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Binarray is a Boolean logic sandbox, which allows you to create circuits. Using the software, you can gain an understanding of logic gates, and how basic components can be combined to create useful devices. What you build is completely up to you - try building a calculator, or really challenge yourself and build a computer!

Forum Thread
Feedback for the new awesome update! (Games : Binarray : Forum : Feature Suggestions : Feedback for the new awesome update!) Locked
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May 3 2016 Anchor

Hi, Thanks a lot for the update, im loving it!!

Heres a bunch of feature I would like to see:

BEEPERS (Awesome feature I like them!):

Having an envelope control for it in the option would be nice (Attack Decay Sustain Release)

That along side a knob component (Just turn it and output a binairy value)

Those 2 feature would allow us to make synthesisers, and this would be REALLY awesome


Having the option to put a Black Background instead of white would be really easy for the eyes as some of us pass hours working on our systems.

May 4 2016 Anchor

I'm glad you like the update!

- Additional beeper options: sure, but it might be split into an additional part

- Knob component: it makes sense to have a component that outputs a binary you specify, so sure

- Black background: circuits would looks pretty cool on a black background

Thanks for your support as always, TheStatPow.

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