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Ilhado is a First Person Survival Game. You will have to survive the maximum days possible with all you find in the Island,or find a way to go home.

Forum Thread
Competition Nº1 (Games : Ilhado - Survival : Forum : Competitions : Competition Nº1) Locked
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tiagochefe VoidJogos
Sep 23 2015 Anchor

We are doing lots of objects but there are infinite options for the decorations and Items. Thats why we are making a competition to see the most talented of you boys and girls for designing objects. You can create objects and send me a picture of your work. And the winner, will have the Object in the game, with some modifications to adapt the environment. You can design the object however you want, 2D or 3D.

Design whatever object you want, and if you are the winner, you will have your object in our game. The most realistic design wins . We will put the winner in the credits.

1. This is a simple example of what you can create. You can just design a draw of your object and send me, like i did for this decoration. Or create it in full 3D. Its your choice.

35 BancoBanco no paint

2. You can do whatever you want. This is a roof of a house. There are many styles for just one decoration.

33 Teto com folhas

3. This is a bed with Fern leaves. There are lots of things we can create with just plants and wooden plates.

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4.This is some of the decorations you can craft and get. Everyday we are creating more and more Items and Decorations. There are no limit of what nature can give us, and only us have the creativity to do everything.

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You can send me your designs for my e-mail tiago-chefe@Hotmail.com or send me the link of your Dropbox file.

Or you can post here, and its a easy way for me to see all your work :D

Edited by: tiagochefe



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