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It took longer than it really should have but by 2050, humanity has finally colonized Mars. The leader of the effort is an entrepreneur named Jeff Murray. Rather than live on the surface of the Mars, People have made their homes deep underground. The city and all its supporting facilities are buried deep down, safe from the inhospitable climate of the surface. Dr. West migrated to Mars recently at the personal invitation of Jeff Murray. Dr. West has been working on important research which he had hoped might lead to a cure for the Alzheimer's Disease. In Subterrain you fill the shoes of Dr. West, the apparent lone survivor of the underground city of Mars. Do what you must to fight, survive, escape, or otherwise amongst limited resources and relentless enemies. Your worst enemy will be your own carelessness...

Forum Thread
Save Button? (Games : Subterrain : Forum : General discussion : Save Button?) Locked
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Dec 13 2014 Anchor

Hi. I am loving this game, but I can't seem to find an option to save my data...is that a thing?

Dec 14 2014 Anchor

Hi the game features auto save between loading levels. It used to tell player and asked for it before but confirmation popup box was removed because it delayed game play and feedback was given. But yes we also agree that there is lack of information about saving. We will add one in the next release. We are also thinking about other ways to let player to save the game. Like a save point. Perhaps using bed to rest in will save the game. Or using a toilet??? Suggestions are welcome. :)

Dec 14 2014 Anchor

Is it between EVERY level?

Also, if you need any help with this game, I have some graphics experience, so I could help out. My email is sollystartles@gmail.com.

And, you could allow us to fill empty containers with water from sinks, but the water would be infected. We could cleanse the water somehow with a boiling machine or something. :)

Dec 15 2014 Anchor

Yes auto save is on every level. No save for going under wind tunnel, but using stairs and tube will save the game.

Yes, at the moment, toilets are bit useless , but we want to introduce water filling / drinking ( contaminated ) Also actually using toilet for something else... hehe

Dec 19 2014 Anchor

-awaits the 'using the restroom' easter egg-

Some more suggestions, well, maybe barricades for more strategic survival tactics.

Aha, may I ask what game engine this is built on?

Dec 19 2014 Anchor

We are using Unity. And your suggestion sounds good. But when you start "breaking" stuff around, it's whole another story all together so we have to try and see how far we can take it.

Dec 20 2014 Anchor

Well, not necessarily a "build your own barricade" system, but have it so dragging things in front of a door will block zombies better. Wait, I actually think you can do this already. :P

Dec 21 2014 Anchor

Yes, you can do this already. Also, with upcoming attractor system, you maybe able to attract surrounding zombies to you or it and take advantage of it.

Say.. You open the door.. block it with several furniture, and then actually attract zombies into the room.. you will have more time to deal with mass of them.. if you have some decent weapon or area damage items.. such as explosions.. oh wait,.. did I say explosions? hehe..

Dec 21 2014 Anchor

:D Explosions.

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