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On a diplomatic mission for the New Republic, Luke Skywalker and his friends, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Princess Leia, and the droids R2-D2 and C3-P0 were passing through a remote galaxy' At the helm of the Republic cruiser were Han and Chewie, while Luke practiced his Jedi skills elsewhere on the ship' Suddenly, Luke fell into a profound deep sleep' In a vision, he saw an ancient man, who spoke to him' "Luke, I have been waiting for you for a long time'" "Who are you?" said Luke' "I am your father's father, Amon-Ra, the Jedi Master" the man replied' "I didn't know my father's father was still alive," Luke replied' "There are many things that will soon be revealed to you," answered Amon-Ra, "You draw closer to me by the moment' Soon, all shall be revealed to you'" Abruptly, Luke awoke from the dream to find a great deal of time had passed' The cruiser he was in was no longer flying, but instead, was rapidly filling with...

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Any feedback? (Games : Star Wars: Bloodlines : Forum : Adventurers Corner : Any feedback?) Locked
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Dec 6 2006 Anchor

We're just curious how things are going? What do you like and dislike?

Dec 8 2006 Anchor

I'm impressed Thumbs up from me! Good game all around!

Dec 8 2006 Anchor

Many thanks!

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