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Olvand is a little multiplayer sandbox RPG, where the players live in self-built towns and can go on all kinds of adventures together. Imagine living with your friends in a small town in the mountains, or creating a new group of friends in a pub in the metropole you all live in. There will be several mini-games the inhabitants of a server can play together, among which will be combat based games like King of the Hill or Capture the Flag. You will be able to play against other people in your city, or as a city against another city, or as a whole server against another server. The combat works with self-built guns, in which all kinds of powers can be combined to create unique effects.

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Olvand on Linux (Games : Olvand : Forum : Bugs : Olvand on Linux) Locked
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Apr 25 2013 Anchor

I'm a new tester and I use Linux with WINE to "emulate" Windows:it works with most games with correct configuration so I want to test it also with Olvand(just in case you are not thinking about Linux conversion). It installs through Desura but it won't run, so i make it work directly from its directory. When I run Olvand.exe it gives me this error:

Fatal Python error: (pygame parachute) Segmentation FaultTraceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python31\lib\site-packages\pygame\pkgdata.py", line 66, in getResourceIOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Program Files\\Desura\\Common\\olvand\\olvand.exe\\pygame\\freesansbold.ttf'

Do you know what's that about?I would like to test it through Linux so if you don't think to convert it soon, people can use it anyway with WINE at a reasonable speed(some games works even better than in native Windows!!)
Thank you!

Apr 26 2013 Anchor

Wow, thank you for this investigation, that's extremely useful. I think this is the same problem Windows XP users get (first problem here: Indiedb.com), but of course you can't fix the Linux problem by downloading some Microsoft package. I'm going to send you a modified .exe which might fix the problem this weekend. I'll report if it worked on this page, if others are reading this.

Edited by: Woseseltops

Apr 26 2013 Anchor

Thank you for your help. I've installed that file(Windows packages can be installed as WINE fully "emulates" XP). I tried on my Wine version but it was a bit messy(I installed too many libraries), so I tried again on a clean install + Fileconverter package. It started! Now it's time to see if it works or it needs more libraries, I'll go on with tests and keep you updated with bugs or errors.

Apr 26 2013 Anchor

Olvand worked on Linux? YEEEEAAAH! \o/ Great job!

Edited by: Woseseltops

Apr 26 2013 Anchor

Well it started...but it still doesn't work. This is the error I get when trying to log in a server and I get the same error if I host and play. I tried with native Windows and it works so it's not the router, it must be Linux/Wine but I'm making some experiments. Do you have any idea what the log below exactly mean? Maybe it can help me in finding the error source

err:winsock:interface_bind Failed to bind to interface, receiving broadcast packets will not work on socket 02d0.
Opened a client-side port
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Scripts\olvand.py", line 2388, in
File "Scripts\olvand.py", line 814, in handle_events
File "C:\Python31\lib\site-packages\o_functions.py", line 15383, in distrclient
File "C:\Python31\lib\site-packages\o_functions.py", line 12759, in send_message_to_one
socket.error: [Errno 10022] Windows Error 0x%X

Apr 26 2013 Anchor

Ah, I assumed success too soon, too bad :/. This is the info I can get out of the crash report: the client tries to get ready for communication with the server (can be local, over LAN or over the internet), but apparently does this in a 'Windowsy way', which Wine does not understand. When you Google the first line, you get crash reports from other people using Wine for other online games, so we're not alone in this. I haven't found a solution so far.

Anyway, thank you a lot for your experiments so far. We might not have found a solution (yet?), but this still is very insightful. Let me know if you discover more.

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