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Recruits is a squad based top down shooter. Inspired by games like Cannon Fodder, Alien Swarm and Jagged Alliance Recruits puts players on the front lines of the battlefield to accomplish your missions through any means necessary. Fast paced and packed with explosions, Recruits offers a wide variety of features that allow you, and your friends to take command of the action and lead your men to victory.

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Feedback from bumbum1991 (Games : Recruits : Forum : General : Feedback from bumbum1991) Locked
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Aug 20 2012 Anchor

**Feedback time:

* Performance issue:
- At the first time I ran the game, my CPUs were put to limit (100% usage) as well as RAM as the game engine started. After 1 minute, I tried to close the game but my computer jumped to blue screen before I could do so, thus restarting the OS. - This is strange, we will try to test it out our end and see if we can see any issues code wise.
- During the game, the CPUs usage is quite high as well, I can even hear the constant sound of the cooling fan. Notice that normally I could play Skyrim or Saints Row The Third with high setting smoothly. - We are yet to go through the game and optimize it, so hopefully we can resolve this issue little bit when we are at that stage.

- The graphic option does not offer all screen resolution. Every time I apply a new resolution, the game changes to windowed mode; then if I apply the resolution again, it switch back to Full screen mode. - This is some of our check box buttons playing up i believe, should be fixed once we redesign the menus to be all nice and pretty
- Pausing the game and choosing Option does not work - the Option menu does not pop out. - Yet to be done
- The menu is still quite simplified. Anyway, it would become better when the game is released hopefully. - Yes, the current menu is a placeholder

*Graphics + Animation + Physics:
- The movement animation is... clumsy, I feel like my squad is walking through a swarm. - Currently we are trying to get animations worked on, but that cost money and its taking a while :(
- The death animation/physics is so satisfying, especially when blowing enemies off with grenade or tank cannon. - Cool!
- Though the graphic is fine, I find it not very detailed when looking closer. - True, but hopefully once we have more than One artist we can make more things for the game levels
- When I destroy huts, some of its fragments do not disappear after a while; instead, they spin around endlessly - quite funny. - Strange, something to do with the physics, but its something we are working one, there are other issues you might not have noticed but, yep hopefully fixed soon.
- I would be nice if the soldiers fly into the air when blown up with body parts go all over the place. - This should be in soon
- Occasionally, blowing up one barrel does not make the barrels right next to it blow up - I love the domino effect. - Yea, something the physics of it bugs out, so we will work on correcting it
- It seems that trees can not be blown up. - Its a limitation of our engine at the moment, but there is hope that one day it will be possible
- I wonder whether or not it is a good idea when soldiers can catch fire from explosion. - They catch fire from the flame thrower and molotovs, but explosions might be annoying, we will try it out.
- On level 4, when I jumped off the cliff at the beginning of the mission, I could see a tree bush floating in the middle of the air. - Yep, we are updating the levels all the time, this was just left over I believe.
- The crosshair is just... huge, while the instruction text overlay (press "E" for...) is quite small. - Yes we are resizing items and constantly tweaking things

*Gameplay + AI:
- My squad can absorb a huge amount of bullets before going down while the enemies drop like flies with a few hits. - Yes, this will change once we add the Difficulty settings
- The shotgun could function as a sniper rifle, I could snipe enemies with it from meters away. - we are yet to add the bullets loosing effect after a certain range.
- It is a good thing that ammo is scarce; hence most of the time, I just use the AKs; anyway in a long mission (presumably available in final built), I would expect somewhere to resupply - heli drops, base... - Yes there will be all of that, there are ammo creates in level 4 to replenish ammo, and if you press ALT and scroll when you can select ammo drops - (there is no art for this yet its just for testing)
- Enemies can shoot my squad from off-screen. You guys may want to add a zoom-in/zoom-out camera mode. - We are testing out solutions to this
- The objectives are similar to each other with just 1 main goal: wiping out the enemy. - We have lots more objectives, like rescuing people, assassinations etc, we just don't have a big enough development team to get things ready for public so quickly. Patience! lol
- Some suggestions for later in development: A cover system, soldier stance (crouching, lying, standing), sprint ability. - There is sprint and crouch at the moment (Shift and Space) Other things we will look into. might not be good for a top down game.
- AI: Enemies usually charge right into my squad line of sight instead of flanking. Moreover, they don't have the ability to throw grenade; this make them look like target practice. - This should be in a future update :)
- Squad mates don't know how to throw grenades either, they rarely go so far from the leader. - Yes, we will be adding more squad functions eventually
- Hey, this sounds stupid but well: I'd love to have a long mission (large map) with multi-objectives - A base of operation you can run back to resupply or hide from enemy pursuit (of course the base is guarded by friendly NPCs), at 1 point you have to rescue and escort POWs back to base; at another, you have to defend the base, etc. From the base, you attack and seize other camps, assist NPCs' advance, achieve objectives... Sounds damn too much for an indie game, right? But I'm willing to pay more for this, lol. - its something I have planned, and we will hopefully have something similar in later version :)
- It's in Nam so, Huey choppers and airstrike would be awesome. - There is a test airstrike in the version you have, Choppers are on the way also

*Sound effect:
- Gun does not have distinctive sounds, even the tank cannon does not sound powerful when firing. - All sounds are Works in progress- Currently, Im the Artist, Sound guy, menu guy, designer, public relations etc for the game, so they will get better soon.
- In-game shouting: Take cover, flank them, medic, I'm dying or simply painful screaming are all welcomed. - Yes this is on the way also
- Footstep sound - I'm not sure though. - They need to be toned down abit
- Music, music, music. - Yes Yes Yes

- In-game instruction is quite lacking; on level 4 I even mistake the booby traps for ammo boxes - lol even though there a pop up saying that I could use flash bang to disable traps. - But that's half the fun! Now you know what a trap looks like if you ever see one again :)
- The objective checklist take quite space in the screen and could not be turned off. - Yep working on it
- If you guys plan to make bigger maps with more mission (there's my dream again), you should consider a map or an arrow for direction. - Working on it :)
- Provided that there are big missions (stop dreaming already), there should be friendly NPCs doing their objects, guarding bases or even being dropped off by choppers to back players up. - Yes this is planned

- So far I really like the game and I would not mind to wait a long long time till the final - perfect - version comes out. Take as much time as you want, quality over... time. - Cool! well we are working on it everyday, so grabbing it now helps up get more stuff in the game for more updates :)
- Hey, most of my feedback are negative, well, let's just say I rarely point out good things. That does not mean the game is bad in anyway; I just have the desire to give you guys as much ideas to improve the game as possible. (I totally acknowledge that this is just an alpha built.) - All good! feedback is perfect and we love it!
- If there is something I am not correct, just tell me, ok? - All good, we are still alpha, and a small team, so lots of things are missing just due to time (We all work full time and do Recruits as a hobby)
- I may add more feedback/suggestions later when the game is more developed. - In the forums please? :)
- Keep up the good work, mate(s). - We will!
- Sorry if I make grammatical mistakes, English is not really my mother tongue. Plus, sorry for the long post. - Better than mine sometimes!

Edited by: 3dRobbo

Aug 21 2012 Anchor

Thanks for the reply, mate.

Aug 21 2012 Anchor

No problems at all, the least I can do for all the suggestions you have made.

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