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Shattered Origins is a unique tactical shooter game with elements of strategy, RPG and arcade games.

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Bug report thread (Games : Shattered Origins - Guardians of Unity : Forum : Report bugs : Bug report thread) Locked
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Feb 15 2011 Anchor

You found a bug? Don't hesitate to report it here, this way you can contribute to the game so we can make it better!

Feb 15 2011 Anchor

Got one for you. The optional quest where one recovers a lost engineer is impossible if you get to the red Hunter when your cruiser hangar is full (it prevents you from switching ships to free hangar space). In fact, the only way to do anything if you do this is to task-kill the game. It doesn't freeze, you just can't do anything but fly the red Hunter around.

So guess how my first try of the demo ended before I got a chance to save.

Don't get me wrong, though, love the game so far. I sort of half expected this to cause trouble when I tried it.

Feb 16 2011 Anchor

Aeternis wrote: Got one for you. The optional quest where one recovers a lost engineer is impossible if you get to the red Hunter when your cruiser hangar is full (it prevents you from switching ships to free hangar space). In fact, the only way to do anything if you do this is to task-kill the game. It doesn't freeze, you just can't do anything but fly the red Hunter around.

So guess how my first try of the demo ended before I got a chance to save.

Don't get me wrong, though, love the game so far. I sort of half expected this to cause trouble when I tried it.

Ouch, that was unexpected :)

Thank you for pointing that out, we'll try to come up with a fix for that soon.

Feb 16 2011 Anchor

Not sure about this one.

In the demo, I was unable to produce resources through mining. Perhaps I caused this by starting a mining project before researching mining, but the mining progress bar never decreased and I never got resources from it. I had to do the whole research tree on "hold production" resources. I did note, though, that the sector is described in the "star map" description as being depleted from long use, so this might not actually be a bug.

Finished the demo this time. Liked it, though it was over too soon. You've got a good game concept here, I'm looking forward to the full game.

Feb 18 2011 Anchor

in the engener skirmish the game froze 2 times when i whint into the unit menue(right click)

Feb 20 2011 Anchor

I can't install the demo.

When I try and install it gets to 35% and Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 3.1 Setup pops up. If I select next to repair the framework or cancel, the installation Shattered demo stops working.

I'm Windows 7 64-bit.
Nvidia GTX480.

Anyone else having the same problem?

BTW if you want people to download your demo increase the bandwidth of your site. 30 KB/s is not a good look.

Feb 20 2011 Anchor

Lorderan wrote: I can't install the demo.

When I try and install it gets to 35% and Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 3.1 Setup pops up. If I select next to repair the framework or cancel, the installation Shattered demo stops working.

I'm Windows 7 64-bit.
Nvidia GTX480.

Anyone else having the same problem?

BTW if you want people to download your demo increase the bandwidth of your site. 30 KB/s is not a good look.

You'll need to re-download the demo. Since that old installer, we've uploaded a new one which will solve your issues.

You don't necessarily need to download the demo from our site, you can get it on this site too, in the "Downloads" section.

After installing, run the game as administrator, it should automatically update itself with some bugfixes.

Mar 13 2011 Anchor

I got serious issues :S I got win 7 64 bit and a radeon HD 5870 graph card

For some reason I cant launch any of the applications?! neither config, start demo or update, it all just cease working instantly when I start any of them :S

I tried to redownload the demo installer several times for different places and nothing seems to work no matter how many times I reinstall it with or without physx

Mar 16 2011 Anchor

Hi Nursenancy!

This usually indicates that you don't have .Net 3.5 installed on your PC -- which would be strange, since that is a default component of Windows 7 as far as I'm concerned.

If this did not solve your issue, please write a mail to support@shatteredorigins.com , in which you describe the exact specs of your PC (most important are amount of RAM and the CPU specs). When the game itself does not start, there should be a logfile located in the game's main folder, if there is one, please send that too. We'll try to help as soon as possible.

Mar 28 2011 Anchor

I got .Net 4.0?! and I cant find any logfile sorry :S

Mar 29 2011 Anchor

Hi Nursenancy!

Try lowering your virus scanner's threat priority (high settings usually cause the game to not even start up). If that doesn't help, try running all exe files with administrator privileges (right click exe, then select "Run as Administrator").

That's all I got for now, one of these should solve the issue.

Mar 30 2011 Anchor

Ourah Thanks a lot Crusare :D That did the job... The admin priv seemed to cause all the problems!
Most awesome game I have seen in a long time, I have the same issues with the optinal missions not working but otherwise you convinced me to preorder this fine game :D

Mar 31 2011 Anchor

What do you mean by the optional missions not working? They should work just fine by now (have been patched a couple of times).

Apr 1 2011 Anchor

Had the fault with a full hangar that somehow made that sad engineer impossible for some reason, and then it got stuck and made a load of issues

Apr 8 2011 Anchor

Great game! But I can't take missions from the center sector. When I accept side missions from the trade center, the main quest's icons turning red whithout any vioce or text briefing. It does randomly, sometimes I can accept the 2nd or the 3rd main mission, but when anybody arrives at the portal, the gate itself dissappear, and it can't be rebuild (gray icon at the main ship). So the missions brings many-many bugs too... Sorry for my english! I hope there will be an update for that problems, and I can play further.

(in hungarian)Leírom magyarul is, úgy sokkal egyszerűbb. Szóval a legfőbb baj azzal van, hogy hiába csinálom más-más sorrendben a mellék és fő küldetéseket, a central szektorból akkor sem tudok továbbjutni. Pl. ha a mellékküldetésekkel kezdek, és kiválasztom a 3 kereskedő-hajó megmentését, amint azok megérkeznek a portálon át, a kapu eltűnik, és nincs tovább a játék. Persze, egy-két mellékküldetést még ki tudok választani, de a fő küldetések általában szöveg nélkül megjelennek, bepirosodnak, és nem tudom őket csinálni. Ha azokkal kezdek, akkor is a 2. vagy 3.-nál előjön az, hogy portálon keresztül érkezik valaki, tovább kéne nekem is mennem, de kapu híján nem tudom kiválasztani a célpontot. Van, hogy a kapu megmarad, de akkor meg hiába nyomok akármely más célra a közelemben, a kijelölésre felszólító szöveg nem tűnik el, beragad.Egy másik hiba meg akkor fordult elő, amikor pont a portálba ugráskor jött egy üzenetem, de a térugrás animációját le escape-eltem. A végeredmény egy jóságos kilépés volt. Remélem ezek nem egyedi problémák és orvosolhatók lesznek a közeljövőben.Üdv!

Apr 8 2011 Anchor

Please send us a saved game from before this happens, we'll definitely take a look.

Apr 9 2011 Anchor


Or this with "Asteroid Sector" + "Central Sector" save files - donno if thease needed: www19.zippyshare.com/v/55625301/file.html The problem starts at "2 start.sgsave". The "2 disappeared gate.sgsave" have the unbuildable portal.

Apr 9 2011 Anchor

The problems you have listed do not appear in our version of the game. We have heard it reported that the torrented version of the game however has a few issues.

Did you purchase the game? If you did, drop a mail to support@shatteredorigins.com along with your Gamersgate account name and date of purchase, and we'll take a look at your problem in detail.

May 3 2011 Anchor

I bought the game from gamersgate after playing the demo and now I have advanced to the part after I defended a trader ship in a tower defense like game. I m doing the third quest given by the trader ship where there are pirates that we are supposed to find but the game doesn't seem to give any pointers. So i just flew around the cruiser for like 2 or 3 hours, without finding them. The zone asteroid zone in front of the cruiser isn't that big it seems. I think I flew around it quite a few times in those 2 o 3h. Is that a bug that those pirates don't appear?
I did find a bunch of inactive ship that don't seem to be destroyable. next to the trader ship.

Edited by: Hawat

May 4 2011 Anchor

The Pirate ships are on the edge of the sector. If you can't find them, here are some pointers:

- Make sure you took the mission (I know, I know, obvious, but you might be reloading a save in which you did not take the mission yet)
- If you have the mission, then follow these steps:
1. Stand right above the Trader center, and look up.
2. Go upwards until the game warns you to stop or else you'll die from radiation.
3. Turn left, and start flying, always staying near the border of the sector.
4. Once you reach the "corner" where you cannot go forward or upwards, you need to look down. The Pirates are hidden somewhere around this point.

Edited by: Lord_Crusare

May 5 2011 Anchor

I tried to launch the game on a notebook with Intel GMA X3100 VGA, but it gives an error message saying "PhysX failed to initalize".
What should I do? Is there any way to make it work?

May 5 2011 Anchor

Make sure that all of these requirements are met:

1. The latest version of PhysX is installed on your system. If you are unsure about that, uninstall all instances of PhysX, and install our demo, along with the PhysX
version provided there
2. Make sure that the XNA 3.1 redistributable is installed on your PC
3. If those don't fix the issue, run the game as administrator

That's all I've got for now

May 6 2011 Anchor

Thank you for the help, probelm solved.
Though, my VGA is too weak for the game, I will try again when I'll have a stronger one.

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