velocity rifle.

Darkrune wrote: 2. Secrets can be shot open, so do NOT waste explosives on opening secrets.

AGL is excellent at this, I find the AGL is lacklustre against nearly all enemies and the AGL5 wastes lots of ammo, but it's a shame to waste the ammo by not using it at all. Therefore I use the AGL to open secrets up until the point where you get loads of high velocity rounds.

Darkrune wrote: 3. Learn to effectively melee. Being able to save ammo will be extremely useful.

Melee becomes useless around level 3 and by that stage ammo becomes a non-issue, if you aim well enough you shouldnt have much trouble with ammo except levels 1-4.

Darkrune wrote: 4. Pzfausts are something you should craft and keep a hold of until you REALLY need them.

Pzfausts are excellent ways to use up explosives if they're clogging your inventory, I like to keep a stack of 3 at all times for hairy situations
Can-Guns are also excellent for this, I keep a cangun ready at all times just in case my ammo is low and a swarm of zombies bursts out of nowhere, one can-gun can eliminate an entire wave of zombies at the expense of some hp (which you'd lose from fighting the zombies 1v1 anyway)

Darkrune wrote: 5. Keep a hold of as many items as possible. Weapons you craft will be much more useful than what you'll find.

This goes without saying, explore every corner of the map and you should have few issues with ammo or resources, I rarely have trouble with resources when I explore fully.

Darkrune wrote: 6. Teleporters are effectively extra lives. Try to keep at least one on you when you can.

On my latest run I got to 5 teleports in my inventory at once, they were worth keeping because I used every single one by the end.

Darkrune wrote: 7. Canned meat will give you 10 health back. Don't waste it on making traps. You'll need every single bit of health possible.

Canned meat is teh best resource. It gives you 10hp, 2 cannon rounds or a fraction of armor.
Armor is by far the most useful item in the game, you should be a walking suit of metal by the final boss.

My tips:
Powerlegs are nice but not vital. If you can get em, go for it, if now don't worry too much, they only help with melee mobs which kind of drop off around the end.
Spamming explosives at bosses feet is effective if you have no other weapons.
The autocannon is crazy fun but underpowered, it needs a buff or at least more ammo spawns, I wouldnt recommend it unless you want to try something cool.
The highvel rifle is the best thing in the game and once you get it the ammo is plentiful, it is your bread and butter.
The heavy rifle sucks because of a complete lack of ammo, the revolver also suffers from this. I wouldn't recommend either unless you have inventory space.
Don't be afraid to ditch items. Weapons out of ammo are useless to you unless they had some significant crafting cost. Eventually, most weapons ammo gets phased out (for example it's hard to find revolver, 9mm or rifle rounds past level 7) Once a weapon runs out and you dont find any more ammo, just ditch it.
Tesla and Laser are your best friends. Especially against pesky scientists, the tesla kills them in under a second and helps you hit them with the auto-locking. Laser is excellent for dealing with bigger threats but really it works against any enemy. Get both as soon as you can.
Nailbombs and meat traps suck, end of story.
Shotgun is kinda crap, if it had more spread and higher damage it'd be nice for crowd control but I find it unhelpful most of the time, I mean it's damage but the other weapons feel better.
9mm is a god until you get a good supply of AR ammo. Use it, learn it, love it and it will love you.
Stimulants seem to be a waste of a medkit and explosives, I wouldn't use them. Speed is rarely an issue in this game, mainly maneuvring and evasion I find.

Can't remember much more, I've done 2 full runs. Looking forward to more content. Really hoping for a harder mode or some new levels. I love the game.

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